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Date Posted:2022-03-29 09:24:43Copy HTML

No shortage of material for this post

tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #201
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Re:The Looney Left

Date Posted:2022-08-25 12:18:36Copy HTML

Biden has printed more money in the last 18 months than every administration did in the last 100 years combined. The US debt now stands at thirty trillion dollars. If you were to begin counting that figure 24/7 365 days a year, none stop, it will take you approximately 1,100 years. What will the figure be by the time you get shut of him? Socialists aren’t afraid of doing this because they know that the desperate measures taken to remedy it will always be taken by conservatives and it is they who will be remembered and blamed for the hardships caused by the cure. It happened here when Thatcher came to power and the hard decisions she made mean she is still reviled by the left today

Time for another rebellion due to debt.

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #202
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Re:The Looney Left

Date Posted:2022-08-27 09:31:19Copy HTML

I don’t know if you realise but some of the comments we have made on here in the last decade would have got us suspended if the google mafia were in charge of this site. I’ve had plenty of opinions removed by them on yutube over the years and many of the contributors I’ve followed have been suspended at one time or another. I’ve deliberately been overtly political on some of googles site vids and watched them automatically removed within 15 mins because of their ever more powerful speech software. It’s par for the course with lefty’s, they detest free speech or opposing views and will go to extraordinary lengths to remove opponents to their monopoly, see Trump. On no other type does the saying monkey see monkey do apply so rigidly and it amazes me at times just how in lockstep they are and with what speed they conform to the latest doctrine handed down to them. Socialists have two psychological yearnings, one to control, the other to be controlled. Take the Floyd cult of recent years, a useless, brutal psycho gets killed by the police and it was the starting pistol for a western meltdown. Historical figures slandered and removed from curriculums, statues toppled, history in the classrooms reformed and recreated and always but always backed up with the threat of force. There is only one acceptable viewpoint to the left and debate is an unnecessary hindrance. Have you noticed that whatever they get up to, whatever malicious behaviour they adopt to achieve their aims are always the very thing they blame the  conservatives for and their disciples swallow it whole. Take the statue toppling and vandalism of their chosen companies alone, who is their god? Karl Marx of course, yet his statue and grave in London is never destroyed or vandalised by the right. Wouldn’t you think it would be their first port of call if we behaved with their rabidity? Their latest and in some ways more dangerous tool of control is the trans mafia. Have you seen just what happens to those who  dare oppose their, what’s the term? Ah yes, lifestyle. In the US they have infiltrated the whole education system, with the help of the left and had seemingly unlimited access to many classrooms of small children and actually had opposing parents arrested or put under the watchful eye of the FBI and condemned as domestic terrorists, the parents! They truly are a protected species who can issue edicts at will. Did you know that sex offences by women against children has increased by an unbelievable 84% in recent years? Go on, have a guess why, but don’t dare say it’s down to men dressing and acting as women. Half of all trans gender prisoners are there for sex offences and most of them are in women’s prisons, why? Because that’s what they identify as, forget the meat and two veg dangling down, if they say they’re women, the left indulge it and guess what? the figures for sex offences in women’s jails has exploded and still the left keep your blindfold on. What I find amusing is the fact that, if these freaks ever got a government of their preferred political agenda, ie a communist dictatorship, they would be the first up against the wall and shot. Are they really that ignorant, stupid and naive enough to believe that bona fide communists would tolerate and acquiesce to this indulgent nonsense? Well the answer is yes, the reality would be yet another commie killfest.
tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #203
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Re:The Looney Left

Date Posted:2022-08-27 06:02:10Copy HTML

"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings. The inherent virtue of Socialism is the equal sharing of miseries." Winnie.
pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #204
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Re:The Looney Left

Date Posted:2022-08-29 02:48:51Copy HTML

"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings. The inherent virtue of Socialism is the equal sharing of miseries." Winnie.

Seems Biden is following up on a lot of the platform he ran on. This latest one of wiping out debt for students with lower incomes is only a band-aid solution. It's the price of the extra high university tuitions that is the main problem.

Guest Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #205
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Re:The Looney Left

Date Posted:2022-08-29 07:42:02Copy HTML

well it’s only money and there’s plenty more at the printers where that came from, every socialist knows that. I mean, it’s only another trillion, what’s the problem? 

tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #206
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Re:The Looney Left

Date Posted:2022-08-29 11:00:47Copy HTML

"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings. The inherent virtue of Socialism is the equal sharing of miseries." Winnie.

Seems Biden is following up on a lot of the platform he ran on. This latest one of wiping out debt for students with lower incomes is only a band-aid solution. It's the price of the extra high university tuitions that is the main problem.

That is the main problem for sure, & I must agree with you on that.........oh the horror!  Seems as if the Biden administration is going after the problem "backasswards" with the solution tho. 

tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #207
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Re:The Looney Left

Date Posted:2022-08-29 11:48:48Copy HTML

Imagine Trump being arrested, convicted after trial, & hauled off to prison. The orange hair matching the orange suit, handcuffed & crying like a baby being led away by the court deputies. What an erotic effect that would have on Libtard Trump haters, the people with severe TDS or LDS. That would be a better cure than Viagra eh?
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #208
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Re:The Looney Left

Date Posted:2022-08-30 02:28:39Copy HTML

The looney bastards are at it again. Y’know, Marxists remind me of radical Muslims. The ayatollah once famously announced that there was no humour in Islam and the Marxists are the same. Their latest lunacy? More banning of course. Where would they be without transphobia, two years ago they’d never heard of it and now it totally governs their tiny minded, pathetic little world. So what’s on the block then? Well such horrors as Mrs Doubtfire, Ace Ventura and Silence of the Lambs, which all have some reference to, well something. Funny y’know, notice how these lunatics never take their agenda into Islamic areas? I wonder why?
tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #209
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Re:The Looney Left

Date Posted:2022-08-30 07:03:33Copy HTML

The looney bastards are at it again. Y’know, Marxists remind me of radical Muslims. The ayatollah once famously announced that there was no humour in Islam and the Marxists are the same. Their latest lunacy? More banning of course. Where would they be without transphobia, two years ago they’d never heard of it and now it totally governs their tiny minded, pathetic little world. So what’s on the block then? Well such horrors as Mrs Doubtfire, Ace Ventura and Silence of the Lambs, which all have some reference to, well something. Funny y’know, notice how these lunatics never take their agenda into Islamic areas? I wonder why?

I am into the chapter titled opposition August 1945 - October 1951 in the Churchill book. Winston lamenting about what the Labor Party has done to U.K. He writes about the mastering the Socialist jargon. You must not use the word "poor" but rather "lower income group." Freezing a workman's wages is "arresting increases in personal income." Homes or houses are now, "accommodation units." In a speech at Edinburgh he said, "I doubt if it gives very much pleasure to the average Socialist when he wakes up in the morning to say to himself, I own the Bank of England, I own the railways, I own the coalmines." "But if it does give him any actual pleasure, he is certainly dearly paying for it."

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #210
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Re:The Looney Left

Date Posted:2022-09-19 04:26:40Copy HTML

A headmistress in this country who is classed as the strictest and has just about the most successful school for pass rates, has been reported to the police and education authority for a hate crime by the rabid left. Now considering she’s black how on earth can a black EVER be charged with such? What shocking crime did she commit? She invited the famous Canadian conservative professor Jordan Peterson to give a talk to her students. Socialism is a mental disease.
shula Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #211
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Re:The Looney Left

Date Posted:2022-09-21 01:34:59Copy HTML

Two words:  Hilary Fordwich.

"It is forbidden to spit on cats in plague-time." -Albert Camus-
pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #212
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Re:The Looney Left

Date Posted:2022-09-21 08:28:29Copy HTML

Two words:  Hilary Fordwich.

You seem to be a bit confused Shula. All those estates are owned by the country and are only used by the Royals. That also goes for the Royal Jewels. The Royals also pay taxes now. Not saying though that the Royals don't have money invested in different things. Charles for example use to own a lot of real state in Manhattan. Don't know if he still does. Best to check with Mark. 

shula Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #213
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Re:The Looney Left

Date Posted:2022-09-21 08:31:30Copy HTML

Did you watch the video?  Perhaps the wrong one popped up because the one I posted is not about King Charles' estates.
"It is forbidden to spit on cats in plague-time." -Albert Camus-
pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #214
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Re:The Looney Left

Date Posted:2022-09-23 12:40:51Copy HTML

Did you watch the video?  Perhaps the wrong one popped up because the one I posted is not about King Charles' estates.

I did watch it and King Charles is mentioned in bold letters at the start of the video. It talking about the British monarchy paying reparations. What it doesn't mention is what time frame they are talking about.

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #215
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Re:The Looney Left

Date Posted:2022-09-23 07:15:59Copy HTML

I’m all for reparations and I think we should now set in motion a case for taking our invaders to court for those reparations. First there’s the Italians, Romans who invaded and enslaved us, followed by the Germans, Angles, Saxons, Jutes, followed by the Danish and Swedish, vikings, followed by the French, the Normans. Where’s my share?
MarkUK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #216
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Re:The Looney Left

Date Posted:2022-09-23 07:58:56Copy HTML

Any ethnic person who demands reparations for slavery or whatever from centuries ago should be offered a one-way ticket to West Africa so they can live the life they were denied by evil white men. 

You're playing chess with Fate and Fate's winning. Arnold Bennett
tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #217
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Re:The Looney Left

Date Posted:2022-09-23 11:05:13Copy HTML

I’m all for reparations and I think we should now set in motion a case for taking our invaders to court for those reparations. First there’s the Italians, Romans who invaded and enslaved us, followed by the Germans, Angles, Saxons, Jutes, followed by the Danish and Swedish, vikings, followed by the French, the Normans. Where’s my share?

To use your own logic, were better off under their rule. Or were you?

shula Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #218
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Re:The Looney Left

Date Posted:2022-09-23 06:14:24Copy HTML

You should be able to collect from all those nationalities.  I need to do some review here because I thought the Saxons or the Angles were the original Britons.  I suspect Mark of being of Norman lineage, so you could start with him.
"It is forbidden to spit on cats in plague-time." -Albert Camus-
MarkUK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #219
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Re:The Looney Left

Date Posted:2022-09-23 08:34:48Copy HTML

My appearance of blond hair, blue eyes and height of 6ft 2ins would suggest Viking.

You're playing chess with Fate and Fate's winning. Arnold Bennett
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #220
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Re:The Looney Left

Date Posted:2022-09-23 08:47:33Copy HTML

My appearance of blond hair, blue eyes and height of 6ft 2ins would suggest Viking.

Or the next door neighbour.

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #221
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Re:The Looney Left

Date Posted:2022-09-23 08:51:21Copy HTML

You should be able to collect from all those nationalities.  I need to do some review here because I thought the Saxons or the Angles were the original Britons.  I suspect Mark of being of Norman lineage, so you could start with him.

We go from the ancient Britons to the Romans to the Angles Saxons and Jutes to the Vikings to the Normans, in that order. We are descended from some of the most warlike people who ever existed, which is probably why we win every war, isn't that right Tom?

tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #222
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Re:The Looney Left

Date Posted:2022-09-23 09:08:17Copy HTML

My appearance of blond hair, blue eyes and height of 6ft 2ins would suggest Viking.

The Vikings were newcomers & were turned from warriors to farmers & shopkeepers by the locals. Pity that.

tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #223
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Re:The Looney Left

Date Posted:2022-09-23 11:38:03Copy HTML

You should be able to collect from all those nationalities.  I need to do some review here because I thought the Saxons or the Angles were the original Britons.  I suspect Mark of being of Norman lineage, so you could start with him.

We go from the ancient Britons to the Romans to the Angles Saxons and Jutes to the Vikings to the Normans, in that order. We are descended from some of the most warlike people who ever existed, which is probably why we win every war, isn't that right Tom?

All except one, unless of course you are still maintaining you were fighting British subject at the time. I don't see any darkies in your ancient history. Must be a recent phenom eh? Keep em out if you can, they are all like Markle. Nothing but trouble who are attracted to welfare benefits. 

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #224
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Re:The Looney Left

Date Posted:2022-09-23 11:41:58Copy HTML

My appearance of blond hair, blue eyes and height of 6ft 2ins would suggest Viking.

Or the next door neighbour.

Being that tall, Mark must come from a circus family.

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #225
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Re:The Looney Left

Date Posted:2022-09-23 11:46:44Copy HTML

You should be able to collect from all those nationalities.  I need to do some review here because I thought the Saxons or the Angles were the original Britons.  I suspect Mark of being of Norman lineage, so you could start with him.

We go from the ancient Britons to the Romans to the Angles Saxons and Jutes to the Vikings to the Normans, in that order. We are descended from some of the most warlike people who ever existed, which is probably why we win every war, isn't that right Tom?

You left out the Picts. They give the Romans a hard time and came from Northern England and Southern Scotland. A large group of Scottish males and some English males still carry Pict DNA.

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