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Date Posted:2022-05-03 09:27:30Copy HTML

May 3, 1942

FDR signs Executive Order 9066 which orders the internment of 112,000 Japanese/Americans to 10 camps. Mostly from the West Coast of the U.S. & thought to be sympathetic to Japanese interests.

Canadian internment camps

Image result for japanese internment camps canada ww2   Japanese-Canadian internment camp museum created in Sunshine Valley ...

Live respected, die regretted
tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #76
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Date Posted:2022-05-14 10:58:37Copy HTML

January 1945 How big was the U.S. Navy on this date you ask? Well the answer is about 61,045 ships & 37,000 aircraft. Battleship 23 Carriers 100 Cruisers 5 Destroyer 425 Destroyer Escorts 400 Subs 247 Landing craft assault 54,000
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Date Posted:2022-05-14 11:02:01Copy HTML

Don Carlos, Prince of Asturias (b. 1545; d. 1568), was an unfortunate result of incest which seemed to plague the Spanish monarchy.

The Spanish and Austrian Habsburgs tended to intermarry, especially after the Reformation which reduced the pool of suitable Catholic partners. As a result, particularly in Spain, they ended up with some rulers barely able to function as humans into the 17th century.  

I have noticed that before & posted about it. Same here in West Virginia.

MarkUK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #78
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Date Posted:2022-05-14 12:28:27Copy HTML

14 May 1922 - Franjo Tuđman, President of Croatia 1990-99, born. 100 years ago today.

The first President of the post-Communist Croatia. As leader of the Croatian Democratic Alliance he won a majority in the 1990 election becoming President of the Socialist Republic of Croatia, autonomous within the rapidly disintegrating Yugoslavia. 

He organized a referendum on independence in May 1991 which resulted in 93.2% in favour and an independent Republic was proclaimed the following month. A war with the rump Yugoslavia/Serbia erupted which lasted for four years with over 23,000 from both sides dead or missing. Peace was proclaimed in 1995. 

He died in 1999.

Croatia Tries to Clear Ex-President Tudjman's Name | Balkan Insight  

You're playing chess with Fate and Fate's winning. Arnold Bennett
pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #79
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Date Posted:2022-05-14 08:22:20Copy HTML

14 May 1922 - Franjo Tuđman, President of Croatia 1990-99, born. 100 years ago today.

The first President of the post-Communist Croatia. As leader of the Croatian Democratic Alliance he won a majority in the 1990 election becoming President of the Socialist Republic of Croatia, autonomous within the rapidly disintegrating Yugoslavia. 

He organized a referendum on independence in May 1991 which resulted in 93.2% in favour and an independent Republic was proclaimed the following month. A war with the rump Yugoslavia/Serbia erupted which lasted for four years with over 23,000 from both sides dead or missing. Peace was proclaimed in 1995. 

He died in 1999.

Croatia Tries to Clear Ex-President Tudjman's Name | Balkan Insight  

Their was a lot of Genicide carried out in that war. The Canadians were always coming across mass graves and having to dig them up to be examined and documented. It was the first time since the second war that people were tried on war crimes and convicted.

MarkUK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #80
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Date Posted:2022-05-14 08:33:38Copy HTML

As each country fought for independence from Serbia/Yugoslavia the wars became increasingly bloody and violent. Slovenia had a fairly easy ride, Croatia found it harder then Bosnia had the toughest fight of all. 

You're playing chess with Fate and Fate's winning. Arnold Bennett
pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #81
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Date Posted:2022-05-14 09:16:45Copy HTML

As each country fought for independence from Serbia/Yugoslavia the wars became increasingly bloody and violent. Slovenia had a fairly easy ride, Croatia found it harder then Bosnia had the toughest fight of all. 

I had a close friend in the Airborne Field Engineers who spent 3 tours there in charge of the Canadian EOD teams.( Explosive Ordnance Disposal ). He said every one was laying mines out and no where was safe to walk.. School yards, path ways, in fields with live stock, houses, barns etc. No one seemed to know or remember where they had layed their own mines which made it worse. A lot of civilians did find then though, but the hard way. Was not Diana over there after the war?

tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #82
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Date Posted:2022-05-15 01:28:26Copy HTML

May 14, 1804

The Lewis & Clark expedition started. President Jefferson ordered to map a water route to the Pacific for the newly acquired Louisiana Purchase by the United Sates.

Live respected, die regretted
pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #83
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Date Posted:2022-05-15 06:28:31Copy HTML

May 14, 1804

The Lewis & Clark expedition started. President Jefferson ordered to map a water route to the Pacific for the newly acquired Louisiana Purchase by the United Sates.

Johnny come latelys again Tommy I'm afraid.

Alexander Mackenzie followed this advice of natives and reached the Pacific coast on 20 July 1793, at Bella Coola, British Columbia, on North Bentinck Arm, an inlet of the Pacific Ocean.[17] Having done this, he had completed the first recorded transcontinental crossing of North America north of Mexico, 12 years before Lewis and Clark. He had unknowingly missed meeting George Vancouver at Bella Coola by 48 days. He also explored many of the rivers lending up to the Arctic Ocean. 

By Sea, the Spanards and Russians were first, followed by Cook and Vancouver to explore the west coast of the continent from Alaska to California looking for the north west passage. None of them managed to find it. Both Mackenzie and Lewis and Clark were smart enough to use native guides. If not, they would all still be out there.

MarkUK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #84
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Date Posted:2022-05-15 07:55:50Copy HTML

As each country fought for independence from Serbia/Yugoslavia the wars became increasingly bloody and violent. Slovenia had a fairly easy ride, Croatia found it harder then Bosnia had the toughest fight of all. 

I had a close friend in the Airborne Field Engineers who spent 3 tours there in charge of the Canadian EOD teams.( Explosive Ordnance Disposal ). He said every one was laying mines out and no where was safe to walk.. School yards, path ways, in fields with live stock, houses, barns etc. No one seemed to know or remember where they had layed their own mines which made it worse. A lot of civilians did find then though, but the hard way. Was not Diana over there after the war?

She was filmed in anti-mine operations in Angola the year she was killed. 

MarkUK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #85
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Date Posted:2022-05-15 08:04:07Copy HTML

15 May 1922 - Sir Leslie Ward "Spy" died. 100 years ago today.

Under the pseudonym "Spy" Ward was chief caricaturist for the British magazine Vanity Fair 1873-1911 during which time he produced over 1300 portraits of society figures, Royalty, politicians, the Arts etc. They were generally sympathetic drawings with little or no malice. 

He was knighted in 1918.

Mark Twain by Spy 1908.

Spy cartoon of Mark Twain, entitled Below the Mark  

You're playing chess with Fate and Fate's winning. Arnold Bennett
pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #86
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Date Posted:2022-05-15 08:37:45Copy HTML

As each country fought for independence from Serbia/Yugoslavia the wars became increasingly bloody and violent. Slovenia had a fairly easy ride, Croatia found it harder then Bosnia had the toughest fight of all. 

I had a close friend in the Airborne Field Engineers who spent 3 tours there in charge of the Canadian EOD teams.( Explosive Ordnance Disposal ). He said every one was laying mines out and no where was safe to walk.. School yards, path ways, in fields with live stock, houses, barns etc. No one seemed to know or remember where they had layed their own mines which made it worse. A lot of civilians did find then though, but the hard way. Was not Diana over there after the war?

She was filmed in anti-mine operations in Angola the year she was killed. 

Your right Mark, it was Angola.

tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #87
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Date Posted:2022-05-15 11:23:03Copy HTML

May 13, 1846 President James Polk convinces congress to declare war on Mexico. It started as a border dispute & escalated into a full scale war which ended in 1848 with the U.S. gaining territories as far as California. This was part of the doctrine of Manifest Destiny which set the boundaries of the U.S. from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #88
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Date Posted:2022-05-15 11:44:04Copy HTML

15 May 1922 - Sir Leslie Ward "Spy" died. 100 years ago today.

Under the pseudonym "Spy" Ward was chief caricaturist for the British magazine Vanity Fair 1873-1911 during which time he produced over 1300 portraits of society figures, Royalty, politicians, the Arts etc. They were generally sympathetic drawings with little or no malice. 

He was knighted in 1918.

Mark Twain by Spy 1908.

Spy cartoon of Mark Twain, entitled Below the Mark  

Generally sympathetic eh? Not a common trait for journalism in the British press.

tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #89
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Date Posted:2022-05-15 11:54:37Copy HTML

Election Season We are currently in the home stretch for the upcoming elections in November & all the the hollow promises by the political wind-bags are in full "gag." The same people who closed your businesses & ruined your careers are now asking to keep their jobs by re-electing them. My Representative forced to resign after a sex scandal has landed a big job with a lobbying firm in Washington D.C. Not a bad 12 year run eh?
MarkUK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #90
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Date Posted:2022-05-15 12:09:12Copy HTML

The home stretch! It's still six months away! Over here the home stretch would begin in October, although of course politicians would be quietly trying to indoctrinate us to their way of thinking from late summer, we consider three months the maximum we allow our politicians to get into our heads. 

You're playing chess with Fate and Fate's winning. Arnold Bennett
tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #91
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Date Posted:2022-05-15 12:20:36Copy HTML

1910-Halley's Comet While enough was known to predict its arrival rumors about the dangers persisted. People bought comet umbrellas & anti-comet pills in an attempt to protect themselves from it. How gullible eh? Fast forward to today & the Virus. Get your shots, then a booster, then another booster, then get the virus, then wait until next year for the next round of mandates for more more shots & more boosters. I gullible eh?
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #92
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Date Posted:2022-05-15 12:27:56Copy HTML

When you have an industry as voraciously avarice as the covid industry, it needs constant feeding.
MarkUK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #93
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Date Posted:2022-05-15 12:44:53Copy HTML

1910-Halley's Comet While enough was known to predict its arrival rumors about the dangers persisted. People bought comet umbrellas & anti-comet pills in an attempt to protect themselves from it. How gullible eh? Fast forward to today & the Virus. Get your shots, then a booster, then another booster, then get the virus, then wait until next year for the next round of mandates for more more shots & more boosters. I gullible eh?

Sounds perfectly reasonable and acceptable to me (the covid bit not Halley's Comet) I'll have any jab and booster available so long as it keeps the threat of lockdown and masks away. 

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #94
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Date Posted:2022-05-15 06:26:19Copy HTML

May 13, 1846 President James Polk convinces congress to declare war on Mexico. It started as a border dispute & escalated into a full scale war which ended in 1848 with the U.S. gaining territories as far as California. This was part of the doctrine of Manifest Destiny which set the boundaries of the U.S. from the Atlantic to the Pacific.

I was watching a programme on the railways in North America, both US and Canada and the narrator believed that without the invention of the steam train, both Canada and the US would be more than one country, maybe up to three in each. The railways unified them both in a way nothing else ever could have because they connected both nations from end to end.

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #95
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Date Posted:2022-05-15 08:47:10Copy HTML

Manifest Destiny was not just from east to west Tommy. You forgot about earlier in 1812 when America thought it could take Upper and Lower Canada by just marching in with a band playing Yankee doodle and the locals would be in the streets cheering you on.

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #96
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Date Posted:2022-05-15 09:06:50Copy HTML

I was watching a programme on the railways in North America, both US and Canada and the narrator believed that without the invention of the steam train, both Canada and the US would be more than one country, maybe up to three in each. The railways unified them both in a way nothing else ever could have because they connected both nations from end to end.

The railway did unit our Nation from east to west and Provinces in the west wouldn't join the Confederation unless one was going to be put in place. It wasn't an easy project to take on with the shear size of the country and a lot of the terrain that has to be crossed. There was also a shortage of man power to take on such a job and that's where the Chinese workers enter the picture. Canada remembered American and the war of 1812 and knew if a rail line wasn't built with speed from east to west we would be facing Manefest Destiny in our west. Travel from east to west took months and was done by water when it could but a rail line right across was what really opened up the country to settlement and the moving of goods and trade both ways.

Australia was also vast in size and a railroad system is what opened it up from north to south. India was the same and also Africa. The train opened up all countries around the world when you really think about it.

tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #97
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Date Posted:2022-05-16 12:12:09Copy HTML

May 12, 1962 An aging Douglas MacArthur gave his famous "duty, honor, country" speech to the graduating class of West Point. MacArthur was 82 years old at the time and in frail health. The old general was first in his graduation class way back when.
tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #98
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Date Posted:2022-05-16 12:28:12Copy HTML

Current To Pete: What the hell is the matter with the Leafs? Can't close out game 7 at home? This is five game 7's in a row where they folded. Barry Melrose is confounded as well.
tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #99
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Date Posted:2022-05-16 12:31:11Copy HTML

Manifest Destiny was not just from east to west Tommy. You forgot about earlier in 1812 when America thought it could take Upper and Lower Canada by just marching in with a band playing Yankee doodle and the locals would be in the streets cheering you on.

Well I guess we figured Canada was not worth fighting for eh? 

tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #100
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Date Posted:2022-05-16 03:11:29Copy HTML

May 15, 1800 President John Adams orders the federal government to shift quarters from Philadelphia to Washington D.C. On their first week in the White House First Lady Abigail Adams hung her laundry on a line to dry it what was to become the East Room. There were 125 federal employees at the time. Oh how the times have changed eh?
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