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Date Posted:2022-03-29 09:23:27Copy HTML

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majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #376
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  • Register:2008-12-20 12:28:28

Re:Don't start another

Date Posted:2023-06-07 04:14:13Copy HTML

Figures just released show that 1,700,000 illegal immigrants have already crossed the US southern border this year alone. There is no border to cross, it's an open door with welcome written large across it. Compare that to the Canadian border, the one they call the friendly border, where kith and kin cross daily. At that border guards are alert, regularly stop and search people's cars, are strict enforcers of passports, booze and tobacco imports. It's a border where the American border force, under Biden. can play at being a border force, why? Because they're allowed too.

You keep showing your ignorance by keep stating the untrue Art. Do you think all the Border security at the southern is on holidays in Europe. More are getting sent home that staying and they now want you to register in another country before coming to the border. The numbers dropped down by 2/3 when the cut off date came. De Sanctis keeps sending migrates from Texas to California on private planes paid for my Florida's citizens money. His days of running for President may be cut short because apparently what he is doing is against the law and he could get charged with kidnapping. It would look good on him if he does.

You're given the mushroom treatment and swallow it right up......... kept in the dark and fed bullshit. OK, tell me how many have come in in the last three years then.

tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #377
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Re:Don't start another

Date Posted:2023-06-08 11:13:30Copy HTML

At the railway station in Jersey City, N.J. in 1864 Robert Todd Lincoln, son of President Lincoln was waiting for a train when he fell on the tracks in front of on oncoming train. A nearby person leaped to the rescue & saved the President's son. That person was famed Shakespearian actor Edwin Booth is was the older brother of Abraham Lincoln's assassin John Wilkes Booth.
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #378
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Re:Don't start another

Date Posted:2023-06-08 11:46:29Copy HTML

At the railway station in Jersey City, N.J. in 1864 Robert Todd Lincoln, son of President Lincoln was waiting for a train when he fell on the tracks in front of on oncoming train. A nearby person leaped to the rescue & saved the President's son. That person was famed Shakespearian actor Edwin Booth is was the older brother of Abraham Lincoln's assassin John Wilkes Booth.

There's nothing as ironic as irony Tom.

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #379
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  • Register:2008-12-20 12:28:28

Re:Don't start another

Date Posted:2023-06-08 08:20:33Copy HTML

Y'know, the usual suspects and their idiot followers might think they're blazing a trail in the west but unfortunately for them, those cuddly muslims are having none of it. How ungrateful, here we have these lefty ars'le lickers wearing their knees out conceding to Islam, only to find out that Islam is refusing to comply or concede with any of the the lefty's pet lovey dovey projects or concede a single edict that doesn't doesn't suite them. What a shocker! Christianity has lamely succumbed to Islam's every whim over the last few decades but Islam hasn't any real use, or toleration for such gutless opponents and will kill them on their own sanctimonious alter when the time is correct for them. Islam plays the long game. They're already beginning to run our education system in many areas and its lefty administrators are falling over themselves to comply. On the plus side Muslims are opposing all of the LGCVQXXl edicts and scaring the lefty teachers shitless withy their demands and threats to do things their way. You see, you can't go teaching muslim kids that there are 68794.000584.005 different genders, not if you value your health that is, so the left have to concentrate their perverted ideals on MR Whitey, until Mohammed finally catches up with them.
pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #380
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Re:Don't start another

Date Posted:2023-06-10 03:36:34Copy HTML

Y'know, the usual suspects and their idiot followers might think they're blazing a trail in the west but unfortunately for them, those cuddly muslims are having none of it. How ungrateful, here we have these lefty ars'le lickers wearing their knees out conceding to Islam, only to find out that Islam  is refusing to comply or concede with any of the the lefty's pet lovey dovey projects or concede a single edict that doesn't doesn't suite them. What a shocker! Christianity has lamely succumbed to Islam's every whim over the last few decades but Islam hasn't any real use, or toleration for such gutless opponents and will kill them on their own sanctimonious alter when the time is correct for them. Islam plays the long game. They're already beginning to run our education system in many areas and its lefty administrators are falling over themselves to comply. On the plus side Muslims are opposing all of the LGCVQXXl edicts and scaring the lefty teachers shitless withy their demands and threats to do things their way. You see, you can't go teaching muslim kids that there are 68794.000584.005 different genders, not if you value your health that is, so the left have to concentrate their perverted ideals on MR Whitey, until Mohammed finally catches up with them.

 Sex education in schools was first done to keep kids safe from predators. It wasn't called sex education, it was called health class. It started off as "don't talk to strangers" and has mushroomed over the years to include everything thinkable from there. 

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