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Date Posted:2022-12-29 05:10:13Copy HTML

Don't know if you Island People get much of the American Weather reports over there but Beefalo NY took a terrible beating with a bomb snow storm. Numerous deaths because emergency crews couldn't get to strained people in their cars or homes. They are finding bodies in snow banks of people who were out walking in it. All roads had to be closed to local traffic for days until they could get them ploughed enough for emergency vehicles to get out. Even the large snow plough trucks were having to get rescued. People were running out of medicine in their homes and with the hydro out, wouldn't be able to run their gas or oil  furnaces or even any electrical heating. Some people who had portable generators killed themselves for not venting them good enough and died of Carbon monoxide poisoning. Their water pipes were freezing up and most people wouldn't know that in cold weather to stop that from happening you have to keep a tap open and water flowing through the system. Tommy will correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure they got up to 4 Ft. of snow mixed with very strong winds. Question for Tommy. Did you get a chance to use your Generec power system to keep you going?

Image result for generac power systems  

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #26
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Date Posted:2023-06-09 07:47:19Copy HTML

I am expecting a reparation check from Trudeau for damage from all this Canadian smoke we are suffering. In Yankee dollars, no Canadian worthless currency.

America being one of the main countries that cause this Global warming problem in the first place, I think if any money is being handed out it should come from every Tom, Dick and Harry in the States and with that money you should buy us all electric vehicles up here.

That's it Pete, you pollute hundreds of square miles of your neighbour's country and blame them for it. Y'know, the world never had a forest fire until recently. Once again, the Arctic isn't disappearing. On Wednesday the missus and me went for a drive out to the Wirral, which I have not visited since the 70's. It's the isthmus between England and Wales with the river Dee on one side of it and the river Mersey on the other. It's very upmarket now but back then I had to go to a small village come town there called Parkgate. It was right off the beaten track and locked in time. There is a long dock right  down the front of it where ships docked back to Nelson's time and he actually did dock there himself. It even had a pub called the Emma Hamilton. Now, here's the punchline. At the time, 1976, no ship could dock up there, why? Because there was no sea, what was once sea was now land, the land had claimed back around 200 yards. On this visit the land had claimed back a further 400 yards. Now, what I want to know Pete is, where are the warmists  boasting about it? If 600 yards of the land had disappeared into the sea instead they'd be marching, burning cars and smashing windows over it but this doesn't suite their narrative see.

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #27
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Date Posted:2023-06-09 07:49:41Copy HTML


Here it is. That wall on the left was the docking area and you can see the land on the left of it which has claimed the sea.

MarkUK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #28
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Date Posted:2023-06-09 09:44:59Copy HTML

Great Britain is losing land on the east coast but gaining it n the west; such places as Harlech and Grange-over-Sands are no longer coastal towns, while on the other side towns are disappearing into the sea. 

You're playing chess with Fate and Fate's winning. Arnold Bennett
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #29
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Date Posted:2023-06-09 10:00:25Copy HTML

Take your pick of armageddon dates

tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #30
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Date Posted:2023-06-09 10:58:50Copy HTML

Canadian P.M Trudeau appeared on television today in Black Face. He assured the audience that is not Black Face but soot from the Canadian fires polluting the world.
tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #31
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Date Posted:2023-06-09 12:38:27Copy HTML

Pete, 16KW
tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #32
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Date Posted:2023-06-09 01:09:46Copy HTML

Looking at the pictures I bet you all dollars to donuts that the crime rate has also increased with the over cast skies.

I'm almost feeling sorry for you guys because I'm not getting any visible smoke here. Toronto to the south of me was getting it and to the north of me in Barrie was also getting some. 

Maybe it's because I live in the Canadian Shield and that's protecting us here. No Shula I'm not pulling you leg.

There are two Canadian shields, one provided by God which are the rock formations below, the other provided by the USAF above. 

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #33
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Date Posted:2023-06-09 09:37:29Copy HTML

I am expecting a reparation check from Trudeau for damage from all this Canadian smoke we are suffering. In Yankee dollars, no Canadian worthless currency.

America being one of the main countries that cause this Global warming problem in the first place, I think if any money is being handed out it should come from every Tom, Dick and Harry in the States and with that money you should buy us all electric vehicles up here.

That's it Pete, you pollute hundreds of square miles of your neighbour's country and blame them for it. Y'know, the world never had a forest fire until recently. Once again, the Arctic isn't disappearing. On Wednesday the missus and me went for a drive out to the Wirral, which I have not visited since the 70's. It's the isthmus between England and Wales with the river Dee on one side of it and the river Mersey on the other. It's very upmarket now but back then I had to go to a small village come town there called Parkgate. It was right off the beaten track and locked in time. There is a long dock right  down the front of it where ships docked back to Nelson's time and he actually did dock there himself. It even had a pub called the Emma Hamilton. Now, here's the punchline. At the time, 1976, no ship could dock up there, why? Because there was no sea, what was once sea was now land, the land had claimed back around 200 yards. On this visit the land had claimed back a further 400 yards. Now, what I want to know Pete is, where are the warmists  boasting about it? If 600 yards of the land had disappeared into the sea instead they'd be marching, burning cars and smashing windows over it but this doesn't suite their narrative see.

Don't be silly Art. The world has always had forest fires. Have you been to Canada's Arctic to see the change Art. Tourist ships now can visit places along it that were once covered in ice. The North West passage can be navigated now. There is no sea ice for the polar bears to go out on to hunt seals so they are dying off from starvation. The glaziers have receded and it very noticeable now from the first time I visited the Rockies in 1984 to the last time in 2019. They had never receded this much in over a hundred years before. Places that usually get big dumping of snow are getting less and places that usually don't get snow are now getting more and more. People on America's west coast went through such a dry spell and they had to be rationed on fresh drinking water. Their large vacation lakes died up and all you could see in the pictures of them was everything that had sunk or been dumped in them in the last 50 years.

That's it Pete, you pollute hundreds of square miles of your neighbour's country and blame them for it.

I don't pollute anything Art. The forest is just getting even for all the pollution that drifts over from the States for the last 100 years. If it was possible to build a wall down through the Great Lakes to keep our water on our side clean, we would. We recycle everything here now. Plastic everything has been removed from our lives. More and more electric cars are on our roads now and that seems to have cut a lot of the bad air for us. Eventually the States will catch up.

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #34
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Date Posted:2023-06-09 10:22:58Copy HTML

Take your pick of armageddon dates

Is she a weatherman?? No, so why would you even bother to listen to her on some mickey mouse podcast.

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #35
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Date Posted:2023-06-10 02:12:12Copy HTML

Firefighters from France arrive to battle blazes as wildfire smoke lingers

Geez, anything for a free fishing trip to Canada. Half of them will probably get lost in the bush day one. The Johnny-come-latelies are showing up Monday it says. Fires will probably be out before that.

Firefighters from France arrived in Canada to help Quebec face a marathon wildfire season while most evacuation orders were lifted in Nova Scotia nearly two weeks after intense infernos caused thousands to flee their homes. 

Meanwhile, wildfire smoke that hung over Toronto for several days cleared Canada's most populous city Friday, but the hazy skies persisted in other parts of Ontario and Quebec and blanketed much of the west as 420 wildfires continued to burn across the country. 

The arrival of firefighters from France and New Brunswick bolstered efforts in Quebec to fight 140 fires. "The sprint phase has ended and we're now in the marathon phase," said Maïté Blanchette Vézina, the province's minister of forests and natural resources.

There is expected to be about 1,200 people fighting fires in the province by Monday, including hundreds of firefighters from the United States, Portugal and Spain who were expected to arrive in the coming days. 

Quebec Premier François Legault has said about 13,500 people had been forced from their homes as a result of the wildfires and though the situation is expected to remain stable over the next couple of days, it's unclear when residents will be able to return.

Officials in the United States said they are happy to help Canada but they are keeping one eye observing fire risks close to home. 

"We have been fortunate to have a slow start to our fire year nationally," said Jeff Arnberger, chair of the U.S. National Interagency Fire Center's multi-agency co-ordinating group.

"However, as we head into (the) traditionally busy months of summer, we must also be prepared for wildfires in the U.S."

There are currently 345 federally co-ordinated American firefighters and support personnel in Canada but the number fluctuates as workers cycle back through the U.S. The number doesn't include state-level resources that are assisting.

The fearsome fire season slowed in Nova Scotia, where most evacuation orders were lifted on Friday.

While the largest wildfire in the province's history continued to burn out of control in Shelburne County, orders were lifted since it hadn't grown since the weekend thanks to the work of firefighters and wet, cool weather. The fire forced more than 6,000 people from their homes and destroyed 60 houses and cottages.

Evacuation orders in the Halifax Regional municipality were also lifted, with the exception of a small portion of subdivisions closest to where the fire started.

I was kinda hoping Art would come over and volunteer his services to be the guide for the Americans while they were in the bush. It would a chance to practise all his tracking and bush skills. I imagine knowing Quebecers, they left a lot of Harley Fergusions lying about when they split.

As you can see the forest there isn't too thick Art.

Smoke rises from a wildfire in Tumbler Ridge

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #36
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Date Posted:2023-06-10 09:42:16Copy HTML

Take your pick of armageddon dates

Is she a weatherman?? No, so why would you even bother to listen to her on some mickey mouse podcast.

Ha! You haven’t watched it, have you?

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #37
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Date Posted:2023-06-10 10:24:18Copy HTML

Take your pick of armageddon dates

Is she a weatherman?? No, so why would you even bother to listen to her on some mickey mouse podcast.

Ha! You haven’t watched it, have you?

No,  your right,  I wouldn't waste my time watching it.

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #38
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Date Posted:2023-06-10 10:39:00Copy HTML

Great Britain is losing land on the east coast but gaining it n the west; such places as Harlech and Grange-over-Sands are no longer coastal towns, while on the other side towns are disappearing into the sea. 

 One side of the island is eroding faster that the other. Your Island if anything should be getting smaller as the oceans rise. Same thing is happening in the Hawaiian Islands.

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #39
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Date Posted:2023-06-10 10:50:05Copy HTML

Still smokey here today. Send help up north Pete? C'mon, you know we are not a good Ally. Americans believe in self-help so send your firetruck to the scene & put the damn fire out.

So please show me how you think you are going to get a Fire truck in there. No roads, no place to run pump teams or even get close enough to fight the fire. The only way is by air. If you compare the height of the flame in this picture to the size of the trees close up in the picture, those flames are well over a 100 feet high.

Smoke rises from a wildfire in Tumbler Ridge 

tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #40
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Date Posted:2023-06-10 11:09:21Copy HTML

Well therein lies the problem, forest management or lack of it. We could send Smokey The Bear up there to help you eh? The air quality is much better today so once again Canada does not matter anymore............unless Trudeau goes bungee jumping again.
MarkUK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #41
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Date Posted:2023-06-10 11:53:43Copy HTML

Great Britain is losing land on the east coast but gaining it n the west; such places as Harlech and Grange-over-Sands are no longer coastal towns, while on the other side towns are disappearing into the sea. 

 One side of the island is eroding faster that the other. Your Island if anything should be getting smaller as the oceans rise. Same thing is happening in the Hawaiian Islands.

The east coast is eroding, the west coast is growing thus cancelling out any losses on the east. In fact geographically the island of Great Britain is moving a little closer to north America every year as the distance from mainland Europe grows. 

370 years ago Harlech Castle in Wales had a seagate, that's why it was the last place on the mainland to surrender to the Parliamentarians during the English Civil War, it was holding out for reinforcements by sea, look at it today -

204 Harlech Castle Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #42
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Date Posted:2023-06-11 05:06:19Copy HTML

Well therein lies the problem, forest management or lack of it. We could send Smokey The Bear up there to help you eh? The air quality is much better today so once again Canada does not matter anymore............unless Trudeau goes bungee jumping again.

Well therein lies the problem, forest management or lack of it. So say we did thin it but by a couple of billion tree just in that area. What no we do with all the cut timber after it. America only wants it after there has been a major emergency like Hurricane Katrina or when your new housing market is booming. And then only after you have gone against our free trade deal and taxed the shite out of it.

This is just another problem caused by American anyway. It you people started using more toilet paper when you wiped instead of being so cheap and trying to get away with only using one little square, it probably wouldn't have happened. 

I bet that there is so many Smokey the Bears trying to run away from the fires that it now causing traffic jams.

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #43
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Date Posted:2023-06-11 05:58:13Copy HTML

You have Smoky the Bear and out mascot of the forest is a beaver.

Eat A Beaver Gifts on Zazzle 

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #44
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Date Posted:2023-06-11 07:47:09Copy HTML

Take your pick of armageddon dates

Is she a weatherman?? No, so why would you even bother to listen to her on some mickey mouse podcast.

Ha! You haven’t watched it, have you?

No,  your right,  I wouldn't waste my time watching it.

I knew it. You see, you think it's about her and it's not, it's about the relentless doomsday scenarios that turned out to be bull. However, with an easily manipulated audience for this crap, once one doomsday prediction goes down the pan, well they just invent a knew one and d'you know why? Because they are making a fortune out of it. Doomsday's are big business and there's enough suckers out there to keep the bank balances healthy. 

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #45
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Date Posted:2023-06-11 09:36:28Copy HTML

Take your pick of armageddon dates

Is she a weatherman?? No, so why would you even bother to listen to her on some mickey mouse podcast.

Ha! You haven’t watched it, have you?

No,  your right,  I wouldn't waste my time watching it.

I knew it. You see, you think it's about her and it's not, it's about the relentless doomsday scenarios that turned out to be bull. However, with an easily manipulated audience for this crap, once one doomsday prediction goes down the pan, well they just invent a knew one and d'you know why? Because they are making a fortune out of it. Doomsday's are big business and there's enough suckers out there to keep the bank balances healthy. 

The last ten years have been the hottest on record. I am going out on a limb here but you will get some above normal high temperatures in the next couple of days if you haven't started getting it already. Probably will reach 30C. in parts of Britain.

Hong Kong reached 45C today. and in India their power grid keeps shutting down with it being over loaded. One local merchant lost 25 of his chickens to it. I would put the chicken deaths more on, all the chickens being keep in too small of a space. Doomsday has come and gone a 100 times already so don't put any faith in it happening in your life time. No one has ever been right predicting it and never will.

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #46
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Date Posted:2023-06-29 08:16:48Copy HTML

The Year Canada Didn’t Have a Summer

The fascinating story of how a natural disaster on the other side of the world made the summer of 1816 Canada’s coldest on record.

The year without a summer

In the spring of 1815, things were looking up for Canada.

Local Canadian militia, along with British forces and their Indigenous allies, had just thwarted an American invasion in the War of 1812. Casualties aside—York (now Toronto) was briefly captured and Newark (now Niagara-on-the-Lake) was burned down—the Canadians stood their ground. Lower Canada (present-day Quebec) had a population of about 335,000 people, while Upper Canada (present-day Ontario) had 95,000. Newfoundland, meanwhile, was home to a further 52,000 people.

For the first time, these Canadians—many of whom were newly-arrived immigrants with no connection to the Crown—started to feel like Canadians.

Sixteen-thousand kilometres away, however, trouble was brewing.

The largest volcanic eruption in 2,000 years

On April 5, 1815, Mount Tambora, a volcano on the island of Sumbawa in the Indonesian archipelago, suddenly erupted. Five days later, Tambora erupted once again, this time releasing 100 cubic kilometres of molten rock—and ash clouds that covered an area the size of Australia—into the sky.

Nearly 12,000 people living near Mount Tambora died—the victims of falling rocks and fast-moving gas currents. Over the next several months, an estimated 80,000 more would perish from starvation, contaminated drinking water, or respiratory infections from the ash that still remained in the atmosphere.

Scientists now know that Mount Tambora is the largest volcanic eruption of the last 2,000 years. In order to “rate” a volcano, today’s researchers use the Volcanic Explosivity Index: a system that uses whole numbers from zero to eight to measure the amount of ash, dust and sulphur a volcano throws into the atmosphere.

A summer of starvation and misery 

It took a full year after the eruption for the shockwaves to reach Canada. On April 12, 1816, it began snowing in Quebec City—and it didn’t stop. A news report from April 18 wrote, “The country has all the appearance of the middle of winter, the depth of snow being still between three and four feet. We understand that in many parishes the cattle are already suffering from a scarcity of forage.”

By June, the noontime temperature in central Ontario was just one below zero. In the Quebec countryside, newly-shorn sheep began dying from the cold. The Montreal Herald, meanwhile, urged readers to plant as many potatoes as possible in case the summer’s wheat crops failed completely.

Out west in Brandon, Manitoba, Peter Fidler of the Hudson’s Bay Company witnessed a cold spell that began on June 5. “A very sharp frost at night… killed all the barley, wheat, oats and garden stuff above the ground except lettuce and onions,” he wrote. “The oak leaves are coming out as if they are singed by fire and dead.”

Cold fronts continued to sweep through Lower Canada in July. By then, growing season was three weeks behind. To avoid famine, the governor of Lower Canada banned the export of wheat, flour, beans and barley until September. At the same time, he opened Canadian harbours to grain imports from the U.S.—free of tariffs.

His efforts, however, were in vain. By September, Lower Canada was destitute. Up to four-fifths of the region’s hay crops were ruined, while the frost left the province with a small wheat harvest and an even smaller supply of oats. Farmers were forced to sell their dairy cows to buy bread, while others survived on a diet of wild herbs.

Disaster for the rest of the world

Eastern Canada was far from the only region affected by the year without a summer, however.

Summer frosts also devastated much of the eastern United States, from New England to Virginia. Failing crops and rising bread prices led many hungry settlers to leave for areas in the Midwest, particularly modern-day Indiana and Illinois.

Across the Atlantic, the citizens of Germany and France struggled with surging food prices. In the Netherlands, rainstorms destroyed so much hay and grain crops that farmers, fearing their livestock would die of starvation, began slaughtering them. Ireland, meanwhile, faced famine as the region’s wheat, oat and potato harvests failed.

India was ravaged by several late-season downpours. As harvests failed, a combination of famine, mass migration and crowded communities led to the world’s first cholera pandemic. By the winter of 1816, the disease broke out of northeastern Bengal—where it killed 10,000 people in two weeks—and spread across Nepal, Thailand, the Philippines, China and Japan.

The aftermath

While Mount Tambora’s toxic aerosol cloud had its most catastrophic impact in the summer of 1816, weather patterns around the world continued to be affected for at least another two years.

The stratovolcano erupted again 1819—this time, it registered only a two on the Volcanic Explosivity Index. It erupted twice more between 1847 and 1913, and again in 1967. A string of earthquakes on Sumbawa in 2011 led the Indonesian government to fear another eruption, but experts believe no explosion from Mount Tambora would again approach the magnitude of 1815-16.

Now that you know the story of the year without a summer, take a look back at the worst natural disasters in Canada’s history.

shula Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #47
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Date Posted:2023-06-29 11:22:06Copy HTML

Well, well, well.  Little Mr. Weatherweasel is in the house.  I'm dying down here.  Your smoke is killing me.  I've long thought the Canadians were up to no good.  Any country that has enough room to the north to fit its entire population should they decide to migrate cannot be trusted.
"It is forbidden to spit on cats in plague-time." -Albert Camus-
MarkUK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #48
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Date Posted:2023-06-30 07:19:04Copy HTML

The Year Without a Summer - 1816 is the year in which Mary Godwin (later Shelley) wrote Frankenstein. I've told this story before, she was among a party on holiday in Switzerland, the weather was so bad that they stayed in challenging each other to write a horror story. The 18 year old girl came up with the immortal story of Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus.  

You're playing chess with Fate and Fate's winning. Arnold Bennett
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #49
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Date Posted:2023-06-30 08:37:57Copy HTML

Well, well, well.  Little Mr. Weatherweasel is in the house.  I'm dying down here.  Your smoke is killing me.  I've long thought the Canadians were up to no good.  Any country that has enough room to the north to fit its entire population should they decide to migrate cannot be trusted.

They can't go north, they need to stay on their mother's USA. As for the fire, imagine Pete's response if it had been the other way around?

tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #50
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Date Posted:2023-06-30 11:40:28Copy HTML

Smoke from the Canadian wild fires is causing unsafe air conditions for millions of Americans. I was going to jog around the lake & lift some weights in my outdoor gym but am forced inside on my recliner, bottle of scotch, & cigar, watching some classic John Wayne films. Our esteemed Governor Hochul has told us this is the new norm for New Yorkers & that Canada is a vast nation burning up with no technology & one fire truck available.
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