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Date Posted:2022-06-25 06:44:44Copy HTML

Keeping an eye on the political supremacist cult that is Islam.

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #101
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Date Posted:2023-11-13 09:28:33Copy HTML

Israel is adamant that this time they will eradicate Hamas and its network in Gaza once and for all. It is systematically tearing its infrastructure to pieces, destroying the vast tunnel system and killing all of its leaders. Goodness knows just how many of them are buried in tunnels awaiting a slow death. What a total waste of time and vast amounts of international donated cash those tunnels were. Wherever these people go they create trouble. They were a danger to Kuwait with their constant scheming and destabilisation so Kuwait kicked out 300,000 of them. Those that went to Jordon formed their own army within its host nation and were no end of trouble, even plotting to assassinate the Jordanian royal family and even assassinating their PM. Out they went and settled in Lebanon, a country known as the Paris of the East, a beautiful, stable country with a huge holiday industry and they immediately set about removing westerners and destabilising the country, eventually plunging it into a very bloody civil war. They are just no good. Arab countries have made the mistake of thinking they can use and manipulate them in the never ending war with Israel but it always ends up the other way around, Palestinians use them. Countries in the middle east might pretend they care about Palestinians but they don't, which is why in this present crisis none of them let them in.
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #102
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Date Posted:2023-11-15 08:17:20Copy HTML

In Israel they are showing the way once more at home. Muslims in their country who have posted online support for that rape and murder of Jews by Hamas have been visited by police and told to pack up, they're going to be deported to the shithole they've just supported. As you can imagine, they freak out at the thought of having to go back and live in the Hamas controlled Gaza and can you blame them? Well I can.
tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #103
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Date Posted:2023-11-16 12:54:43Copy HTML

What's the point of international law if no one obeys it? asked Ibrahim Shaahan. Israel has committed war crimes during its monthlong war against Hamas. It has hit medical centers, demolished residential neighborhoods, shelled dozens of mosques, turned two refugee camps into craters, & cut off 2 million people from food. Seventy percent of the nearly 10,000 people killed in Gaza are women & children & Israel callously calls them collateral damage. Europeans spent years a diplomacy crafting human rights treaties, yet now European governments stand by silently as Israel shreds them. Of course, we can hardly expect the U.S. to speak up given its long record of international crimes in Latin America, its torture camps like Abu Ghraib, & its history of bombing other countries. International law apparently doesn't apply to the U.S. or to its proxy Israel. Source Al Quds The fair & balanced Tommy
MarkUK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #104
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Date Posted:2023-11-16 03:09:29Copy HTML

10,000 killed is an obvious exaggeration, Hamas produce an exact figure every day, too exact to be credible.  

You're playing chess with Fate and Fate's winning. Arnold Bennett
tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #105
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Date Posted:2023-11-21 07:23:02Copy HTML

What is Hezbollah? A Shiite Muslim political party & militant group based in Lebanon. Backed by Iran & has a lucrative smuggling & money-laundering operation. Has dozens of lawmakers in the Lebanese parliament & runs an extensive network of social services, including clinics, schools, & youth programs. It has some 20,000 active fighters & 30,000 reservists & a massive arsenal of small arms, drones, rockets & missiles. Formed in 1982 after Israel occupied southern Lebanon & sought to quash the Palestinian militants based there. Their purpose is to eradicate Israel.
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #106
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Date Posted:2023-11-21 08:41:47Copy HTML

People think that all muslims are somehow bonded by faith, which couldn't be further from the truth but Islam intends to keep it that way, why tell the dumb lefty b'stards of the west they're not? Sunni and Shia, the two branches of Islam, are sworn enemies and have been at war since Mohammed died. His immediate son was the archetypal inbred muslim (there are tens of thousands of the defects here costing the country untold billions) although he wasn't but acted like he was. Mohammed had a whole tribe of children and the sane muslims of the time wanted a new, lucid leader, but the insane muslims wanted the insane Quasim, the eldest, to be leader, so the insane went to war against the sane. One side was called Sunnis and the other Shia's and they been fighting this war for the last 1400 years. Now, Iran is a Shia country, along with Iraq and a smattering of the rest of the asylum but the overwhelming majority of other muslim states are Sunnis. Are you still with me? Because I've lost the thread, needless to say they're all brainless lunatics, who if God hadn't have had the greatest sense of humour, by putting all that oil under their feet, would still be happy tapping herds of goats on the arse and never known any different.
tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #107
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Date Posted:2023-11-21 08:47:28Copy HTML

Hezbollah is Shiite, Hamas is Sunni, they are kind of allies now but not always. They backed opposing sides in Syria's civil war.
MarkUK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #108
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Date Posted:2023-11-21 09:35:31Copy HTML

We mostly sorted out our religious wars centuries ago (except Northern Ireland) Muslims are still at it. Imagine the carnage they'd inflict if they got together against us! 

You're playing chess with Fate and Fate's winning. Arnold Bennett
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #109
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Date Posted:2023-11-27 08:35:26Copy HTML

Notice how it was Hamarse which called for the ceasefire with Israel, using their Jewish hostages as an excuse. Why? Because the Jews are systematically dismantling them and their rat runs at an alarming rate, as far as they are concerned. The hostages were taken in the first place as future bargaining chips and they are now being cashed in far sooner than the tunnel rats expected. In the Koran it tells you that Mohammed preached these telling words.... war is deception. What did he mean by that? Well in his time it meant that whenever his army were losing he would seek a ceasefire until his forces had recovered and when the situation was in his favour once more, renege on his deal and defeat and slaughter them. Mohammed might have taken slaves but he never took prisoners, he always had them all beheaded, which is why today's muslims have a fetish about beheading, they're just copying their leader. However, the Jews know exactly what they're up to and it's them who will use the mohamed doctrine to get their kinfolk back but the second the bastards stall, Israel will be back on their case in the blink of an eye. They intend to see this right through this time with every tunnel destroyed or booby trapped to the hilt in case the rats return to rebuild them.
pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #110
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Date Posted:2023-11-28 03:54:36Copy HTML

In Israel they are showing the way once more at home. Muslims in their country who have posted online support for that rape and murder of Jews by Hamas have been visited by police and told to pack up, they're going to be deported to the shithole they've just supported. As you can imagine, they freak out at the thought of having to go back and live in the Hamas controlled Gaza and can you blame them? Well I can.

Sometimes you get what you vote for and Hamas got in by a 72% win. Yasser Arafat was the leader of the PLO at the time and he warned the States and Israel if it went to a vote like they wanted that Hamas would get in, and he was right. At least the PLO worked for the people of Palestine by opening up healthcare, schools, etcetera. 

With Hamas in control it will never become a two State solution because they can't be trusted and are only there for themselves and not the people.

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #111
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Date Posted:2023-11-28 02:12:47Copy HTML

It’s come to light that the Islamic nutter who stabbed three children in Dublin was due to be deported twenty years ago but the authorities gave him citizenship and a passport instead. Orrrr isn’t that nice? He was caught with a knife only a few months ago and again, nothing happened to him. Now the same wankers who allowed this maniac off from having a knife are out to get Connor McGregor for hate speech because he said what the overwhelming amount of Irish are saying and that it’s time to get these nutters out of the country. Instead they are to be given a new protected status….. migrant status, which will give them more protection than the Irish themselves. Now, Pete will tell you if you can’t guess, just what the Irish authorities are calling these protesters, yep, far right. Disagree with a socialist or a globalist and you’re a fascist. The speed of change in Ireland is bewildering and carried out, like us, without a single thought as to what the native population thinks about it. 2,000,000 aliens in just over two years into an island that small and they’re outbreeding the Irish 2 to 1 now and 20% of the population is foreign born, what’s it going to be like ten years? The Irish will be the foreigners in somebody else’s country.
tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #112
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Date Posted:2023-11-28 03:34:57Copy HTML

The Muslim Brotherhood translated Hitler's Mein Kempf into Arabic in the 1930's. The spiritual leader of this group was Haj Amin al-Husseini, considered the father of Palestinian nationalism. He spent WWII in Berlin recruiting an Arab Legion to fight for the Nazi's. His title was "Grand Mufti of Jerusalem." He was a Jew-hater who intended to build an Auschwitz in the middle east. This plan was only thwarted when Monty defeated Rommel at El Alamein.
tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #113
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Date Posted:2023-11-28 03:56:04Copy HTML

Kill the Infidels where you find them, strike them in the neck. In the Quaran, the religion of peace.
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #114
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Date Posted:2023-12-12 09:18:35Copy HTML

In another example of the world that Islam is slowly building in the west a French teacher is now in fear for her life after she showed a 17th century Renaissance painting depicting nude women to pupils in art class, prompting threats from muslims, What, threats from the religion of peace? Surely not? Will that teacher ever show a European masterpiece depicting any flesh in the future? Of course not, for my money I doubt she'll ever teach again, why risk your life? And so the relentless march of Islamic oppression of western thought and deed continues unabated and unmolested. Whoever made those threats on her life needs finding and jailing for 20 years and it would then be us that is sending out a message for once and not them.
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #115
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Date Posted:2023-12-17 07:35:41Copy HTML

It's longer than usual but packed to the rafters with truisms for the woke lefty's to contemplate and digest

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #116
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Date Posted:2023-12-26 09:52:08Copy HTML

HA! Forget the thousands of war dead in the lunatic asylum that is the middle east, forget the Jews raped, tortured and murdered on Oct. 7 and the 240 hostages held by Hamas because Muslims worldwide have a different priority that is sending them even more crazy than normal. They are presently freaking out over an Israeli Army video showing an IDF bomb sniffing dog named “Aisha”, which also happened to be the name of Mohammed’s 9 year-old child bride Did you know that muslims are afraid of dogs? Especially black ones because the Hadiths, which are the sayings of Muhammed, calls them devils and actually orders muslims to kill them, would you believe. I could ask the next 1000 passers by if they were aware of that fact and 999 wouldn't know it. It's amazing just how little we westerners know about true islam and they like to keep it that way.
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #117
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Date Posted:2024-01-04 07:53:47Copy HTML

There is one saving grace of Islam and that's that they have an enduring habit of slaughtering thousands of each other on delightfully regular occasions. Know the difference between Sunni and Shia, apart from the fact that they have slaughtered hundreds of thousands of each other over the last 1400 years? Well it's that one side wanted Muhammad's brainless son to take over following his welcome demise and the others didn't, that's it and they have been slaughtering each other for 1400 years over this welcome disagreement. ISIS have now claimed responsibility for the killing of 100 muslims at a ceremony in iran yesterday. Let them get on with it I say, the more the merrier because the longer they carry on slaughtering each other the longer the European civil war against Islam will take to arrive. Iran is considered a rogue state by Sunnis as it's the only Shia country in the world. The whole dam mental institution needs dismantling, preferably with a nuke or two because without them sitting on the world's oil they would naturally take up the post of goat herders, which is about their intellectual limit.
tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #118
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Date Posted:2024-01-04 09:13:09Copy HTML

ISIS has claimed responsibility? First reports out of Iran claimed the U.S. and/or Israel did the dirty deed.
MarkUK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #119
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Date Posted:2024-01-04 09:34:21Copy HTML

That's the usual reaction to anything bad that goes in in Iran. In reality they know it's not Israel's style, they go in for precision attacks on international targets.  

You're playing chess with Fate and Fate's winning. Arnold Bennett
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #120
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Date Posted:2024-01-24 11:09:31Copy HTML

There is a black man in this country called Sir Trevor Philips, who once led up the nation's equalities commission. He was awarded an OBE for services to television in 1999, followed by a Knighthood in 2022 for his services to equality and human rights. He was also awarded the French order of the Chevalier de la Legion d’Honneur in 2006 for his work on integration and community cohesion. He's not your radical type of black campaigner at all being a broadcaster and businessman too but he has fallen from grace somewhat recently and his crime? Criticising Islam, it that must be obeyed. He said that it doesn't practice equality where women are concerned, I'd say it doesn't practice equality where anything that isn't Islamic is concerned. He criticised it for not integrating with any other parts of British society along with one or two other negative comments, none of which can't be disputed but that's not the point and within the Labour Party, of which he is a prominent member, somebody set up a complaint about him and his collective views on Islam, result? He was suspended from the party for six months. Truth is no defence against Islam and when the Labour party talk of equality what they actually mean is preferential treatment for muslims. When it's even possible the most celebrated black person in the party is censured and suspended for telling the truth about Islam, what chance has anybody else? And this is the party that will become our government this year.
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #121
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Date Posted:2024-01-27 11:48:16Copy HTML

It's holocaust remembrance day today, which in many European schools should be renamed.... remember it and your dead day, as it's revealed that many teachers in schools housing muslim children have had their lives threatened if they teach the history of it. How many? Nobody really knows as many of the threatened are too afraid to even admit they were threatened, such is their fear. What will happen about this horrendous state of affairs? Nothing of course, add another nail to the coffin of the west.
tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #122
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Date Posted:2024-01-27 01:52:47Copy HTML

This topic has piqued my interest since all these commercials started appearing on T.V. with pictures of old people starving & claiming to be holocaust survivors. You are asked to send a pledge of $19 a month to help them survive which guarantees them a care package of food stuffs. My skeptic nerve is touched with some questions. 1) Are they really holocaust survivors? 2) Now they need financial help to survive.......... again? 3) If there are so many survivors maybe the holocaust wasn't that bad? 4) Maybe there never really was a holocaust? 5) Perhaps this organization asking for $ is a scam? The Doubting Thomas
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #123
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Date Posted:2024-01-28 11:17:16Copy HTML

This topic has piqued my interest since all these commercials started appearing on T.V. with pictures of old people starving & claiming to be holocaust survivors. You are asked to send a pledge of $19 a month to help them survive which guarantees them a care package of food stuffs. My skeptic nerve is touched with some questions. 1) Are they really holocaust survivors? 2) Now they need financial help to survive.......... again? 3) If there are so many survivors maybe the holocaust wasn't that bad? 4) Maybe there never really was a holocaust? 5) Perhaps this organization asking for $ is a scam? The Doubting Thomas

The entire charity industry is extremely lucrative, which is why it's festooned with more than its fair share of charlatans, crooks and conmen. It never ceases to surprise me that the bigger the charities are the more of a secret society they become and of course, the cost of running them before a single penny gets to where it's meant to go. The figures in this country alone of full time charity employees is staggering. It really is an industry and a charity has to be registered before it can raise its own money for its own cause and there are currently 169,000 registered charities in Britain, which raised 88 billion. The highest paid Chairman of a charity in Britain earns almost 1 million a year. There are 827,000 people employed in the game, not counting the vast amount of volunteers about 3% of the working population. I don't see you as a holocaust denier (a term I hate) Tom. Many often wonder just what it is about the Jews which makes people hate them so much. yes they're very clicky but so are the muslims but they'er never condemned for it. I forget who said this but when asked what the Jews could do to make themselves more popular he replied, fail. I don't know any Jews and never have but I do know that if you were to strip society of all things Jewish it would be a much poorer place. Can the same be said for their great enemy, Islam?

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #124
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Date Posted:2024-01-28 11:24:25Copy HTML

I've just watched a vid on the Houti strikes. There are four main leaders of these maniacs, guess what's the name of all four?
tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #125
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Date Posted:2024-01-28 12:46:59Copy HTML

Mohammed? Over here we just call em "Moe."
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