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Date Posted:2022-04-13 10:49:33Copy HTML

A room for all things political

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #201
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Date Posted:2022-06-25 08:20:46Copy HTML

So today, the Supreme Court in the States made the biggest mistake in American history by over turning Roe vs Wade. A law they up held for 49 years as being fair and just. For a country that always brags about their rights and freedoms, over half of the entire nation just lost their rights over there own bodies and their rights to have a chose. This is mainly a Republican issue and they seem to put more thought into protecting an unformed egg than they go over a child already born or it's mother life. Shame on you America, today the world seen you for what you really are, a backward group of fools, still living in the 19th century who only think of themselves and no one elses situation. I sure hope the mid terms and the 2024 elections stay on the lefts side.

Well Pete, there you go again with the bovine excrement. The vast majority of abortions are performed for birth control reasons because having a baby would be inconvenient. Also a large percentage of those performed are for black women. BTW, if its not a baby they the woman is not pregnant eh? The right to a woman's body ends with the murder of another person. Hitler would have been proud as the count is in the millions of dead babies. 

And who Tommy is going to take care of all these unwanted babies that are now going to come into this world already behind the eight ball. If the mother can't support them or they were a baby produced my a12 year old who has been raped my a mental stranger or a relative, then what? Are you going to step up and adopt a few of them and raise them or are you just going to let them become Wards of the State.  Won't it be a great life for these kids growing up. Mostly because they will never grow up with careing parents, so will never learn the the skills needed to be an adult or a parent some day themselves.

It's not just about quanity of live but quality of life that matters. I bet if you check the numbers down the road, 90% of them won't even finish high school, so will end up trying to survive on the proceeds of violence and crime.

Yes, especially in the southern States black women and Hispanics are more likely going to be hit the hardest with this ruling. For one, they are on average the poorest classes in America with most not having proper healthcare even before the ruling was introduced. They also have the highest baby death rate at birth now. Outlawing abortions is only the first step Tommy. Birth control will be next outlawed. Then gay marriage and every other thing someone doesn't like will get over turned. You are a race of shallow minded people who won't be happy until you go down in the history books besides the Nazi's and you know what the world thinks of them. The term Johnny come lately just doesn't pertain to the two wars but to civilization itself.

Why is it always one step forward and then two steps back for a country that tries to push that they are the most advanced and  greatest in the world? I always joke here about America being a poor neighbour to live beside, but maybe it's turning into not being a joke anymore because we can't trust you anymore on what you are going to do next.

You can't call a undeveloped egg a chicken until it comes out of it's shell Tommy and neither can you call it a person until it can breath on it's own.

tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #202
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Date Posted:2022-06-26 01:32:12Copy HTML

Well Pete, there you go again. Firstly there is no right to abortion. Anything not listed in the Constitution is left up to the states to decide & that's what this decision is all about. So you see, the 1973 Roe v Wade is unconstitutional from the beginning & now it is corrected. The argument you are making about next will be birth control & yada, yada, yada, is the same argument gun advocates make. Of course you Libtards dismiss that by claiming; "We are not out to take all your guns, just the evil looking black one's."
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #203
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Date Posted:2022-06-26 01:36:27Copy HTML

I spent quite some time answering Pete and when I posted it, it came on twice. I tried to delete one and the both of them disappeared.
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #204
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Date Posted:2022-06-26 06:19:19Copy HTML

I'm having a lot of trouble with my Apple computer at the moment and it's driving me mad. I think I need a new one but I can't really afford a brand new one, they're a lot of money to get what I already have. Bit of a dilemma really. I've had other computers in the past but when I got my first apple it was a whole new world, they are the very best and i don't really want any other kind. there are second hand ones on the market but?
MarkUK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #205
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Date Posted:2022-06-26 07:19:46Copy HTML

I know nothing about computers, so this may be utterly worthless, but I've heard that Apple are over-engineered and have associated problems. The simpler the better with PCs for me.

You're playing chess with Fate and Fate's winning. Arnold Bennett
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #206
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Date Posted:2022-06-26 07:36:10Copy HTML

I used to have the other kind of computer, with all the defraging, anti virus shite and all the rest, which you don't ever need with an apple. They are brilliant and I highly recommend one. I could never go back.
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #207
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Date Posted:2022-06-27 06:39:28Copy HTML

Evidence has finally emerged proving that Joe Biden did speak to his son about his corrupt business dealings with China, Joe told him, I think you're in the clear, following an investigation into him, which obviously Biden snr interfered with. Biden has always categorically stated that he never spoke to his son about his business dealings, yeh right. His son was siphoning off huge amounts from his corrupt payments from China to 'the big guy' which was his dad of course. pete, do you think this is false? Do you think this is a conspiracy against Biden?
pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #208
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Date Posted:2022-06-27 10:13:57Copy HTML

At least 10 states have effectively banned abortion since the Supreme Court's historic reversal of Roe v. Wade on Friday that eliminated the federal constitutional right to an abortion. While some governors across the US work to protect abortion rights, another five states are expected to enact varying trigger laws limiting the procedure in the coming days and weeks, including Wyoming, Mississippi, Tennessee, Texas and Idaho. Numerous Democrats and advocacy groups, meanwhile, are pressing ahead with new legal arguments within the states -- in some cases digging into their own laws for potential avenues to slow or upend new restrictions. The Supreme Court decision has also reverberated around the globe, with several world leaders slamming the decision as a step away from the country's key allies on reproductive health care.

tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #209
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Date Posted:2022-06-28 02:37:51Copy HTML

At least 10 states have effectively banned abortion since the Supreme Court's historic reversal of Roe v. Wade on Friday that eliminated the federal constitutional right to an abortion. While some governors across the US work to protect abortion rights, another five states are expected to enact varying trigger laws limiting the procedure in the coming days and weeks, including Wyoming, Mississippi, Tennessee, Texas and Idaho. Numerous Democrats and advocacy groups, meanwhile, are pressing ahead with new legal arguments within the states -- in some cases digging into their own laws for potential avenues to slow or upend new restrictions. The Supreme Court decision has also reverberated around the globe, with several world leaders slamming the decision as a step away from the country's key allies on reproductive health care.

Well Pete, there you go again. The Supreme Court decided correctly that abortion is not a Constitutional right & left it up to the states to decide.  Roe v Wade originally had limits starting with the first trimester & then morphed into abortion on demand, abortion right up to birth, partial birth abortion, & even abortion after birth itself. The world leaders you mention all have abortion with restrictions. Example is GB which requires examination & approval by two doctors before allowing. Not a good comparison eh? Or are you for pulling babies limbs off in the third trimester? 

shula Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #210
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Date Posted:2022-06-28 02:57:36Copy HTML

"It is forbidden to spit on cats in plague-time." -Albert Camus-
shula Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #211
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Date Posted:2022-06-28 03:04:50Copy HTML

Trudeau has issued an open invitation to any American who wants to abort her unborn child.
"It is forbidden to spit on cats in plague-time." -Albert Camus-
pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #212
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Date Posted:2022-06-28 09:49:15Copy HTML

Trudeau has issued an open invitation to any American who wants to abort her unborn child.

So maybe he's a little smarter than we all think. We have free healthcare up here and the morning after pill so not as much need for an abortion. It would be very odd to get one after your 15th week though unless it has been determined that it is hurting the mothers health or the baby is badly deformed or dead already. American women would have to pay to have it done.

So it looks like your view and Tommies is in the minority acording to the poles, so when did things change and minority got to rule??

: Court vs. Country

Minnesota to California, Florida, Ohio, South Carolina, New York and many, many places in between.


Abortion rights activists across the country are meeting the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade with a blitz of dissent. Their potent outrage can be felt far beyond Washington, with celebrities, companies and advocacy groups helping to fuel it -- both online and off.


It's all rooted in the high court's decision to eliminate nearly 50 years of precedent. But it's also a powerful measure of the growing gap between the US people and their highest court.


Consider this: Most Americans disapprove of the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe vs. Wade, according to a CBS News/YouGov poll conducted Friday and Saturday in the immediate wake of the ruling. And polling taken before the Supreme Court ruling showed a broad majority of Americans did not want to see the landmark 1973 abortion ruling struck down.


In a May CNN poll conducted immediately after the leak of the Supreme Court's draft opinion on the case, Americans said, 66% to 34%, that they did not want the court to completely overturn the decision. In fact, in CNN's polling dating back to 1989, the share of the public in favor of completely overturning Roe has never risen above 36%.


Unapologetic majority. Instrumental in Friday's ruling were the three justices former President Donald Trump placed on the court: Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett. Together with Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas, the conservative wing of the court penned a forceful majority opinion.


"Roe was egregiously wrong from the start. Its reasoning was exceptionally weak, and the decision has had damaging consequences. And far from bringing about a national settlement of the abortion issue, Roe and Casey have enflamed debate and deepened division," the opinion states.


Later: "It is time to heed the Constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people's elected representatives."


And finally: "We end this opinion where we began. Abortion presents a profound moral question. The Constitution does not prohibit the citizens of each State from regulating or prohibiting abortion. Roe and Casey arrogated that authority. We now overrule those decisions and return that authority to the people and their elected representatives."


The opinion's sweeping tone points to a conservative court that was ready to overturn Roe v. Wade the minute it agreed last year to hear Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization. An audacious and defiant tenor runs throughout the opinion, making it all the more difficult to square with the justices that signed on to it and how they got there.


Let's revisit Gorsuch's confirmation hearing in 2017. Facing questions from the Senate Judiciary Committee, Gorsuch was asked by Sen. Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican, if Trump had ever asked him in an interview to overturn Roe v. Wade. After a brief pause, with all eyes on him, Gorsuch responded, "No. ... I would have walked out the door." Gorsuch said, "That's not what judges do."'


Gorsuch also defended the value of precedent when asked about the controversial abortion law.


"Part of the value of precedent -- and it has lots of value, it has value in and of itself, because it is our history and our history has value intrinsically. But it also has an instrumental value in this sense: It adds to the determinacy of law," the judge said.


"Once a case is settled, that adds to the determinacy of the law," Gorsuch added. "What was once a hotly contested issue is no longer a hotly contested issue. We move forward."


Then there's Kavanaugh, who returned time and time again to the importance of precedent and the Supreme Court's "precedent on precedent" during his 2018 confirmation battle.


"One of the important things to keep in mind about Roe v. Wade is that it has been reaffirmed many times over the past 45 years, as you know, and most prominently, most importantly, reaffirmed in Planned Parenthood v. Casey in 1992," Kavanaugh said in his confirmation hearing, adding that the Casey decision analyzed the "stare decisis factors" when explaining why the precedent was not overturned.


"It is not as if it is just a run-of-the-mill case that was decided and never been reconsidered, but Casey specifically reconsidered it, applied the stare decisis factors and decided to reaffirm it," Kavanaugh said. "That makes Casey a precedent on precedent."


Barrett was less definitive in her 2020 confirmation hearings but still assured lawmakers she would set aside her personal opposition to abortion in order to follow the law.


"My policy views, my moral convictions, my religious beliefs do not bear on how I decide cases, nor should they; it would be in conflict with my judicial oath," she said.


The path not traveled. The majority's opinion reads even more extreme when you consider Chief Justice John Roberts' push for a more measured approach. Roberts did not join the majority, writing in a concurring opinion that he would not have overturned Roe but instead would have only upheld Mississippi's law banning abortions after 15 weeks.


"The Court's decision to overrule Roe and Casey is a serious jolt to the legal system -- regardless of how you view those cases. A narrower decision rejecting the misguided viability line would be markedly less unsettling, and nothing more is needed to decide this case," he wrote.


And later: "I would decide the question we granted review to answer -- whether the previously recognized abortion right bars all abortion restrictions prior to viability, such that a ban on abortions after fifteen weeks of pregnancy is necessarily unlawful. The answer to that question is no, and there is no need to go further to decide this case."


Put simply, Roberts maintained that this didn't have to be an all-or-nothing case. He had proposed a limited resolution at oral arguments last December, but apparently never had any real momentum against the court's conservative bloc.


There were no signs in the opinions released on Friday that those who joined Alito had wavered in the view that Roe was "egregiously wrong."


Roberts sought to "leave for another day whether to reject any right to an abortion at all." Alito dismissed that possibility, saying the "quest for a middle way would only put off the day when we would be forced to confront the question we now decide. The turmoil wrought by Roe and Casey would be prolonged. It is far better -- for this Court and the country -- to face up to the real issue without further delay."


It's not just Roe. If the Supreme Court's abortion ruling put a spotlight on its ideological distance from the American people, its gun ruling the day before had previewed it.


The high court struck down a New York gun law enacted more than a century ago that places restrictions on carrying a concealed handgun outside the home -- an opinion marking the widest expansion of gun rights in a decade.

"Because the State of New York issues public-carry licenses only when an applicant demonstrates a special need for self-defense, we conclude that the State's licensing regime violates the Constitution," Thomas wrote for the court's 6-3 majority.


Up for grabs are not just public-carry laws like the New York rule before the court. Virtually any other type of gun regulation, including age-based regulations, restrictions on certain types of firearms and limits on high-capacity magazines, will now be viewed by courts in a harsher light.


Yet a recent Gallup survey found a marked increase in support for stricter gun laws following last month's mass shootings in Uvalde, Texas, and Buffalo, New York.


About two-thirds of Americans (66%) say that laws covering the sale of firearms should be made more strict, up 14 points since last fall and the highest since 2018. That increase comes across party lines, with 94% of Democrats now in favor of stricter laws along with 66% of independents and 38% of Republicans.


According to Gallup, that is the highest level of support since 2001 among Democrats, and it matches or nears the high points for independents and Republicans.


A majority also say they would prefer new laws on guns in addition to stricter enforcement of current laws (55%), while 42% say they would prefer to see stricter enforcement only.


This political will for more gun safety helped fuel the first major federal legislation in decades. The package represents the most significant new federal measure to address gun violence since the expired 10-year assault weapons ban of 1994.


If considering this as you read Thomas' opinion -- wherein he argues that gun restrictions must be measured by the nation's history, not by a state's assertion of urgent public safety interests -- leaves you startled at the gap between court and country, you're not alone. But what, if any, remedies could help link the high court and the people it serves remains an open question.


What now? For years, Democrats in Congress have pushed for limits on Supreme Court appointments as a way to limit the vacancies that fall under any one presidency. It's unclear if ideas like this -- or similarly ambitious ones -- will find new momentum in the wake of the high court's recent rulings.


Rep. Ro Khanna is giving it a shot anyway. On Saturday, the California Democrat called on the President to endorse the idea of Supreme Court term limits.


"It is a court so isolated that it has lost all sense of reality about public opinion and how Americans live. Far from serving as a check on majoritarian rule, six of the court's justices are serving to entrench a right-wing ideology," Khanna said in a speech.


But remember, the Biden administration has already given Supreme Court revisions a look, and it brought little but controversy.


The commission Biden tasked with exploring changes to the court concluded in a December report that there was "profound" disagreement over whether to add more seats to the bench, and the report didn't take a final position on term limits.

The subtext of the report was clear: No adjustments to the court are likely anytime soon. The Supreme Court we have is the one we'll have for some time, starting with more opinions Wednesday.

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #213
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Date Posted:2022-06-28 09:54:54Copy HTML

So she really wasn't trying to push her out of the picture like you said when you see the whole video. She was trying to move her so she would be in the picture more and not behind her like the girl kept trying to do. 

tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #214
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Date Posted:2022-06-28 10:21:10Copy HTML

Trudeau is out of step on this one Pete. First is the blackface thingy & now its the misuse of pronouns. Will he provide abortions for men too?
tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #215
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Date Posted:2022-06-28 10:34:56Copy HTML

Trudeau is out of step on this one Pete. First is the blackface thingy & now its the misuse of pronouns. Will he provide abortions for men too?

What if the woman is unvaccinated? Can she still get across the border?

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #216
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Date Posted:2022-06-28 11:21:57Copy HTML

Does anybody seriously think this pathetic little man child would have tried this stunt if Trump was in charge?
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #217
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Date Posted:2022-06-28 11:29:33Copy HTML

Why is motherhood such an alien concept to these people? Who will look after them? The same person who looked after you Pete, a mother. There is provision for girls raped by a relative and you know it but these cases are rarer than you appear to think, less than one in a million births. I’m thinking of inventing a pill that stops women getting pregnant and call it nonereceptive, or maybe contraceptive. What ya think? On the subject of it adversely affecting the poor, just how much does an abortion cost? I knew you’d bring blacks into this, as it’s the left’s favourite trump card and they fail to see just how racist and condescending they are by doing that, as they are the ones with the least expectations from them. Outlawing birth control next? Really, that’s too pathetic to comment on. Patriotism might be the last refuge of the scoundrel but nazism is the first refuge of the clueless lefty. Row V Wade was never ratified by the supreme court, as it should have been, now it has and of course those judges are now in hiding as the left’s answer to anything they don’t like is violence. Abortion is not banned, it is now the decision of each individual state. Arrr, the chicken and egg story. Ok, here’s mine. The mature chick within has to dig its way out of the shell, to do that it has to be alive. Now, if you stick a pin through the shell whilst it’s digging and kill it, did you kill a live chicken or not? Do you know just how an abortion is performed Pete? The abortionist inserts a form of long nosed pliers and tears of each limb, one at a time and removes them. They then crush the skull and remove the rest. It’s just a case of a wash and brush after that and off you go. Pete, do you have the figures for the women psychologically scarred for life for having had an abortion?
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #218
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Date Posted:2022-06-28 06:40:51Copy HTML

The Biden administration has just signed a five year lease to house illegal aliens, as in illegal, against the law, at the luxurious 100 acre campus at the closed American Hebrew academy in Greensborough North Carolina. Reports state the 800 staff will attend them. Originally tuition and board was $42,000 a year. Here in Britain every illegal alien now has priority access to every kind of medical treatment free of charge. Dentists are checking on them, free of charge, doctors, free of charge. Millions of people in this country just can'r afford proper dental care but they have a free, express service. Why? I don't get it and it's fueling a lot of resentment right now. They are clothed, fed (exactly what their religion states) and have instant access to treatment the average Brit waits months for. If only we had a conservative government.
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #219
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Date Posted:2022-06-28 07:04:48Copy HTML

You all remember Elizabeth Warren, or Pocahontas, as Trump nicknamed her. She was the Democratic dildo who believed, nay fantasised about being an Indian and Trump called her out on it, offering to pay for a DNA test and the idiot took him up on it. It turned out, as Trump knew, that my dog was more Indian than her. Now, any person with an ounce of integrity and pride would have slid under the carpet and not made a ripple, but not this political freak, no pride, no brains. She's now calling for the erecting of abortion tents on Federal land in states that have refused abortion on demand. She's actually calling the lack killing fields a medical emergency. I have a suggestion. Why not let the children be born first, give them to the mother and then ask them do they want it killing? I guarantee 99.999% the mothers will keep them. There's nothing like the sight of that newborn to trigger nature. I remember my first sight of my girl. The nurse put her in my arms and whilst I wasn't looking, she pulledout a plug, connected me up and totally reprogrammed me. I've been a lost cause ever since.
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #220
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Date Posted:2022-06-28 07:15:56Copy HTML

The lefty mobsters are now targeting Catholic churches and vandalising them. What is it with these lefty's? Everything and anybody who does not to follow the recognised indoctrination just has to be physically punished. There is only one recognised answer, one recognised value they will permit. their own. Conservatives never act this way, just ask our own resident conservative Pete. Hey Pete, you never told us, did your Conservative candidate get in?
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #221
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Date Posted:2022-06-29 07:18:22Copy HTML

shula Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #222
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Date Posted:2022-06-30 01:43:32Copy HTML

The media will continue to cover for Hunter and Joe. 
"It is forbidden to spit on cats in plague-time." -Albert Camus-
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #223
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Date Posted:2022-06-30 08:03:51Copy HTML

There are currently 11,300 illegal aliens,, tried in a British court for serious enough offences that warranted their deportation back to the shithole they crawled out of and due to the socialists and human rights leeches, we can't shift a one. Think about that, they come here illegally, commit serious enough crimes to get them expelled back to their own country and in jump the socialist dickylickers and using our own legalisms, which pays for their attack upon our law of the land, keep them here at the taxpayers expense. Just what is it in the lefty psyche that compels them to fight to keep rapists, murderers and robbers in this land? I simply can't understand it. In what way does it benefit them, other than to possibly massage their warped egos and warped self esteem and importance? It doesn't, they do it for some bizarre, perverted, mental reason that only they might understand but are unable to explain to the a reasoned, lawful mind.
pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #224
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Date Posted:2022-07-05 10:09:12Copy HTML

Trudeau is out of step on this one Pete. First is the blackface thingy & now its the misuse of pronouns. Will he provide abortions for men too?

What if the woman is unvaccinated? Can she still get across the border?

Actually I'm not sure to be honest Tommy. The virus is pretty well gone here and everything is back to normal. I am going in for corrective surgery in September and I have to have a covid test done no earlier that 24 hours in advance of my surgery, so I would say yes a woman would have to be vaccinated or at least test negative no sooner that 24 hours before her surgery. Went to the drugstore last week and had my fourth shot. I only cried a little bit until they gave me a happy face sticker to shut me up.

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #225
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Date Posted:2022-07-05 10:36:36Copy HTML

Well Pete, there you go again. Firstly there is no right to abortion. Anything not listed in the Constitution is left up to the states to decide & that's what this decision is all about. So you see, the 1973 Roe v Wade is unconstitutional from the beginning & now it is corrected. The argument you are making about next will be birth control & yada, yada, yada, is the same argument gun advocates make. Of course you Libtards dismiss that by claiming; "We are not out to take all your guns, just the evil looking black one's."

There sure is a right to have an abortion because a woman's body is her own. It would be like saying you can't have sex with a woman unless you ask you State Government first, can you. No Federal or State court should have anything to do with a woman's right when it comes to her own body. No court ever says they can't disfigure their body with having too many piercing or tattoos because their bodies are their own. 

An abortion is between a woman and her doctor and no one else including the State.

Best to get rid of all your black guns now then and just keep the shinny ones.

The Supreme right winged Court also make it legal to leave your home with your gun in New York State but do you have to keep it in the open or concealed in public. I thought it sounded a bit confusing. Only crooks conceal their guns but if you have it in the open someone might shoot you.

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