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Date Posted:2022-04-24 01:10:31Copy HTML

It must be true, it was on Fox. Tucker Carlson, in an effort to promote insecure MAGA men, is promoting a documentary called The End of Men, with tips on how to raise testosterone levels. One of these "tips" is "testicle tanning" which involves exposing male parts to red LED light. 

Former Fox News host Bill O'Reilly was videoed threatening a JetBlue worker when his flight from NY City to Turks & Caicos was delayed three hours. "You f---ing scumbag" said O'Reilly, 72, "you're going to lose your job."

Tennessee Republican state Senator Frank Niceley cited Adolf Hitler as proof that homelessness isn't a "dead end," claiming that Hitler lived on the streets in his younger days but then went on to lead a life that got him into the history books. 

Live respected, die regretted
tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #76
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Date Posted:2023-10-01 07:18:16Copy HTML

Grizzly bear attack in Canada's Banff National Park leaves two dead.

I have a true Grizzly story of a friend of mine who camped in Banff National Park 

Won't tell it unless someone asks to hear it.

Please do. I have been to Banff on my motorcycle. Did not camp tho. 

tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #77
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Date Posted:2023-10-01 11:33:34Copy HTML

With Senator Feinstein of California going to the Great Beyond on Friday last, it is up to the governor to appoint someone in the interim until a special election is held. The governor has said he will appoint a black woman to fill the post & two mentioned are: Oprah Winfrey & Meghan Markle the Dutchess of Sussex. Fancy that!
pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #78
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Date Posted:2023-10-02 04:01:37Copy HTML

Grizzly bear attack in Canada's Banff National Park leaves two dead.

I have a true Grizzly story of a friend of mine who camped in Banff National Park 

Won't tell it unless someone asks to hear it.

Please do. I have been to Banff on my motorcycle. Did not camp tho. 

A Sgt of mine and his wife and two small kids camped in Banff in one of those tent trailers and the ground wasn't level so he put it up on the jackets which came with the unit and in the night he heard snorting like a wild pig. The snorting got closer until it was sniffing the small aluminum door which was used to get into the trailer. The sound next went under the trailer and all of a sudden the plywood sheets that made up the floor in the trailer started lifting and then he knew it had to be a large bear's back to be able to be that high to lift the floor. He told his wife to stay silent and the kids never woke up. Finally the floor went down and the bear moved on tearing open anyone's cooler that was left out of their cars and setting off every dog in the camp. He said he never slept the rest of the night thinking it might come back but in the morning the camp rangers seemed to know it had been around because there were numerous complains at their office. It had left very large foot tracks in the mud all through the camping area and opened cooler and some in threads. The rangers figured it was a male over a 1000lbs my it's tracks. They told him the bears don't usually come down from the higher areas unless they are hungry and that evening everyone in the camp had been barbecuing so the smell of that would have been rising up into the hills.  I did stay in the park a few time but only in motels and hotels.

I did a lot of walking every day with my dogs out back of the Base in Cold because we worked shifts. I always had my eyes peeled looking for brown bear and think now that I was very lucky not to have run into one. Would have felt safer if I had been carrying my 303 rifle but wasn't allowed to do that in the woods there.


It is estimated that there is still 900 Brown bear in Alberta

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #79
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Date Posted:2023-10-02 04:18:51Copy HTML

With Senator Feinstein of California going to the Great Beyond on Friday last, it is up to the governor to appoint someone in the interim until a special election is held. The governor has said he will appoint a black woman to fill the post & two mentioned are: Oprah Winfrey & Meghan Markle the Dutchess of Sussex. Fancy that!

Now the Brits might believe you Tommy but I know differently. She probably will be Black though.

tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #80
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Date Posted:2023-10-02 01:01:20Copy HTML

With Senator Feinstein of California going to the Great Beyond on Friday last, it is up to the governor to appoint someone in the interim until a special election is held. The governor has said he will appoint a black woman to fill the post & two mentioned are: Oprah Winfrey & Meghan Markle the Dutchess of Sussex. Fancy that!

Now the Brits might believe you Tommy but I know differently. She probably will be Black though.

Yes Pete, the choice has been made. One Negress sounding first name surname Butler. 

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #81
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Date Posted:2023-10-03 11:52:07Copy HTML

With Senator Feinstein of California going to the Great Beyond on Friday last, it is up to the governor to appoint someone in the interim until a special election is held. The governor has said he will appoint a black woman to fill the post & two mentioned are: Oprah Winfrey & Meghan Markle the Dutchess of Sussex. Fancy that!

Now the Brits might believe you Tommy but I know differently. She probably will be Black though.

Yes Pete, the choice has been made. One Negress sounding first name surname Butler. 

Yes but she wasn't the one people had their money on. She's very pro women's rights and pro choice and is a good speaker which helps in politics for sure.

tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #82
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Date Posted:2023-10-04 12:35:07Copy HTML

With Senator Feinstein of California going to the Great Beyond on Friday last, it is up to the governor to appoint someone in the interim until a special election is held. The governor has said he will appoint a black woman to fill the post & two mentioned are: Oprah Winfrey & Meghan Markle the Dutchess of Sussex. Fancy that!

Now the Brits might believe you Tommy but I know differently. She probably will be Black though.

Yes Pete, the choice has been made. One Negress sounding first name surname Butler. 

Yes but she wasn't the one people had their money on. She's very pro women's rights and pro choice and is a good speaker which helps in politics for sure.

Yes, a black lesbian fills the bill quite nicely eh?

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #83
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  • Register:2022-04-22 08:45:46


Date Posted:2023-10-07 03:31:40Copy HTML

With Senator Feinstein of California going to the Great Beyond on Friday last, it is up to the governor to appoint someone in the interim until a special election is held. The governor has said he will appoint a black woman to fill the post & two mentioned are: Oprah Winfrey & Meghan Markle the Dutchess of Sussex. Fancy that!

Now the Brits might believe you Tommy but I know differently. She probably will be Black though.

Yes Pete, the choice has been made. One Negress sounding first name surname Butler. 

Yes but she wasn't the one people had their money on. She's very pro women's rights and pro choice and is a good speaker which helps in politics for sure.

Yes, a black lesbian fills the bill quite nicely eh?

Thank goodness for progress, eh Tommy.

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #84
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  • Register:2022-04-22 08:45:46


Date Posted:2023-10-07 05:26:18Copy HTML

GOP rushes to cancel Fox News speaker forum after widespread angst from members: report

Aplanned "closed debate" among House GOP speaker candidates on Fox News Monday has been called off amid widespread reported angst from the party's rank and file.

CNN's Melanie Zanona, who was also the first to break news about Republican House members revolting against the planned event, now brings word on Twitter that GOP speaker hopefuls Reps. Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Steve Scalise (R-LA) both got together and "agreed it wouldn't be wise" to participate in the Fox News event, which Zanona said was now "off."

The original forum, which was to be hosted by Fox News' Bret Baier, sparked an outcry from many members who believe some members' seeming addiction to going on Fox News and stirring controversy created the kind of dynamic that led to Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) and seven other Republicans voting to oust Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) as speaker this week.

The decision to cancel just hours after Republicans started anonymously leaking their displeasure with the event to the press.

"One lawmaker called it 'insanity' and said 'people are p---ed,'" Zanona wrote on Twitter earlier on Friday. "Another Republican complained that this will turn their speaker’s race into a 'circus.' A third predicted event won't go on as planned because of the pushback it's already getting."

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