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Date Posted:2022-03-29 09:23:27

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shula #1

Re:Reply Topic

Date Posted:2022-03-29 02:44:01

The Grinchess' heart just grew three times its size.  It sure is good to see you again.
MarkUK #2

Re:Reply Topic

Date Posted:2022-03-29 05:51:30

I'm in! At first there was no Reply button, but now there is. Good to be back, although having developed a liking for Reshistorica you'll have to share me.  

shula #3

Re:Reply Topic

Date Posted:2022-03-29 06:04:36

Res Historica is a beautiful site.  It's like walking into an ancient library.  I haven't joined because I'm just not ready to jump into anything new at the moment.  Plus which the ads make me crazy.  The academia is impressive and you fit right in.  We can share.

majorshrapnel #4

Re:Reply Topic

Date Posted:2022-03-29 08:08:15

What did I tell you about that totally horrendous Hunter Biden? Rotten to the core and what is more rotten is that the whole of the lib media knew it and chose to support him and his criminal behaviour, abandon all journalistic ethics, every moral compass, truth, integrity, pride, honour and lie to aid Biden, the most useless president since Carter, a man who is mentally unfit to govern and has humiliated the US globally and drawn the world close to a nuclear armageddon and why did they all do it? TDS, the most mentally ruinous disease in the world today.
majorshrapnel #5

Re:Reply Topic

Date Posted:2022-03-29 08:16:10

Did you see those two European leaders openly condemn Turdope as a dictator to his face in the EU parliament? Guess what? His the bought and paid for CBC puppets ran with the story that he had received a standing ovation on arrival!
shula #6

Re:Reply Topic

Date Posted:2022-03-30 01:19:51

Wow.  I did not see that story.  I did see the one on Hunter Biden, though.
majorshrapnel #7

Re:Reply Topic

Date Posted:2022-03-30 07:52:57

Wow.  I did not see that story.  I did see the one on Hunter Biden, though.

I've just tried to post a youtube vid of it but it won't upload for some reason

MarkUK #8

Re:Reply Topic

Date Posted:2022-03-30 05:56:07

There's no button to post images or videos, not with me anyway. 

MarkUK #9

Re:Reply Topic

Date Posted:2022-03-30 05:58:17

Nor can I go back into a post to edit it or to quote a message from a few posts back. If Shula was in charge!

shula #10

Re:Reply Topic

Date Posted:2022-03-30 10:23:09

Welcome to the Admin world, Major.  The peasants are grumbling.  I don't have a youtube button either.  And I can't edit.
majorshrapnel #11

Re:Reply Topic

Date Posted:2022-03-31 07:09:40

Bit of a bugger eh? Which means you'll just have to get it right first time and then there's no going back, no matter what you've said!
MarkUK #12

Re:Reply Topic

Date Posted:2022-03-31 05:35:58

One rule for the Manager another for the rest of us, riots have erupted over less. 

shula #13

Re:Reply Topic

Date Posted:2022-03-31 09:35:15

We could take him in a fair fight.
majorshrapnel #14

Re:Reply Topic

Date Posted:2022-04-01 06:42:27

The peasants are revolting
MarkUK #15

Re:Reply Topic

Date Posted:2022-04-01 07:18:40

You could promote us both to Managers and see if that gives us the full range you enjoy in your ivory tower. 

MarkUK #16

Re:Reply Topic

Date Posted:2022-04-01 12:00:55

Tommy has surfaced on Historylovers, he might need guidance in joining us here.

majorshrapnel #17

Re:Reply Topic

Date Posted:2022-04-01 06:43:16

You could promote us both to Managers and see if that gives us the full range you enjoy in your ivory tower. 

If anyone can possibly tell me how I go about promoting the unworthy, I'm all ears..... good looks, brains, sophistication..... the list is endless.

majorshrapnel #18

Re:Reply Topic

Date Posted:2022-04-01 06:44:47

Tommy has surfaced on Historylovers, he might need guidance in joining us here.

He must have got early parole.

shula #19

Re:Reply Topic

Date Posted:2022-04-02 04:09:45

You have a "control panel" button, Major, where you can do all sorts of miraculous things.  I can't even see the member list so I don't know if Pete or Tom has joined yet or not.  Teresa has. 
majorshrapnel #20

Re:Reply Topic

Date Posted:2022-04-02 06:44:18

You have a "control panel" button, Major, where you can do all sorts of miraculous things.  I can't even see the member list so I don't know if Pete or Tom has joined yet or not.  Teresa has. 

I was hoping that some gorgeous bird would step in and say to me, I'll take it from here, I'll run the show, I'll show you how it's done, you idiot. You don't know anybody like that do you Shule's?

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