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Date Posted:2022-04-13 10:49:33Copy HTML

A room for all things political

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #176
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Date Posted:2022-06-15 07:32:15Copy HTML

Barr was never with him, as he's a selfish, self centred, self promoting, two faced, treacherous shitbag. Behind bars? HA! Behind the desk in the oval office you mean and I can't wait for the squealing to begin. I do hope it's as entertaining as last time. That kid, the shooter in the school, could have ended that revolution on his own, yet you deluded infants still convinced the US was on the verge of being toppled. By the way, are CNN paying you to watch?
MarkUK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #177
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Date Posted:2022-06-15 08:30:47Copy HTML

I paid the equivalent of $12.50 a gallon yesterday, probably double what the States are paying,.

$4.85 yesterday. 

$2.10 a Litre here. Multiply that times 3.78 to find the cost of an American gallon or 4.54 times that for an imperial gallon. Knowing most of you aren't good with figures,

it works out to $7.93 for a little American gallon or $9.53 for the normal imperial one Art and i both go by. Time to sell the Stang Tommy because until you guys start get your refinneries producing more like they use to, the price will only go higher. And to Art, that's what you get for depending on mother Russia.

Are you paying for it in ruples yet Art.

The place to put your money this year may be in commodities markets like wheat ,grains, soy, rice etc. In 6 months over half the world will be starving to death so for sure the prices will be high to buy.

The price of petrol is literally going up every day over here, something will crack soon, I suspect the public's patience. 

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #178
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Date Posted:2022-06-15 08:41:37Copy HTML

Y'now, you can't make this lefty shite up. The World Health Organisation has announced that it is working with scientists to develop a new name for the monkeypox virus so that will not be discriminatory and stigmatising. Yep, hold all research until we can find a name that has no connection with blacks, not that I'm saying it has ant connection, just because I use the word monkey doesn't mean I'm alluding to blacks, sorry. persons of colour. I mean, black people have nothing in common with monkeys I'm sure but just in case we could find a black person who did. or does, or might, best be safe than sorry. Socialism is a mental disease.
tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #179
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Date Posted:2022-06-15 11:26:16Copy HTML

I paid the equivalent of $12.50 a gallon yesterday, probably double what the States are paying,.

$4.85 yesterday. 

$2.10 a Litre here. Multiply that times 3.78 to find the cost of an American gallon or 4.54 times that for an imperial gallon. Knowing most of you aren't good with figures,

it works out to $7.93 for a little American gallon or $9.53 for the normal imperial one Art and i both go by. Time to sell the Stang Tommy because until you guys start get your refinneries producing more like they use to, the price will only go higher. And to Art, that's what you get for depending on mother Russia.

Are you paying for it in ruples yet Art.

The place to put your money this year may be in commodities markets like wheat ,grains, soy, rice etc. In 6 months over half the world will be starving to death so for sure the prices will be high to buy.

Naw, the next shortage will be in Tampons. I read it the paper so it must be true. 

tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #180
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Date Posted:2022-06-16 01:26:37Copy HTML

Y'now, you can't make this lefty shite up. The World Health Organisation has announced that it is working with scientists to develop a new name for the monkeypox virus so that will not be discriminatory and stigmatising. Yep, hold all research until we can find a name that has no connection with blacks, not that I'm saying it has ant connection, just because I use the word monkey doesn't mean I'm alluding to blacks, sorry. persons of colour. I mean, black people have nothing in common with monkeys I'm sure but just in case we could find a black person who did. or does, or might, best be safe than sorry. Socialism is a mental disease.

The origin of the AIDS virus was someone buggering monkeys. If you are going to do that, wear a condom even if you are a Catholic. The Pope will grant you dispensation, rumor has it that he is a Socialist. 

shula Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #181
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Date Posted:2022-06-16 03:53:33Copy HTML

I heard on the news, too, that WHO is seeking a new name for the monkey pox.  I figured it was the animal rights activists who were offended on behalf of the monkeys.  Fauci has the COVID.
"It is forbidden to spit on cats in plague-time." -Albert Camus-
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #182
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Date Posted:2022-06-17 07:16:38Copy HTML

I heard on the news, too, that WHO is seeking a new name for the monkey pox.  I figured it was the animal rights activists who were offended on behalf of the monkeys.  Fauci has the COVID.

There is nothing as fragile on the planet as black sensibilities. I lie of course, white lefty's catering for perceived black sensibilities are far more fragile. Why have they latched onto this perceived connection? What suddenly made them think that the sight of a simian was somehow derogatory towards them? Next they'll have them taken out of view in zoos. David Attenborough will have to issue a simian warning before his nature programmes........ Warning, some viewers might find this distressing.

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #183
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Date Posted:2022-06-17 08:11:08Copy HTML

In Portland, following the socialist's decriminalisation of hard drugs, the streets are littered with the dead and dying. 1069 went to the great syringe in the sky last year, this year's figures are not available up to this point but are regarded as far higher. It's like being in some zombie movie there, with the brain dead staggering about and hundreds openly shooting up on the streets. Socialism is a mental disease.
shula Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #184
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Date Posted:2022-06-17 09:48:40Copy HTML

It sure is, but if the citizens of Portland haven't awakened yet to what has happened to their city, I doubt they ever will.
"It is forbidden to spit on cats in plague-time." -Albert Camus-
pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #185
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Date Posted:2022-06-18 07:14:05Copy HTML

In Portland, following the socialist's decriminalisation of hard drugs, the streets are littered with the dead and dying. 1069 went to the great syringe in the sky last year, this year's figures are not available up to this point but are regarded as far higher. It's like being in some zombie movie there, with the brain dead staggering about and hundreds openly shooting up on the streets. Socialism is a mental disease.

What does Socialists got to do with hard drugs or do you think only democrats are users?? 

You have a lot to learn about the drug world, Art.

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #186
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Date Posted:2022-06-18 07:28:57Copy HTML

The Federal Reserve raised interest rates by three-quarters of a percentage point on Wednesday in an aggressive move to tackle inflation. It's the biggest increase in 28 years and will affect millions of American businesses and households by pushing up the cost of borrowing for homes, cars and other loans.

You call three-quarters of one percent aggressive? It's not even one percent for heaven sakes. To make any good to stop inflation you would have to raise it by at lease 5%.

The people who wil lose homes are the people who don't own any part of that home in the first place. The States has no safety net like Canada does. Here you have to put 25% down to buy a home or if not, you have to pay mortage insurance. That way people just don't just show up at the bank and hand over their keys and walk away like they do in America because they have money of their own invested in their home.

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #187
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Date Posted:2022-06-18 10:47:59Copy HTML

In Portland, following the socialist's decriminalisation of hard drugs, the streets are littered with the dead and dying. 1069 went to the great syringe in the sky last year, this year's figures are not available up to this point but are regarded as far higher. It's like being in some zombie movie there, with the brain dead staggering about and hundreds openly shooting up on the streets. Socialism is a mental disease.

What does Socialists got to do with hard drugs or do you think only democrats are users?? 

You have a lot to learn about the drug world, Art.

You appear to have missed the word decriminalised

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #188
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Date Posted:2022-06-19 08:11:58Copy HTML

In Portland, following the socialist's decriminalisation of hard drugs, the streets are littered with the dead and dying. 1069 went to the great syringe in the sky last year, this year's figures are not available up to this point but are regarded as far higher. It's like being in some zombie movie there, with the brain dead staggering about and hundreds openly shooting up on the streets. Socialism is a mental disease.

What does Socialists got to do with hard drugs or do you think only democrats are users?? 

You have a lot to learn about the drug world, Art.

You appear to have missed the word decriminalised

If anything, decriminalizing it has lead to fewer deaths in most places. It has also lead to less passing of different disease because needle clinics will take in dirty needles and exchange them for clean un-used ones..

A person on hard drugs has a disease and should be treated as such. Locking them up has never been proven to work and costs American a wack of money. Besides you can get drugs in any American prison so that doesn't solve anything.

You have to break the cycle with treatment.

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #189
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Date Posted:2022-06-20 10:46:10Copy HTML

Just when I think you can't get any more detached from reality, you surprise me.
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #190
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Date Posted:2022-06-20 11:30:33Copy HTML

At present Italy is enjoying all of the benefits and consequences of diversity and inclusion from its visitors from north Africa. When I say inclusion, I mean just Islam really, who don’t have any truck with inclusion whatsoever, but hey, doesn’t mean that we must stop the great inclusion programme. The west has a death wish at the moment, a civilisational death wish, which it seems either unable or unwilling to prevent. Thousands of diversity is our strength immigrants left some of the major towns and cities and converged on a town called Pechiera, where they took over and waving their various nation’s flags, chanted Africa must come here, this is our country now. It didn’t take long before they attacked people on the street and robbed them. This culturally enhancing programme quickly switched itself to more lucrative victims and raided and destroyed shops and businesses, stormed a tourist train and robbed the passengers. They’ve obviously taken a leaf out of the BLM victimhood sample, it’s not the shops who are the victims, it’s the robbers, isn’t that right Pete? As in every mass gathering of these victims in Europe, sexual crimes were prevalent, women manhandled on the pavements and groped. Did I mention that muslims only make up 8% of the population but can happily claim 44% of the rape statistics? I know the women are victims, in a way, but surely the muslim rapists are too? The mayor of the town declared they had suffered a day of war.
shula Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #191
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Date Posted:2022-06-21 01:48:13Copy HTML

What a shame.
"It is forbidden to spit on cats in plague-time." -Albert Camus-
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #192
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Date Posted:2022-06-24 06:43:52Copy HTML

HA! Poncy Balony's husband has been charged with drink driving and who can blame him, married to that plastic faced horror? It's just a pity she has never been charged with being pissed on the stand as House Speaker. The drunk is always drunk and frankly, everybody knows she's an alchi.
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #193
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Date Posted:2022-06-24 07:17:58Copy HTML

Johnson and the Tories have just suffered a record defeat in yesterday's by-election and rightly so. Johnson's an arrogant, supercilious wanker with a superiority complex. Any politician with an ounce of pride and integrity would have immediately resigned but this turd is stuck to the walls of number 10 and he's going to have to be dynamited out of there. The socialists are celebrating their win, oblivious to the fact that it has nothing to do with them, but is the product of a protest vote about the Johnson government. Beer Starmer, the Labour leader is positively bottom draw, a clueless chancer without an ounce of integrity. He's your typical champagne socialist who'd sell his mother for an extra vote.
MarkUK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #194
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Date Posted:2022-06-24 08:42:01Copy HTML

I expected the Wakefield result, it's not a naturally Tory area, but Tiverton and Honiton was a real shock. 

The danger here is the kind of informal pact we saw in Devon between the Liberals and Labour - they'll both run candidates but the one thought unlikely to win (ie Labour in Devon) will barely mount a campaign thus allowing the other to hoover up extra votes. That way the Conservatives could be swept away next time despite Boris' huge seemingly unassailable 2019 victory.  

Boris is the best example yet of an almighty fall from grace. In December 2019 he was the darling of British politics - a huge Election win and Brexit done. Now he's a busted flush, we all know he'll not be around for the next Election, it's just a matter of when and how he'll be forced out. A leadership challenge this time next year is the best hope before we get too close to the General Election.

You're playing chess with Fate and Fate's winning. Arnold Bennett
pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #195
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Date Posted:2022-06-24 10:38:32Copy HTML

Just when I think you can't get any more detached from reality, you surprise me.

Like I said Art, you don't have a clue what your talking about.

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #196
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Date Posted:2022-06-24 11:02:02Copy HTML

So today, the Supreme Court in the States made the biggest mistake in American history by over turning Roe vs Wade. A law they up held for 49 years as being fair and just. For a country that always brags about their rights and freedoms, over half of the entire nation just lost their rights over there own bodies and their rights to have a chose. This is mainly a Republican issue and they seem to put more thought into protecting an unformed egg than they go over a child already born or it's mother life. Shame on you America, today the world seen you for what you really are, a backward group of fools, still living in the 19th century who only think of themselves and no one elses situation. I sure hope the mid terms and the 2024 elections stay on the lefts side.

tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #197
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Date Posted:2022-06-25 01:16:14Copy HTML

So today, the Supreme Court in the States made the biggest mistake in American history by over turning Roe vs Wade. A law they up held for 49 years as being fair and just. For a country that always brags about their rights and freedoms, over half of the entire nation just lost their rights over there own bodies and their rights to have a chose. This is mainly a Republican issue and they seem to put more thought into protecting an unformed egg than they go over a child already born or it's mother life. Shame on you America, today the world seen you for what you really are, a backward group of fools, still living in the 19th century who only think of themselves and no one elses situation. I sure hope the mid terms and the 2024 elections stay on the lefts side.

Well Pete, there you go again with the bovine excrement. The vast majority of abortions are performed for birth control reasons because having a baby would be inconvenient. Also a large percentage of those performed are for black women. BTW, if its not a baby they the woman is not pregnant eh? The right to a woman's body ends with the murder of another person. Hitler would have been proud as the count is in the millions of dead babies. 

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #198
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Date Posted:2022-06-25 06:55:42Copy HTML

Just when I think you can't get any more detached from reality, you surprise me.

Like I said Art, you don't have a clue what your talking about.

Like I said Pete, they're not living outside your front door and distance always lends enlightenment I find.

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #199
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Date Posted:2022-06-25 07:11:23Copy HTML

So today, the Supreme Court in the States made the biggest mistake in American history by over turning Roe vs Wade. A law they up held for 49 years as being fair and just. For a country that always brags about their rights and freedoms, over half of the entire nation just lost their rights over there own bodies and their rights to have a chose. This is mainly a Republican issue and they seem to put more thought into protecting an unformed egg than they go over a child already born or it's mother life. Shame on you America, today the world seen you for what you really are, a backward group of fools, still living in the 19th century who only think of themselves and no one elses situation. I sure hope the mid terms and the 2024 elections stay on the lefts side.

Well Pete, there you go again with the bovine excrement. The vast majority of abortions are performed for birth control reasons because having a baby would be inconvenient. Also a large percentage of those performed are for black women. BTW, if its not a baby they the woman is not pregnant eh? The right to a woman's body ends with the murder of another person. Hitler would have been proud as the count is in the millions of dead babies. 

Pete, do you think contraception is a better way to go than abortion? You see, I fail to see why there have been over 18,000,000 black abortions alone over the last 20 or more years. Abortion has become a feminine statement of some kind.... you mean you haven't had an abortion yet sweety? My, you iz so yesterday. This ruling does not ban abortion and you know it but to lefty's, anything short of a drive through abortion clinic is somehow an affront to their rights. Don't babies have rights? The US spends billions around the world trying to save baby's lives and yet kills millions of its own without question. Don't tell me this is a Republican issue Pete as the govt is a Dem one, the Dems have the court packed and are stunned it didn't follow ze orders. This crap about rights over their own bodies is just another monkey see, monkey do expression. They have the right to screw anybody they like, they have the right to get pregnant or not get pregnant and the separate states will decide if an abortion is murder or not murder. Do you think for one second we would have these genocidal figures if it was men who got pregnant? Not a chance.

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #200
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Date Posted:2022-06-25 07:19:18Copy HTML

I was thinking Pete. You seem so adamant that women should have the right to do what they want with their own bodies but when Turdope took away your bodily right to refuse a vaccine the silence was deafening.
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