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Date Posted:2022-12-29 05:10:13

Don't know if you Island People get much of the American Weather reports over there but Beefalo NY took a terrible beating with a bomb snow storm. Numerous deaths because emergency crews couldn't get to strained people in their cars or homes. They are finding bodies in snow banks of people who were out walking in it. All roads had to be closed to local traffic for days until they could get them ploughed enough for emergency vehicles to get out. Even the large snow plough trucks were having to get rescued. People were running out of medicine in their homes and with the hydro out, wouldn't be able to run their gas or oil  furnaces or even any electrical heating. Some people who had portable generators killed themselves for not venting them good enough and died of Carbon monoxide poisoning. Their water pipes were freezing up and most people wouldn't know that in cold weather to stop that from happening you have to keep a tap open and water flowing through the system. Tommy will correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure they got up to 4 Ft. of snow mixed with very strong winds. Question for Tommy. Did you get a chance to use your Generec power system to keep you going?

Image result for generac power systems  

MarkUK #1

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Date Posted:2022-12-29 08:45:56

We're following it closely over here and await reports from all of you over there.

tommytalldog #2

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Date Posted:2022-12-29 12:17:26

Now Pete, everyone who grew up in Buffalo should know those rules for winter weather survival. I live 70 miles south of the city & did not get much snow at all for this one. No power shortages so "Genny" just goes through the usual 5 minute test run once a week. This last storm was a doozy with over 30 deaths in the Buffalo area alone. My daughter is still digging out today with the warm up on the way.
Greystarfish1 #3

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Date Posted:2022-12-29 01:50:51

Pete, It is warming up, here. I would add that you need to keep the doors to your sinks open, so that the pipes can get some heat.

tommytalldog #4

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Date Posted:2022-12-30 04:10:10

50F at my estate today.
tommytalldog #5

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Date Posted:2022-12-31 01:50:27

61F at my estate today.
pbandrew3rd #6

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Date Posted:2023-02-12 06:57:17

Pete, It is warming up, here. I would add that you need to keep the doors to your sinks open, so that the pipes can get some heat.

We don't have much of the problem of freezing pipes Grey because most homes now a days have better insulation in them because it's always cold in the winter months here. What is even better than keeping the sink doors open is to turn the taps on a wee bet and with the water flowing they won't freeze up because the water has an escape route and doesn't stay still in the pipes to freeze. Like Tommy mentioned that Buffalo storm was bad and people got stuck in their homes with ambulances, fire trucks and rescue groups unable to get to them. Seniors were running out of their Meds, pipes were freezing up and they lost electricity so even if the had a gas or oil furnace it won't work without electricity. We also got the same storm as Buffalo got and I'm 75 kms. north of Toronto. We have a pretty good town system that had all the roads and sidewalks ploughed by the day after. A big difference though that Buffalo because they were dealing in feet and we were only dealing with 8-10 inches. With Buffalo being so close to Lake Erie and Lake Ontario the winds get a chance to pick up the moisture from the Lakes and then drop it as snow on their south side of the lakes. We get lake effect snow also but it's off of Lake Huron and Georgian Bay mostly. It's been a funny weather type winter here this year so far. One minute we are way below freezing and the next it go up above freezing for a few days. The prevailing winds out of the west tell us in advance what weather to expect and when by the speed the winds are travelling toward us.

tommytalldog #7

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Date Posted:2023-02-12 07:00:45

Funny weather type indeed, same here Pete.
pbandrew3rd #8

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Date Posted:2023-06-07 10:32:25

New York City and a lot of the Northeastern States right down to South Carolina are waking up to not just a smell of smoke in the air but New York City looks like it's in a the middle of a nuclear winter. Can't tell those NYer's though because they don't seem to realize this is not the time to be out jogging. Some interviewed said it doesn't look too bad to run but they don't know that forest fires fell the air with small particles of ash that most times can't even be seen with the human eye. The can cause damage to your lungs. There are well  hundreds fires burning across Canada but the ones affecting America's east coast are from Quebec and Nova Scotia.

I hear the States bitching about it but I haven't heard of any American being send north to help battle them yet.

I will let you in on a little secret. Buy all the toilet paper and paper towels before the rush hits because there will a shortage and the price will be going up.

According to a report by IndexBox, Canada constituted the largest supplier of toilet paper to the U.S., comprising 49% of total toilet paper imports in 2020

However, I couldn’t find any information on how much paper towel America gets from Canada but I imagine it's a lot..

tommytalldog #9

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Date Posted:2023-06-07 10:47:51

Still smokey here today. Send help up north Pete? C'mon, you know we are not a good Ally. Americans believe in self-help so send your firetruck to the scene & put the damn fire out.
pbandrew3rd #10

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Date Posted:2023-06-07 11:12:36

Still smokey here today. Send help up north Pete? C'mon, you know we are not a good Ally. Americans believe in self-help so send your firetruck to the scene & put the damn fire out.

We will remember you the next time you have a major storm and need every thing from clean drinking water to electricians to get you power back up. We will give you the water but you will have to use your own old plastic water bottles and we will need to use your trucks next time and we will need money for gas to run them on. We are not talking about a dumpster fire here but many millions of acres. Even bigger than your lodge. 

 Have extra toilet paper right now and I'm selling it one roll at a time to the highest bidder. Before the auction starts, I can let you have some under the going price of 10 dollars for only 5 a roll. Of course there is also postage and Provincial tax to be added. It could be delivered in 3-6 weeks if you pay a little extra.

tommytalldog #11

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Date Posted:2023-06-07 11:28:45

Exchange rate at par?
tommytalldog #12

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Date Posted:2023-06-07 11:30:42

Well one good thing about the latest Canadian mess, I played golf yesterday & I could finally drive the ball out of sight.
tommytalldog #13

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Date Posted:2023-06-07 11:57:19

I am expecting a reparation check from Trudeau for damage from all this Canadian smoke we are suffering. In Yankee dollars, no Canadian worthless currency.
pbandrew3rd #14

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Date Posted:2023-06-07 06:47:56

Exchange rate at par?

Give you a friends deal and only ask for American dollars so you don't have to go through the hassle of exchanging funds  . There are 500 fires burning and a 100 of them are burning out of control in Quebec. At least 10,000 igloos have melted already.  Actually there really isn't any fires there. If there was, we would have seen pictures by now on all the Americans TV channels of the millions of acres already burnt. Has anybody seen any pictures?? No, I didn't think so. Actually most Americans don't even know what direction Canada is in far less where Quebec is. The smoke unfortunately will probably only get worse for you all down there. Nice and clear where I am at though. They figure all the fires should be out by next November when the snow storms start up again. If the hydro poles burn and the power tower bend with the extreme heat will this put the end coast of the States in another week long black out.

tommytalldog #15

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Date Posted:2023-06-07 07:07:09

Well Pete I have a Generac so I will be okay & you know how Republicans are, we only care about ourselves.
MarkUK #16

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Date Posted:2023-06-08 10:02:20

Folk in New York State are being advised to wear face masks due to the smog in the air, it'll be just like covid times again. 

tommytalldog #17

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Date Posted:2023-06-08 10:22:31

Canada does not have the expertise, resources, or management skills & as a result there are over 450 wildfires raging across their country. Normally Americans would not care because Canada really does not count, but mother nature is blowing the foul Canadian winds down on us. So like always we have to bail the Canucks out by sending our firefighters & equipment up there to do the job they should be doing. Of course we are used to it because Canada is the welfare child of the world. Always taking, never giving. So far not even an apology from Trudeau or a mention by Biden.

Canadians are terrible & ungrateful neighbors, it's like living next to the Irish. 

majorshrapnel #18

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Date Posted:2023-06-08 11:50:35

Canadians are terrible & ungrateful neighbors, it's like living next to the Irish. HA! and don't forget the Jocks Tom, in fact, throw the Welsh in too.
shula #19

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Date Posted:2023-06-08 10:21:56

We're getting some of that Canadian smoke down here as well.  Are these fires due to poor forest management, accident or arson?

tommytalldog #20

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Date Posted:2023-06-09 12:35:34

A combination of all.
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