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Date Posted:2022-06-25 06:44:44

Keeping an eye on the political supremacist cult that is Islam.

majorshrapnel #1

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Date Posted:2022-06-25 06:57:21

And we're off! In Norway a muslim nutter has run amok in a gay bar, killing two and injuring 19 others. Now, here's the paradox for the left, they worship Islam but Islam despises homosexuals and regularly kills them. So, who's going to finally end up on the left's winning side? Islam or homosexuals, as they can't lick the privates of both, although they will wear their knees out trying.
majorshrapnel #2

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Date Posted:2022-06-29 10:38:07

It's truly nauseating to see the lengths to which the Norwegian media and various politicians are going to blame everybody and anything for that man's crime. The word Islam is strictly off limits on every media outlet. Yesterday at speaker's corner, which celebrated its 150th year, a person was arrested by police and carried off, know why? Because some muslims complained to the police that the T shirt he was wearing was racist and offensive and the police dutifully removed him seemingly on their orders. Know what the T-shirt advertised, the Charlie Hebdo massacre. Meanwhile in Britain, the muslim that sold the hundreds of underage children around various gangs of muslims, who gang raped them, has won his appeal against deportation back to Pakistan. He told the judge his son needed him as a role model. Europe is lost.
shula #3

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Date Posted:2022-06-30 02:21:41

That is truly sick.  Is this the same incident that after the killing, the president (or whatever title rules Norway) assured the muslim community that they would be protected?
majorshrapnel #4

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Date Posted:2022-07-04 08:14:53

It has come as somewhat of a shock to me today to discover that 10% of English regional councillors are now muslim.
tommytalldog #5

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Date Posted:2022-07-04 10:28:56

It has come as somewhat of a shock to me today to discover that 10% of English regional councillors are now muslim.

Convert now Art. 

majorshrapnel #6

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Date Posted:2022-07-04 10:47:12

People in the past always used to complain that the Jews always recruited and kept everything it could within the Jewish community, Islam does exactly the same on a grander scale. They are aided and abetted by the left because they are their favourite victim group at the moment and there is nothing they can say about women, gays and Jews that could render them as bad guys in their eyes and are totally unaware that they will become the victims one day. For some utterly unfathomable reason they are above criticism and something beyond criticism is beyond change. The building and opening of mosques is directly proportional to the amount of muslim councillors a city or town has. Why? Because when a council has many muslim councillors it can render planning permission with little or no opposition.
tommytalldog #7

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Date Posted:2022-07-04 01:25:04

People in the past always used to complain that the Jews always recruited and kept everything it could within the Jewish community, Islam does exactly the same on a grander scale. They are aided and abetted by the left because they are their favourite victim group at the moment and there is nothing they can say about women, gays and Jews that could render them as bad guys in their eyes and are totally unaware that they will become the victims one day. For some utterly unfathomable reason they are above criticism and something beyond criticism is beyond change. The building and opening of mosques is directly proportional to the amount of muslim councillors a city or town has. Why? Because when a council has many muslim councillors it can render planning permission with little or no opposition.

Yep, the Jews, Islamists, Amish, & Scots are all cliquey & not to be trusted. 

majorshrapnel #8

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Date Posted:2022-07-05 05:43:32

Mohammed is the most popular boy's name in Britain now. Your John's and Peters are a thing of the past. Aluha akbar.
shula #9

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Date Posted:2022-07-07 02:12:56

Young British mothers should start naming their daughters Mohammad.  The most popular boy's name in America right now is Liam.  Also popular are Benjamin and Noah. 
pbandrew3rd #10

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Date Posted:2022-07-18 08:47:00

That is truly sick.  Is this the same incident that after the killing, the president (or whatever title rules Norway) assured the muslim community that they would be protected?

Geez girl what right wing news agency to you find this at. It's Turkey that said this. Remember that the Turks and Kurks never got along. Nothing to do with Norway. The muslims are protected in America, so why wouldn't Norway protect any that were living in their country. These same Kurks were backed by both America and Canada in the war in Syria.

Ankara said it is not against enlargement of the alliance but has security concerns over the two countries

Sweden’s parliament confirmed on Monday that it will request NATO membership amid fears that Turkey could delay the Nordic country, along with Finland, from joining the military alliance. But analysts have told The Media Line that Ankara is unlikely to veto their applications.

Turkey is seeking concessions from the two countries whose governments have said they want to join NATO following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

There are fears over the prospect that Turkey could block Finland’s and Sweden’s applications to join NATO, after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Friday that he did not have a positive opinion on them becoming members of the alliance.

Turkey’s Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said on Sunday that he met with the foreign ministers of Sweden and Finland.

He criticized the two countries for what he said was their support for terrorist organizations and limits imposed on selling arms to Turkey.

“Countries which give support to terror or [implement] such policies about us we believe should not be NATO members,’’ Cavusoglu said.

Officials in Finland said on Sunday that they would be willing to talk with Erdogan about the concerns.

Turkish officials have pointed to what they say is the presence in Europe of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), a group in Turkey that is recognized as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the United States, and the European Union.

SYRIA: Turkey, the Kurds and NATO explained

There is a growing confusion over the situation in the north-east of Syria – Turkey, a NATO member state, is de facto challenging other NATO member states by attacking a U.S proxy force occupying the region. The Kurdish contras and separtist factions that make up the SDF (Syrian Democratic Forces) are the apparent target.

majorshrapnel #11

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Date Posted:2022-08-06 08:58:19

Here's a question for you, what's the penalty for being 'too American?' Well if you're a muslim girl it's death, but not murder, oh no siree, in Islam it's a honour killing, which makes it ok and as they say in their defence in Islam, Allah made me do it. Now, although this vile piece of unnatural behaviour might horrify an ordinary human being, it doesn't completely horrify musims and I'll bet you your last quid that if they were to secretly ballot every muslim living in the US right now, there would be a majority of them who approve of the action and an overwhelming majority who 'understand' the action. Don't ballot the rest of the population because multiculturalism is a one way street and the left aren't interested in what others have to say about it, as they are also part of the understanders and are fully compliant with their cultural expectations. I presume you've all seen the story of the muslim who murdered his 17 and 18 year old daughters for being too American? Makes you wonder how such an affliction could strike such people? Couldn't be the fact they were raised there could it? Y'know, the father leaves the shithole he was born in and goes to a country where he can live in safety from his own kind and raise a family in comparative wealth, which actually makes him an accessory to the fact. Just what did the idiot expect?
majorshrapnel #12

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Date Posted:2022-08-08 08:44:17

Iran's commander of the revolutionary guard has unfortunately let slip the fact that Iran has supplied Palestine's Hezbollocks with 100,000 missiles, all for Israel. Now, knowing of the natural affliction of compulsive lying that infests Iranian officials, we can take that figure as wrong, but how wrong is almost impossible to know and considering he may just believe a bullet is actually a missile I'd say it was 75% correct.
majorshrapnel #13

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Date Posted:2022-08-08 08:54:40

As you know, the moment brain dead got into the White House he dismantled all of Trumps policies to prevent Iran getting a nuclear weapon. I mean, what's wrong with Iran getting a nuclear weapon, what could possibly go wrong? Iran's revolutionary guard's mullahs have vowed to turn New York into a hellhole when they achieve a nuclear capability but I think somebody needs to tell them that the Dems have beaten them to it. However, their open threats are a manifest example of their new and open contempt for the US, so ably nurtured by Biden.
majorshrapnel #14

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Date Posted:2022-08-20 07:32:58

Today is the anniversary of one of Islam's most noble achievements. In 2016 they courageously got a small boy and strapped a bomb to him and sent him into a wedding in Turkey. He detonated killing 57 people, including 22 other children just like him. Praise be to allah, what an amazing victory for Islam. Thing is, did you know about this utterly brutal act? No is the answer, as quite frankly they are so common in Islam it's hard to raise an eyebrow over them.
tommytalldog #15

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Date Posted:2022-08-20 11:36:03

Today is the anniversary of one of Islam's most noble achievements. In 2016 they courageously got a small boy and strapped a bomb to him and sent him into a wedding in Turkey. He detonated killing 57 people, including 22 other children just like him. Praise be to allah, what an amazing victory for Islam. Thing is, did you know about this utterly brutal act? No is the answer, as quite frankly they are so common in Islam it's hard to raise an eyebrow over them.

As posted a couple of weeks ago, Rushdie was savagely knifed at Chautauqua Institute & was near death for awhile. His assailant was an American Muslim & authorities have not figured out his motive as of yet. Of course he used a knife & sharp instruments are a favorite of Muslim extremists. 

tommytalldog #16

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Date Posted:2022-08-21 10:14:05

As I have posted before, a friend of mine is in the 10th Mountain Division & was recently deployed to Somalia. There has been another Muslim atrocity there with scores killed.
majorshrapnel #17

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Date Posted:2022-08-22 08:21:17

Here is the religions of peace's July tally Attacks 31 Killed 164 Injured 74 Suicide Blasts 2 Countries 12 Sweden has attempted to put a policy into action to prevent the colonialisation of further parts of their country. They have areas which are almost 100% Somali, or 100% Lebanese etc etc. The socialists, who are responsible for the suicide of their nation, are outraged by this policy yet when their own kind gather into their own communities they condemn them as racists.
majorshrapnel #18

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Date Posted:2022-08-24 09:46:13

Following on from the attempted murder of Salman Rushdie, an act universally condoned throughout the Muslim world, murder being its main industry, the President of the Society for Engineers and Technologists of Pakistan has openly advertised for the head of Dutch politician Gert Wilders, offering $20,000,000. What’s his crime? He has for years openly condemned Islam’s violence. I know what you’re thinking, what makes Gert think Islam is violent? Now, here’s the crux of the problem, absolutely nobody has condemned this threat of paid for murder. You can, and somebody has, gotten three years in prison in Britain for dumping a pig’s head on the doorstep of a mosque here but the threat of political murder by a leading Muslim doesn’t even make the back page of a single newspaper, never mind the halls of academia or perish the thought, the law.
majorshrapnel #19

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Date Posted:2022-09-05 08:18:57

I've just seen the mass stabbings in Canada. Any bets?
MarkUK #20

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Date Posted:2022-09-05 08:22:54

It looks like a pair of native Americans on a rampage. Most of the dead will be family I suspect, plus a few unfortunates who got in the way.  

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