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Date Posted:2022-06-25 06:44:44Copy HTML

Keeping an eye on the political supremacist cult that is Islam.

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #176
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Date Posted:2024-07-29 11:09:56Copy HTML

There is a pub near to me called the Saracen's Head and has a big ugly head over the front door. I think that head's for the chop now, which is rather appropriate and cultural when you think about it..
tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #177
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Date Posted:2024-07-29 11:27:02Copy HTML

Ah yes, put the old simitar to good use.
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #178
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Date Posted:2024-07-31 07:48:13Copy HTML

5% of the entire Syrian population now live in Germany and 70% of those are living on the state. Their Afghan population has rocketed to half a million with 50% of those living on the state, with another 10,000 earmarked to arrive in the next twelve months. 5.5 million of their muslim imports do not have German citizenship. The cost of their politicians suicide wish is 50 billion Euros a year.
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #179
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Date Posted:2024-08-05 08:39:56Copy HTML

There has been muslim rampages and riots going on in many parts of the country today and the words 'far right' haven't raised their head yet. It would appear only whites can be called far right but the most far right cult in this country is never labelled as such. The police are noticeable by their absence and muslims are just allowed to take over the streets. The hypocrisy of the police and media is sickening
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #180
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Date Posted:2024-08-06 07:41:05Copy HTML

Elon Musk has said that Britain is heading for civil war but I think Europe will beat us to it. Kier Stasi replied that he would not tolerate attacks on muslims or muslim communities, to which Musk retorted "Shouldn't you be concerned about attacks on all communities?" Touché! Things will soon calm down but the message is out in the open now, people are sick of Islamic violence, unwarranted influence and preferential treatment in just about every walk of life. Do they honestly think this trouble was spontaneous? It's been simmering for a few years now and if the British had the tolerance values of the muslims they would have been rioting years ago. Even the raping of thousands of young girls failed to cause it, now that's what you call tolerance, whereas with muslims the simplest possible offence is the starting pistol for mob violence and rule.
MarkUK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #181
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Date Posted:2024-08-06 07:47:46Copy HTML

An exaggeration, there are no "Muslim rampages", some Asian groups are out for sure either looking for trouble or patrolling their area, but not on the scale of violence we've seen from the yobs recently. GB News, the station most likely to come up with Muslim extremist stories, could only find one piece of film of an Asian mob stoning a pub and off licence. 

I sense it's more of the "summer madness" we get every few years rather than an outbreak of prolonged mass disruption. The fact that the cretins are all caught on film, as is the case with everything these days, means it'll be easier to arrest and imprison them.   

You're playing chess with Fate and Fate's winning. Arnold Bennett
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #182
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Date Posted:2024-08-06 08:25:45Copy HTML

Mark, there has been a dozen muslim rampages over the weekend but they are never reported, never shown. You can find them on youtube but you won't find them on our state controlled media. You can condemn the rioters but guess who is on over 94% of MI5's watchlist? Clue, it's none of those.
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #183
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Date Posted:2024-08-06 08:49:14Copy HTML

Destruction of property has always been the preserve of the lefty rioters and for this lot to follow suite in places is not only a home goal, it's totally unacceptable. Nobody does their cause worse harm than to destroy people's property and businesses. However, when you get the youth involved in such matters it always goes awry because too many of them are there solely for trouble and not a cause. Others claim it's the only way you get the government to take notice and muslims have always known and used violence, or the threat of violence, as a way to get local and national governments to back down and it's worked for them every time.
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #184
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Date Posted:2024-08-06 08:52:10Copy HTML


Our noble leader and deputy PM taking the knee to BLM, even though their rioting and destruction had caused chaos in many places.

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #185
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Date Posted:2024-08-06 09:42:25Copy HTML

Democrats in Hamtramck, Michigan are having buyer’s remorse right now because their once celebrated all Muslim City Council is wielding power to dismantle their LGBTQ sanctuary. Local left-wingers, who enjoyed the Detroit enclave as a stronghold of progressive values and tolerance, are quickly learning that their new Muslim Democrat masters have different plans for their city, and they aren’t happy. Ha! They never learn that their sacred cows aren't quite as sacred as they first thought and no matter how many precedences are set for them, they naively think it will be different next time.
tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #186
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Date Posted:2024-08-06 10:21:44Copy HTML

An exaggeration, there are no "Muslim rampages", some Asian groups are out for sure either looking for trouble or patrolling their area, but not on the scale of violence we've seen from the yobs recently. GB News, the station most likely to come up with Muslim extremist stories, could only find one piece of film of an Asian mob stoning a pub and off licence. 

I sense it's more of the "summer madness" we get every few years rather than an outbreak of prolonged mass disruption. The fact that the cretins are all caught on film, as is the case with everything these days, means it'll be easier to arrest and imprison them.   

Yobs? Please advise. 

MarkUK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #187
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Date Posted:2024-08-06 11:30:34Copy HTML

A slang term for a riotous, noisy, troublemaker, usually young. It comes from backward boy (boy,yob). In the US you might say punk.

Let's look on the bright side - recent events will really make the government think about the strength of feeling out there. Plus it might deter some foreigners from coming here if they think they'll be caught up in a race riot, see not all bad! 

You're playing chess with Fate and Fate's winning. Arnold Bennett
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #188
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Date Posted:2024-08-06 07:24:30Copy HTML

The Labour government has announced a suspension of weapons to Israel. I think funding too. They are just following their Islamic orders. I've never understood why socialists hate Jews and the labour party is split between those who hate them and those who despise them
tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #189
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Date Posted:2024-08-06 08:02:54Copy HTML

Well Major, there is some controversy in the current Olympics because the Russians were banned for the invasion of Ukraine, but Israel was not for the invasion of Gaza.
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #190
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Date Posted:2024-08-06 08:25:18Copy HTML

Meanwhile, two tier Keir has announced the creation of a "standing army of specialist officers" to "protect mosques" and the Muslim community, which means he has openly taken sides in this matter. Protect mosques? Has he any idea just how many Christian churches have been desecrated and vandalised over the last decade? He's also announced proposals to restrict the movement of those he considers a threat to muslims, pity he couldn't restrict the movement of illegal immigrants, which has now reached a further 3000 plus since he arrived in number 10. The media has tried to tell us that the sole inhabitants of hundreds of our hotels are scared of what's going on, well if they are they don't look it, as many in Rotherham have posted pics of them brandishing swords, clubs and what else and looking mighty smug about the whole thing, well they do have the government and apparatus of the state on their side. Rotherham is the town you'll remember, where "the authorities" that's police, politicians, and social workers all turned a blind eye for years to the industrial scale gang rape and sex-slavery of white English girls by Pakistani Muslim predators. 1400 girls, many of them just kids, 11 or 12 were nothing but sex slaves to the male muslim community and the message the police and the rest put out to them was just lie back and think of diversity. They jailed a token few but allowed hundreds to walk scot free.I despise them for it.
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #191
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Date Posted:2024-08-06 08:29:46Copy HTML

Well Major, there is some controversy in the current Olympics because the Russians were banned for the invasion of Ukraine, but Israel was not for the invasion of Gaza.

Because the Russians invaded Ukraine without provocation, whereas the Israelis invaded Palestine following the attack on them, their territory and people, resulting in mass rape of both men and women and the murder of 1400 people, including children and babies. Would you go to war for that?

tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #192
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Date Posted:2024-08-06 09:12:28Copy HTML

Two tier Kier. I like it.
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #193
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Date Posted:2024-08-07 07:40:53Copy HTML

It's the nickname he's acquired for his two tier policing system. Take yesterday for instance, there were around 400 police assigned to face off against anti immigration protesters in various towns and cities whilst in Rotherham hundreds of muslims gathered, dozens of them were screaming around the streets in cars, other attacked two pubs and wrecked them and not a single none muslim dared step out of their front door. Guess how many coppers they had looking over them? Answer, well not a single one in sight, not one. Labour has tried its best over the years to portray the flag of St George as racist, only for knuckle draggers. It's a programme that stared after the war when the English flag all but disappeared. Growing up I had no idea we had one, never seen one. Seen thousands of Welsh and Scottish flags but never an English one and even today, labour surrenderists still always associate it with a toxic nationalism. You will never see an English flag at a socialist meeting
tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #194
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Date Posted:2024-08-07 09:33:14Copy HTML

What about your union flag? We have discussed the flag situation on these boards before. Seems like display of the flag is a much bigger deal over here. We have state flags as well, with some of the southern one's having some confederate symbols which are interpreted as "racist" by some.
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #195
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Date Posted:2024-08-07 12:33:27Copy HTML

I've just watched film of muslim rioters from yesterday wrecking shops, cars and attacking people in the streets and unlike film of the other side rioting, the muslim rioters' faces were 'obscured' by somebody, the TV company or by government edict, who knows. They were also screaming around roundabouts and the streets in cars and when the police are asked why didn't they arrest them, know what they said? We don't know who they are. Hello Mc Fly, have you police ever heard of car registration numbers? And the police commissioner has said today they don't operate a two tier system..... bollocks.
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #196
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Date Posted:2024-08-07 12:37:36Copy HTML

What about your union flag? We have discussed the flag situation on these boards before. Seems like display of the flag is a much bigger deal over here. We have state flags as well, with some of the southern one's having some confederate symbols which are interpreted as "racist" by some.

You'll see the Union flag and the Welsh and Scottish flags flown everywhere in those countries but the English flag has only slowly raised its head over the last twenty years.

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #197
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Date Posted:2024-08-07 01:00:39Copy HTML

Makes me puke. There's just been another virtue signaller on saying how they're going to fast track through the courts those arrested rioting against illegal immigration recently and they will, straight in, straight out to jail. My question is, why are there illegal immigrants housed in hotels right now, who have been here for years awaiting a hearing on them, couldn't they have been fast tracked instead?
tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #198
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Date Posted:2024-08-07 06:44:24Copy HTML

What about your union flag? We have discussed the flag situation on these boards before. Seems like display of the flag is a much bigger deal over here. We have state flags as well, with some of the southern one's having some confederate symbols which are interpreted as "racist" by some.

You'll see the Union flag and the Welsh and Scottish flags flown everywhere in those countries but the English flag has only slowly raised its head over the last twenty years.

Now you are confusing me again, Major. This is a discussion/argument I have had with my ex's uncle John for years. Him calling Scotland a country. My question was, do you need a passport to go from England to Scotland, do you have to clear customs, is your money different? Answer to all was no. My response was then Scotland is not a country but part of the UK. He got red & started screaming, a most unlikeable fellow. This is also a peeve I have when fishing up in Quebec. No maple leaf flags just the fleur-de-lis. I find that sort of thing disrespectable. 

tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #199
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Date Posted:2024-08-07 06:53:08Copy HTML

I've just watched film of muslim rioters from yesterday wrecking shops, cars and attacking people in the streets and unlike film of the other side rioting, the muslim rioters' faces were 'obscured' by somebody, the TV company or by government edict, who knows. They were also screaming around roundabouts and the streets in cars and when the police are asked why didn't they arrest them, know what they said? We don't know who they are. Hello Mc Fly, have you police ever heard of car registration numbers? And the police commissioner has said today they don't operate a two tier system..... bollocks.

In days gone by we would arrest them on the spot. Take them back to H.Q., fingerprint, mug shot, & if they had no I.D. or we couldn't prove identity they went to the can until we could. How things have changed. 

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #200
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Date Posted:2024-08-07 07:05:44Copy HTML

The 800 year old Yorkminster has now been surrounded by concrete blocks for the first time in its history. Why do you think that is? Nobody in authority appears able to have even a guess at it.
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