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Date Posted:2022-03-30 07:40:45Copy HTML

The longer this goes on, the more I see Ukraine as being just another cold war ball for each side to kick around. The initial attack on the Russian economy by the west has just about run its course and now the Rouble has recovered, China, India and most of the rich middle eastern states still back Russia and Putin and he has never been so popular with his own people. I see talk of him being ousted as a matter of course but I'm beginning to doubt that very much, as he has an iron grip on all of the Russian institutions of state and security. Any war of attrition, which this is turning into, will always favour Russia, with its massive resources and with the west declining to go any further than it has, I can't see it going but one way. The west might close its Moscow McDonalds and a few other tokenisms but the fact is, Russia has Europe by the goolies, as we have been idiotic enough to become dependent of Russian energy, which will always be our Achilles heel. We are stuck on the Russian tit. Here in Europe a few years ago the ruling classes in Brussels issued a diktat stating that diesel engines were cleaner than petrol ones, a blatant pile of crap if ever there was one. Any person with an inkling of knowledge of engines knew this was a blatant lie and who benefitted most from it? The German car industry. Here in Britain, following our decades long policy of getting everything produced abroad, we gave up refining our own fuels on a huge scale and guess who refines all of our Diesel? Yep, Russia. There is now talk of Diesel rationing later in the year and if that happens where will our shops get their goods from? Russia holds all the cards, as far as I can see. Gas and electricity are now set to rise by up to 400% in Britain in the next two years and our political class have only added to the crisis by pampering to the ridiculous green lobby. Naturally they're having to quietly backtrack now as their own political futures are in jeopardy. Do you know that 25% of all we pay over here for energy is a green tax? If the war has any benefit for us, it will be the dawning of an energy reality in the corridors of power.

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #76
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Re:The war in Ukraine

Date Posted:2022-05-05 08:29:32Copy HTML

This will end with Russia having a tenuous hold over the eastern Donbas region which will cost billions to maintain. Russia will be weaker because of it, the exact opposite of what the madman Putin wanted. NATO will be stronger with new countries joining to seek the safety of the NATO umbrella, again the opposite of what Putin wants. He has grossly underestimated Ukraine's and NATO's response. 

Very true Mark, but remember we are dealing with a mad man who probably is just as mad as Hitler was or even worse.

Putin reminds me more of how Stalin thought.

Correct, but we are not dealing with a rational man and the consequences of a mad dog cornered could be catastrophic. If Putin's going down, so is the ship. He has to be played clandestinely, diplomatically and observantly.

tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #77
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Re:The war in Ukraine

Date Posted:2022-05-05 04:04:04Copy HTML

With all the fuss about the Russians bombing civilians & destroying buildings it brought back another Churchillian memory. Back to the Blitz of London, 1940-41. "The deliberate & repeated attacks upon Buckingham Palace & upon the persons of our beloved King & Queen are also intended, apart from their general barbarity, to have unsettling effect upon public opinion. They have of course the opposite effect. They unite the King & Queen to their people by new & sacred bonds of common danger, & they steel the hearts of all to the stern & unrelenting prosecution of the war against so foul a foe."
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #78
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Re:The war in Ukraine

Date Posted:2022-05-05 05:07:37Copy HTML

To the bombing he said to Hitler..... you do your worse and we'll do our best.
pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #79
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Re:The war in Ukraine

Date Posted:2022-05-06 04:10:25Copy HTML

With all the fuss about the Russians bombing civilians & destroying buildings it brought back another Churchillian memory. Back to the Blitz of London, 1940-41. "The deliberate & repeated attacks upon Buckingham Palace & upon the persons of our beloved King & Queen are also intended, apart from their general barbarity, to have unsettling effect upon public opinion. They have of course the opposite effect. They unite the King & Queen to their people by new & sacred bonds of common danger, & they steel the hearts of all to the stern & unrelenting prosecution of the war against so foul a foe."

Actually the bombing of civilian in Ukraine is far worse that the bombing of London and the reason why is the Germans weren't purposing targeting civilian but were trying to hit certain target with bombs that weren't as accurite, so had to carpet bomb just to hit any target. In the Ukraines they are purposing bombing civilians with ordinance that will hit a target from 20 miles away with pin point accuracy within a feet or two of were they want it to hit. The East End of London took a beating because a lot of the factories and shipyards were in that area. The East Enders were mad a the Royals because they were taking it on the chin and Buckingham Palace wasn't getting hit. When the King toured the East End he didn't get a very warm reception like his advisors though he would get. It was more or less from the East Enders ,our homes are getting hit and yours isn't. The now Queen of England said to her father after Buckingham Palace was finally hit, We can now walk among the East Enders and it was true the people came out and cheered him after that.

I read that last piece about the East Enders when I looked up the Queen during the war and showed you the pictures of her as a driver and vehicle tech. 

With the new equipment the States is providing Ukraine with, they can also now hit targets with pin point accuracy. 

Don't think I would like to be in that Steel Mill with 24/7 shelling with shells, rockets, mortars an cruise missles. I would say they have fired on it as much as all London took during the blitzs. The only difference is the bombing of London was spread out more over the whole city and surrounding area rather than one place, a mill only a few hundred metres in total size.

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #80
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Re:The war in Ukraine

Date Posted:2022-05-06 07:09:08Copy HTML

It disturbs me just how Libtards talk of this war as their war. When did liberals become warmongers? I know they've become very violent domestic warmongers and will violently target anybody who disagrees with them, even if it's just a comedian on stage
pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #81
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Re:The war in Ukraine

Date Posted:2022-05-06 09:02:59Copy HTML

It disturbs me just how Libtards talk of this war as their war. When did liberals become warmongers? I know they've become very violent domestic warmongers and will violently target anybody who disagrees with them, even if it's just a comedian on stage

Your not making sense Art. What are you trying to say? Republicans and Democrats are both supporting aid to Ukraine and actually a lot of Republican want more sent and faster but first they have to realize the logistic problems they are facing getting it into the Ukrainians hands.

By the way why has Aimoo made this site an unsecure site Art all of a sudden? That seems why we are all losing are Icons even though they were used at the old site.

MarkUK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #82
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Re:The war in Ukraine

Date Posted:2022-05-06 05:47:30Copy HTML

I logged on briefly early today and got the "this site is not secure" message and that its certificate expired four days ago and, as you say, everyone's icon had disappeared. Now it's back to normal. Very odd, would never have happened in Shula's day.  

You're playing chess with Fate and Fate's winning. Arnold Bennett
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #83
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Re:The war in Ukraine

Date Posted:2022-05-07 06:44:28Copy HTML

It disturbs me just how Libtards talk of this war as their war. When did liberals become warmongers? I know they've become very violent domestic warmongers and will violently target anybody who disagrees with them, even if it's just a comedian on stage

Your not making sense Art. What are you trying to say? Republicans and Democrats are both supporting aid to Ukraine and actually a lot of Republican want more sent and faster but first they have to realize the logistic problems they are facing getting it into the Ukrainians hands.

By the way why has Aimoo made this site an unsecure site Art all of a sudden? That seems why we are all losing are Icons even though they were used at the old site.

Repubs are not facing the cameras in Ukraine and telling the world they are in the war to win the war. 

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #84
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Re:The war in Ukraine

Date Posted:2022-05-07 10:05:49Copy HTML

Repubs are not facing the cameras in Ukraine and telling the world they are in the war to win the war. 

They may not win it but you can't fault them for not trying. They have a small army and country but win or lose, they have put a big hole in the Bears gut. What do you expect the Demo's to say to Ukrainians, lie down and play dead and hope they don't murder you with your hands tied behind her back like they are doing to Ukrainian soldier and civilians now.

The only Rupublican i have seen there are fighting the Russians.

By the way, I hear dear Boris lost hundreds of seats in the election. I guess the masses over their are tired of a clown running the country. The Northern Irish aren't happy with him either and have voted in the dam IRA.

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #85
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Re:The war in Ukraine

Date Posted:2022-05-07 11:01:42Copy HTML

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #86
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Re:The war in Ukraine

Date Posted:2022-05-07 11:59:10Copy HTML

What do you expect the Demo's to say to Ukrainians, lie down and play dead and hope they don't murder you with your hands tied behind her back like they are doing to Ukrainian soldier and civilians now. I expect them to display a little diplomatic common sense. You can give the Ukrainians all the help you like but don't go on TV and ram that fact down the Russian's throat by telling the world you're in the war to win the war and don't tell me they didn't because I've watched them. All you achieve is to unite the Russians, including those who were against it. Does it not occur to you that it will only stiffen Russia's resolve? Make them more determined to rub America's face in the shit? I repeat, if Trump had said that you'd be incandescent with rage. If Baloney is bragging about victory now, what 's she going to be like if Russia withdraw? I'll tell you, she'd rub their noses in it like a brainless fool would. This is simply not the way to go about it with the top nuclear power on earth with a looney lefty man in charge and the future of mankind in the balance.
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #87
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Re:The war in Ukraine

Date Posted:2022-05-07 12:01:21Copy HTML

Repubs are not facing the cameras in Ukraine and telling the world they are in the war to win the war. Correct, and that tells you all you need to know
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #88
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Re:The war in Ukraine

Date Posted:2022-05-07 12:12:50Copy HTML

If that man had brains of dynamite, there would't be enough to blow his hat off. Throughout the last five years he's swallowed (like you) the Trump Russia crap, the Steele dossier, the FISA court scandal and the Clinton crap and every other conspiracy theory fed to him, like a good little idiot would. Mueller found absolutely nothing, nobody found a shred of credible evidence of a Trump Russia collusion and now the perpetrators are in Durham's sights. Sussman, Clinton's lawyer, has been charged with lying to the FBI and is pleading lawyer client confidentiality, the only problem being, is that in the letter he sent to the FBI to arrange a lying, conspiratorial tell all, he wrote that he wanted to help them and the country on his own, no client is involved.

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #89
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Re:The war in Ukraine

Date Posted:2022-05-07 12:22:47Copy HTML

What do you expect the Demo's to say to Ukrainians, lie down and play dead and hope they don't murder you with your hands tied behind her back like they are doing to Ukrainian soldier and civilians now. I expect them to display a little diplomatic common sense. You can give the Ukrainians all the help you like but don't go on TV and ram that fact down the Russian's throat by telling the world you're in the war to win the war and don't tell me they didn't because I've watched them. All you achieve is to unite the Russians, including those who were against it. Does it not occur to you that it will only stiffen Russia's resolve? Make them more determined to rub America's face in the shit? I repeat, if Trump had said that you'd be incandescent with rage. If Baloney is bragging about victory now, what 's she going to be like if Russia withdraw? I'll tell you, she'd rub their noses in it like a brainless fool would. This is simply not the way to go about it with the top nuclear power on earth with a looney lefty man in charge and the future of mankind in the balance.

Why are you sticking up for the Russians as if they done no wrong by attacks another country for no real reason. Then commited war crimes in the thousands. You come across like a commie lover.

Nobody rubs America's face in shit Art, get that through your head.

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #90
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Re:The war in Ukraine

Date Posted:2022-05-07 12:28:28Copy HTML

If that man had brains of dynamite, there would't be enough to blow his hat off. Throughout the last five years he's swallowed (like you) the Trump Russia crap, the Steele dossier, the FISA court scandal and the Clinton crap and every other conspiracy theory fed to him, like a good little idiot would. Mueller found absolutely nothing, nobody found a shred of credible evidence of a Trump Russia collusion and now the perpetrators are in Durham's sights. Sussman, Clinton's lawyer, has been charged with lying to the FBI and is pleading lawyer client confidentiality, the only problem being, is that in the letter he sent to the FBI to arrange a lying, conspiratorial tell all, he wrote that he wanted to help them and the country on his own, no client is involved.

This is the NBC news Art. Not some artsi fartsi no name group that you keep pushing on us. True hurts to read doesn't it especially when you find out you have been wrong all along.

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #91
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Re:The war in Ukraine

Date Posted:2022-05-07 02:13:26Copy HTML

You mean MSLSD? Well, it's been proved that Biden's laptop was real, when these categorically useless buffoons said it wasn't, along with 54 FBI and CIA agents. CNN was the same. They spouted exactly what they were told to spout and like good little lefty braindeads. They spent thousands of hoers on the Trump Russia hoax, which was provoked wrong and not a squeak out of them. They spent a year pedalling the Steele Russian dossier, which was a scam and a confidence trick, that was proven to be shite and now we have this one joining the queue and not an apology in sight for deliberately trying to ruin innocent people's lives. They had that obscene lawyer Avenatie 70 times, asked him to run for president, where's he now? Awaiting jail. You've got to admit, what a cockroach. remember you got a bit of a twitcher when he showed up. There's Clapper, Comey and Brennan, what's that I smell? It's running down their legs right now.
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #92
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Re:The war in Ukraine

Date Posted:2022-05-07 02:27:49Copy HTML

Just watch the first eight minutes of this. They're not laughing now.

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #93
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Re:The war in Ukraine

Date Posted:2022-05-07 02:29:17Copy HTML

Read the top line of message one Pete.
pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #94
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Re:The war in Ukraine

Date Posted:2022-05-07 07:37:29Copy HTML

Read the top line of message one Pete.

Muller had a lot  on Trump but was told he couldn't charge him so that's why Trump got off. Now it's different because Trump isn't President anymore and every court in the land is out to get him.

tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #95
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Re:The war in Ukraine

Date Posted:2022-05-08 01:41:22Copy HTML

Russian tanks have a design flaw that causes their turrets to explode when hit by a shell or rocket, resulting in hundreds of destroyed tanks & the instant deaths of their three man crews. The so-called jack-in-the-box effect is caused by a chain reaction in the 40 shells stored in the turrets. During WWII the Russian T-34 tank is touted by many as the very best. How could they have fallen into this abyss? We have an esteemed "tanky" as a member. Please advise. 

Live respected, die regretted
pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #96
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Re:The war in Ukraine

Date Posted:2022-05-08 07:02:13Copy HTML

Russian tanks have a design flaw that causes their turrets to explode when hit by a shell or rocket, resulting in hundreds of destroyed tanks & the instant deaths of their three man crews. The so-called jack-in-the-box effect is caused by a chain reaction in the 40 shells stored in the turrets. During WWII the Russian T-34 tank is touted by many as the very best. How could they have fallen into this abyss? We have an esteemed "tanky" as a member. Please advise. 

The old T-34 was a good tank in ways but bad in others. For example it used sloped armour in the front which incease it thickness and at least up to the MK 4 German tanks couldn't penetrate it. I'm sure they were the first to use sloped armour and tanks built by all countries after, started using sloped armour for more frontal protection also.

It had a wider track than most other tanks which lowered it's ground presure making it good in marshy or mudding soil and could go where the German tanks couldn't. They were very crudely make though and mass produced in the thousands. Simple to drive, but very hard on the crew.  Most didn't have radio sets and the turret was too small to the point the crew commander besides watching for enemy had to also load the main gun. This slowed down it's rate of fire which is a bad point if you are trying to engage a lot of other tanks like the Germans would throw at you.

In my what they called basic or level 3 tank training we had to be able to identify a tank head or side on, just by it's silhouette. We did this also for all enemy vehicles from track to trucks. It was mainly taught so you knew who was who on the battle field and lessed the changes of shooting on one of your own in low light conditions. They actually made a game up using a box with different vehicle picture on it and placed in the coffee room. 

To play it you had to drop a coin into the right slot that had a bunch of names above them. It you got it right, then the coin dropped right though and you got your coin back. If you were wrong, you lost your coin. You learn fast Tommy if your losing money. Besides this we learned where was the best place it hit these different vehicles and what munition was best to use on them. For tanks is was best to use what we called a sabot round, the real name is AP or armoured piercing. It has a pointed hunk of tungsten steel at it's tip which hit so hard and fast that it letterly burns a round hole through armourd plating. It's disadvange and what make it less affective is distance from the target and sloped armour. For area target such as men in the open or B class vehicles (trucks and light armoured vehicle) you use an exploding round. We simple said shell, in a fire order and that tells the loader what to load in the main gun and the gunner to use the shell distanced on his sight. In Germany we got away from the shell round and switch to a hesh round (High explosive squash head). It was used the same as the shell round but also for tanks over 2100 meters. If you hit another tank with one it would squash down and spread and flatten out and then the base charge would go off and probably only pot mark the old side of the tank but would tear hunks off in the inside which would kill the crew inside. A mounted machine gun coming out of the front of the turret was also used for soft targets and was fired also by the gunner. There was another machine gun mounted on top by the crew commander but in most situations when you are also receiving fire, it's best to be hatched down or closed up.

As for most Russian equipment now a days, if you look close everthing seems to be copied from someone elses equipment. This is not only true for their tanks but for their aircraft and ships also.

I never seen so my Russian tanks with their turrets blow off and laying at least 50 or so feet away as you see in Ukraine. It's obvious who ever designed it wasn't thinking when he put the ammo inside the turret and didn't think of surrounding it with more armour like the modern Americans tanks have. Those drongs the Turks give the Ukrainians sure work well at taking out Russian ships. 

MarkUK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #97
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Re:The war in Ukraine

Date Posted:2022-05-08 07:52:47Copy HTML

Repubs are not facing the cameras in Ukraine and telling the world they are in the war to win the war. 

They may not win it but you can't fault them for not trying. They have a small army and country but win or lose, they have put a big hole in the Bears gut. What do you expect the Demo's to say to Ukrainians, lie down and play dead and hope they don't murder you with your hands tied behind her back like they are doing to Ukrainian soldier and civilians now.

The only Rupublican i have seen there are fighting the Russians.

By the way, I hear dear Boris lost hundreds of seats in the election. I guess the masses over their are tired of a clown running the country. The Northern Irish aren't happy with him either and have voted in the dam IRA.

A closer look at the results in the Northern Ireland Assembly elections shows the age old story; a split vote lets the opposition in. Unionists had three parties to vote for and together polled 40.1% of the vote. The Nationalists had two choices and polled 38.1%. But with the Unionist vote more thinly spread the Nationalist Sinn Féin took the most seats - 27 to the DUP's 25. 

In fact the Unionist bloc, if it gets together can count on 40 votes in the 90 seat Assembly while the Nationalists can call on just 35, but with Sinn Féin having the most, 27, they get to nominate the First Minister. 

It was further complicated by the rise of the non-sectarian party Alliance polling 13.5% and 17 seats putting them in third place, how they'll vote once the Assembly is inaugurated is unclear.

So Unionism is far from defeated in Northern Ireland, it's just beset by internal squabbles about how to go forward.   

tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #98
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Re:The war in Ukraine

Date Posted:2022-05-08 10:56:35Copy HTML

Russian tanks have a design flaw that causes their turrets to explode when hit by a shell or rocket, resulting in hundreds of destroyed tanks & the instant deaths of their three man crews. The so-called jack-in-the-box effect is caused by a chain reaction in the 40 shells stored in the turrets. During WWII the Russian T-34 tank is touted by many as the very best. How could they have fallen into this abyss? We have an esteemed "tanky" as a member. Please advise. 

The old T-34 was a good tank in ways but bad in others. For example it used sloped armour in the front which incease it thickness and at least up to the MK 4 German tanks couldn't penetrate it. I'm sure they were the first to use sloped armour and tanks built by all countries after, started using sloped armour for more frontal protection also.

It had a wider track than most other tanks which lowered it's ground presure making it good in marshy or mudding soil and could go where the German tanks couldn't. They were very crudely make though and mass produced in the thousands. Simple to drive, but very hard on the crew.  Most didn't have radio sets and the turret was too small to the point the crew commander besides watching for enemy had to also load the main gun. This slowed down it's rate of fire which is a bad point if you are trying to engage a lot of other tanks like the Germans would throw at you.

In my what they called basic or level 3 tank training we had to be able to identify a tank head or side on, just by it's silhouette. We did this also for all enemy vehicles from track to trucks. It was mainly taught so you knew who was who on the battle field and lessed the changes of shooting on one of your own in low light conditions. They actually made a game up using a box with different vehicle picture on it and placed in the coffee room. 

To play it you had to drop a coin into the right slot that had a bunch of names above them. It you got it right, then the coin dropped right though and you got your coin back. If you were wrong, you lost your coin. You learn fast Tommy if your losing money. Besides this we learned where was the best place it hit these different vehicles and what munition was best to use on them. For tanks is was best to use what we called a sabot round, the real name is AP or armoured piercing. It has a pointed hunk of tungsten steel at it's tip which hit so hard and fast that it letterly burns a round hole through armourd plating. It's disadvange and what make it less affective is distance from the target and sloped armour. For area target such as men in the open or B class vehicles (trucks and light armoured vehicle) you use an exploding round. We simple said shell, in a fire order and that tells the loader what to load in the main gun and the gunner to use the shell distanced on his sight. In Germany we got away from the shell round and switch to a hesh round (High explosive squash head). It was used the same as the shell round but also for tanks over 2100 meters. If you hit another tank with one it would squash down and spread and flatten out and then the base charge would go off and probably only pot mark the old side of the tank but would tear hunks off in the inside which would kill the crew inside. A mounted machine gun coming out of the front of the turret was also used for soft targets and was fired also by the gunner. There was another machine gun mounted on top by the crew commander but in most situations when you are also receiving fire, it's best to be hatched down or closed up.

As for most Russian equipment now a days, if you look close everthing seems to be copied from someone elses equipment. This is not only true for their tanks but for their aircraft and ships also.

I never seen so my Russian tanks with their turrets blow off and laying at least 50 or so feet away as you see in Ukraine. It's obvious who ever designed it wasn't thinking when he put the ammo inside the turret and didn't think of surrounding it with more armour like the modern Americans tanks have. Those drongs the Turks give the Ukrainians sure work well at taking out Russian ships. 

Where is the ammo stored in other tanks? I assume the turret is the easiest part of the tank to hit being the highest from ground level.

tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #99
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Re:The war in Ukraine

Date Posted:2022-05-08 11:11:50Copy HTML

There is a valid point to be made for "simplicity" here. Example is the Sherman tank which was really no match for German armor, but the sheer numbers made & put on the battle field was an equalizer. Another was the simple design of the Sherman which enabled the crew to fix it in most cases on the battle field. In fact Americans who were farm boys or worked in gas stations before the war could fix a broken Sherman in most cases. The Germans had equipment that was so advanced & complicated, when it broke down had to be towed away back to a shop to be fixed by technicians. Then of course were the much fewer numbers of tanks the Germans had. 

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Re:The war in Ukraine

Date Posted:2022-05-08 07:49:02Copy HTML

As you can see in this picture if the Germans could get a serviceable T-34 near the end of the war,they would use it. This one was found in a swamp dumped but you can still see the German marking. The picture we also show you how the T-34 used sloped armour in front.


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