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Date Posted:2022-04-13 10:49:33Copy HTML

A room for all things political

shula Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #151
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Date Posted:2022-05-26 04:22:58Copy HTML

Voting twice for Trump might be crazy but not as crazy as voting once for Biden.
"It is forbidden to spit on cats in plague-time." -Albert Camus-
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #152
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Date Posted:2022-05-26 06:45:40Copy HTML

If Trump had been re-elected, Russia would never have invaded Ukraine. 

Oh meine liebe schatzi, surely your joking right. If your not then you should never be allowed to vote again, even it it's only for town dog catcher. So I quess your saying Biden started the War with the Russians to gain political points then. If Trump was in office he would have sent arms to the Russians instead of to the Ukanians. For a guy who things that you can let an atomic bomb off in a tornado to stop it or the guy who was going to bomb Mexico to stop the drug trade and then not tell anyone that he did it. 

He's the last Russian arse kisser that the world needs now.

Admit it, you got sucked in twice for voting for Trump just like doubting Tom did and if you did it again they would probably have you committed. Look out rubber room here comes that Crazy Shula. Doubting Tom and Crazy Shula kind of goes together don't you think? Just like Bonnie and Clyde does. Bonnie liked guns and Clyde liked fast cars. You could pass for doubles.

Pete, don't be thick. You fell for the Trump Russia con, as did millions of other braindeads, why, because you needed to, you yearned to, you were suffering from TDS and needed a fix and Hillary supplied it for you. Unfortunately you're a CNN watcher, which means you'll remain ignorant for the foreseeable future and never know there are investigations going on out there right now which will screw Clinton, the ugliest, most corrupt, most narcissistic politician in US history.

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #153
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Date Posted:2022-05-27 02:57:52Copy HTML

I never was a Hillary fan so I don't know where your getting that from. Trump is now considered the worse President in American history.

The Republican Party who I once would have voted for, has so much in fighting going on they can't get together on any thing like who to endorse for their next run or deciding on a bill that sounds ok to the majority of them. Trump on one side is only endorsing people that wil hurt the party and it his way of punching all Republicans that won't lie for him that the election wasn't stolen. He lost for three main reasons. One,Trump's big mouth by telling all Republican not to mail in any ballots and to only vote in person. They followed his instructions but also didn't bother to show up to vote on election day because they thought the election was already in the bag for them. Next he told them the election was fixed way before the election even started and a lot of Republicans thought if it's fixed then why bother going to vote. The Biden side told their supporters to mail in their ballots and they did and those ballots gave Biden the over wheming win. So it was Trumps mouth that lost the election for himself. He has done nothing since but try and fix the next election and has the party trying ever dirty trick in the book to do so. The problem is the left now has greater numbers than the right and this Roe vs Wade and no changes to make more sensible gun laws that all Americans will except as being fair coupled with the party being more divided now even than the Democrats are, could hurt them on election day again. They also don't seem to offering up a platform forward to run on. Every member seems to want something different. This is one of the main reasons that you can't call America a country. It's only 50 different States and their not all on the same page.

MarkUK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #154
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Date Posted:2022-05-27 01:00:21Copy HTML

It's all guesswork over Trump v Putin. Some may say he was too cosy with the Russians to deter Putin from doing what he did, Putin may have thought that Trump's business background would have prevented him from applying sanctions that would harm America.

No doubt Putin saw Biden's America and NATO in general too obsessed with LGBT/Trans Rights, individual freedoms etc to do much about Ukraine, but he has been comprehensively disabused of that notion, so far anyway. 

Neither view either for or against Trump can be proven given that it's all speculation.    

You're playing chess with Fate and Fate's winning. Arnold Bennett
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #155
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Date Posted:2022-05-27 01:27:31Copy HTML

It's all guesswork over Trump v Putin. Some may say he was too cosy with the Russians to deter Putin from doing what he did, Putin may have thought that Trump's business background would have prevented him from applying sanctions that would harm America.

No doubt Putin saw Biden's America and NATO in general too obsessed with LGBT/Trans Rights, individual freedoms etc to do much about Ukraine, but he has been comprehensively disabused of that notion, so far anyway. 

Neither view either for or against Trump can be proven given that it's all speculation.    

It's not speculation at all Mark. The Trump Russia collusion plot was as real as it was fake, instigated and financed by Clinton. The FBI knew it was faked, yet a number of their agents went on the Mueller investigation knowing that, which proved the collusion narrative was false, as they knew it would be. The Steele dossier, which was also fake, was bought and paid for by Clinton. Her lawyer is on trial right now but I have my reservations he will be found guilty, as he's in 90% Clinton territory with Clinton donors on the jury, I mean, you can't make this stuff up. 

MarkUK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #156
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Date Posted:2022-05-27 01:48:15Copy HTML

My notion has little to do with any collusion theory, more to do with Trump's business brain. I'm suggesting that Putin would have viewed Trump as a businessman first and with that in mind Putin may have come to the conclusion that an invasion of Ukraine would not generate much of a response beyond verbal from Trump as he would not have wanted to damage his and America's prosperity by imposing sanctions that would hurt everyone, as we are seeing now. 

So, business first, politics second; plenty of hot air from Trump but little in the way of concrete action.  

You're playing chess with Fate and Fate's winning. Arnold Bennett
tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #157
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Date Posted:2022-05-27 02:23:20Copy HTML

My notion has little to do with any collusion theory, more to do with Trump's business brain. I'm suggesting that Putin would have viewed Trump as a businessman first and with that in mind Putin may have come to the conclusion that an invasion of Ukraine would not generate much of a response beyond verbal from Trump as he would not have wanted to damage his and America's prosperity by imposing sanctions that would hurt everyone, as we are seeing now. 

So, business first, politics second; plenty of hot air from Trump but little in the way of concrete action.  

Methinks both Mark & Art are correct. Mark with the businessman first along with the usual hot air, & Art with the collusion thingy. 

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #158
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Date Posted:2022-05-28 06:53:46Copy HTML

Don't forget Trump held back money earmarked for Ukraine for months because he wanted the present President to lie for him. Finally Trumps advisors told him that he couldn't do that.

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #159
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Date Posted:2022-05-28 06:54:52Copy HTML

: Would you go to this?

Texas and the rest of the country are reeling at the horrible details from the Uvalde school shooting. These things are difficult to read:


'Touching gloves' on gun laws
In a sign of how shock at gun violence is reverberating, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell told CNN on Thursday that he had deputized Texas Sen. John Cornyn, a fellow Republican, to see if any bipartisan federal action on guns is possible.
Stay skeptical. The extent of the progress is that Cornyn said he had "touched gloves" with Connecticut Sen. Chris Murphy, a Democrat and fierce advocate of new gun laws.
Cornyn, notably, is among the Republicans to pull out of a speaking role at this weekend's National Rifle Association annual meeting in Houston, across the state from the scene of the tragedy in Uvalde. His office cited a schedule conflict earlier this week.
That top Republicans like McConnell and Cornyn want to at least appear to be open to gun measures is full-on breaking news, even if what they might ultimately support is far from sweeping action on guns.
That the show must go on at the NRA convention is a little more true to the usual politics around gun safety versus gun rights.
Some are canceling on the NRA
The NRA's convention will not be the event that was originally planned.
In addition to Cornyn, Gov. Greg Abbott, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and Rep. Dan Crenshaw, also of Texas, have pulled out of the event. Abbott canceled his in-person appearance to instead attend a news conference in Uvalde, but addressed the NRA convention via a prerecorded video message.
"God Bless the USA" singer Lee Greenwood told Fox he was canceling his performance because he didn't want to appear to be endorsing "that weapon."
"That weapon killed kids, and I just couldn't go," Greenwood said, apparently referring to the AR platform assault rifles used by the Uvalde gunman.
Other musicians, including Don McLean, Larry Gatlin and Larry Stewart, also canceled.
Gatlin told CNN he still supports gun rights and the NRA. He's still a card-carrying member.
"I didn't think it was a good time to go down to Houston and have a party with them digging 21 fresh graves in the valley of my precious, beloved Texas," he said.
The NRA influence cycle
There is an eerie similarity between this year's annual meeting, taking place just days after the Uvalde shooting, and the annual meeting in 1999, which occurred in Denver just days after the Columbine High School shooting.
On Friday, CNN aired audio obtained by NPR of a leaked phone call among NRA officials after the Columbine shooting, when one said of canceling the convention: "If we tuck tail and run, we're going to be accepting responsibility for what happened out there."
Another eerie similarity: When I was looking at recent CNN coverage of the NRA, I came across this story about how even though the organization has been hobbled by financial and legal problems, it had shed a bipartisan image and aligned almost exclusively with Republicans. The story was written in March 2021 after two mass shootings in quick succession -- in Georgia and Colorado -- ignited a push for new gun measures on Capitol Hill.
The cycle repeats over and over.
Trump and Cruz attend
Not ashamed to appear in person at the NRA convention are other Republicans, including former President Donald Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas.
Earlier this week, Cruz told CNN's Jessica Dean that people pushing anew for gun laws after the slaughter in his home state were trying to politicize the tragedy.
"You see Democrats and a lot of folks in the media whose immediate solution is to try to restrict the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens," Cruz said.
American exceptionalism
Here's what happened when Mark Stone, a US correspondent for the British outlet Sky News, asked Cruz this week why the US has so many more gun deaths than other developed countries.
Stone: "But why does this only happen in your country? I really think that's what many people around the world just -- they cannot fathom, why only in America? Why is this American exceptionalism so awful?"
Cruz: "I'm sorry you think American exceptionalism is awful."
Stone: "I think this aspect of it ..."
Cruz: "You've got your political agenda. God love you."
Whose right is it?
There has been a lot of focus this week on the gun debate in light of the abortion debate.
The Supreme Court is poised to remove the right of American women to seek an abortion in every state. Their thinking is that state legislatures should have that power.
While the newly conservative court is likely to undo abortion rights, the court views as sacrosanct people's right to own weapons, which is written as a clause into the Bill of Rights in the context of "a well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State."
States seem very unsecured now that gunmen routinely kill people going on about their daily lives.
Using anti-abortion tactics on gun owners
Taking a page from a Texas law allowing citizens to sue people who facilitate abortions, California lawmakers voted to allow people to sue those who make or sell so-called ghost guns and illegal assault weapons.
CNN's Alisyn Camerota asked Texas state Rep. James White why the Texas legislature doesn't use the same creativity it has shown in protecting unborn embryos to protect kids from being gunned down at school.
"Use that same blueprint that you used for your abortion law," Camerota suggested as an example. "Make there be waiting periods, make them have to come back to the scene more than once, make them have to answer questions. Why can't you protect living 10-year-olds?"
"We have this thing called the Constitution," White said in answer. "What we really need to be looking at is, whether it's in Buffalo or whether it's in Uvalde, is these young men for some reason that have some very disturbed emotional state."
There, too, Texas is lacking. In April, the state cut funding from the department that oversees mental health programs, according to an NBC News report.
You'll hear that refrain from those who still choose to attend the NRA meeting this weekend, that mental health is the key to stopping shootings. You'll hear the allegation that Democrats are politicizing the shooting. And you'll hear the argument that more school officials need weapons.
What you won't hear is "God Bless the USA."

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #160
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Date Posted:2022-05-31 07:24:27Copy HTML

For Art.

 WASHINGTON (AP) — A lawyer for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign was acquitted Tuesday of lying to the FBI when he pushed information meant to cast suspicions on Donald Trump and Russia in the run-up to the 2016 election.

The case against Michael Sussmann was the first courtroom test of special counsel John Durham since his appointment three years ago to search for government misconduct during the investigation into potential ties between Russia and Trump’s 2016 campaign. The verdict represents a setback for Durham’s work, especially since Trump supporters had looked to the probe to expose what they contend was egregious bias by law enforcement officials who investigated the former president and his campaign.

The jury deliberated on Friday afternoon and Tuesday morning before reaching its verdict.

Speaking to reporters outside the courthouse after the verdict was delivered, Sussmann said he “told the truth to the FBI, and the jury clearly recognized that with their unanimous verdict today.”

He added: “Despite being falsely accused, I am relieved that justice ultimately prevailed in this case.”

In a separate statement, Durham said that though he and his team were disappointed in the outcome, they respected the jury's decision. He thanked the investigators and prosecutors on his team for their dedicated efforts in seeking truth and justice in this case."

The trial focused on whether Sussmann, a cybersecurity attorney and former federal prosecutor, concealed from the FBI that he was representing Clinton’s campaign when he presented computer data that he said showed a possible secret backchannel between Russia-based Alfa Bank and Trump’s business company, the Trump Organization. The FBI investigated but quickly determined that there was no suspicious contact.

The bureau’s then-general counsel and the government’s star witness, James Baker, testified that he was “100% confident” that Sussmann had told him that he was not representing any client during the meeting. Prosecutors say he was actually acting on behalf of the Clinton campaign and another client, and that he hid that information so as to make it seem more credible and to boost the chances of getting the FBI to investigate.

Lawyers for Sussmann deny that he lied, saying that it was impossible to know with certainty what he told Baker since they were the only participants in the meeting and neither of them took notes.

They argued that if Sussmann said he wasn’t acting on the Clinton campaign’s behalf that that was technically accurate since he didn’t ask the FBI to take any particular action. And they said that even if he did make a false statement, it was ultimately irrelevant since the FBI was already investigating Russia and the Trump campaign and would have looked into the Alfa Bank data no matter the source.

During the two-week trial, jurors heard from current and former FBI officials who described efforts to assess the data’s legitimacy as well as former Clinton campaign aides.

The original Trump-Russia investigation, overseen for two years by former special counsel Robert Mueller, found multiple efforts by Russia to interfere on the Trump campaign’s behalf but did not establish that the two sides had worked together to sway the election.

After Mueller’s work was done, then-Attorney General William Barr named a new Justice Department prosecutor, then-Connecticut U.S. Attorney Durham, to examine whether anyone from the FBI or other agencies violated the law as the government opened its investigation into Russian election interference and the Trump campaign.

Durham has remained at work into the Biden administration. He has brought three cases so far, though the one against Sussmann is the only to have reached trial. A former FBI lawyer, Kevin Clinesmith, was given probation after pleading guilty in 2020 to altering an email related to the surveillance of an ex-Trump campaign aide, and a Russian analyst who contributed to a dossier of Democratic-funded research into ties between Russia and Trump awaits trial on charges of lying to the FBI about his sources of information.

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #161
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Date Posted:2022-05-31 07:44:09Copy HTML

Voting twice for Trump might be crazy but not as crazy as voting once for Biden.

Biden is for the people and not just for himself like Trump was. He wants all Americans rights honoured not just some of them.

Trump was suppose to be a business man but turned out to be more of a crook than anything else.

I see Mick Pence has turned on him now. One is endorsing canidates that will further the Party and the other one is endorsing flakes which will only destroy the party. Even Mitch McConnell has changed his views on Trump.

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #162
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Date Posted:2022-05-31 07:47:43Copy HTML

Voting twice for Trump might be crazy but not as crazy as voting once for Biden.

Biden is for the people and not just for himself like Trump was. He wants all Americans rights honoured not just some of them.

Trump was suppose to be a business man but turned out to be more of a crook than anything else.

I see Mick Pence has turned on him now. One is endorsing canidates that will further the Party and the other one is endorsing flakes which will only destroy the party. Even Mitch McConnell has changed his views on Trump.

Supposed to be a businessman? Just about sums it up.

tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #163
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Date Posted:2022-05-31 07:51:25Copy HTML

Voting twice for Trump might be crazy but not as crazy as voting once for Biden.

Biden is for the people and not just for himself like Trump was. He wants all Americans rights honoured not just some of them.

Trump was suppose to be a business man but turned out to be more of a crook than anything else.

I see Mick Pence has turned on him now. One is endorsing canidates that will further the Party and the other one is endorsing flakes which will only destroy the party. Even Mitch McConnell has changed his views on Trump.

Supposed to be a businessman? Just about sums it up.

So Biden is for the people eh? Well all the people I know are against $5 a gallon gasoline & the outrageous prices at the supermarket. You know, John & Mary Lunchbucket who pay their own way & only ask a fair shake from the government. You are touching yourself again Pete. Are you blind yet?

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #164
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Date Posted:2022-05-31 07:58:29Copy HTML

Voting twice for Trump might be crazy but not as crazy as voting once for Biden.

Biden is for the people and not just for himself like Trump was. He wants all Americans rights honoured not just some of them.

Trump was suppose to be a business man but turned out to be more of a crook than anything else.

I see Mick Pence has turned on him now. One is endorsing canidates that will further the Party and the other one is endorsing flakes which will only destroy the party. Even Mitch McConnell has changed his views on Trump.

I only used the word crazy because I'm a polite Canadian, schatzi.

When you joined QAnon girl, did they send a taxi for you or did Art pick you up?

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #165
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Date Posted:2022-05-31 08:02:48Copy HTML

Voting twice for Trump might be crazy but not as crazy as voting once for Biden.

Biden is for the people and not just for himself like Trump was. He wants all Americans rights honoured not just some of them.

Trump was suppose to be a business man but turned out to be more of a crook than anything else.

I see Mick Pence has turned on him now. One is endorsing canidates that will further the Party and the other one is endorsing flakes which will only destroy the party. Even Mitch McConnell has changed his views on Trump.

Biden is a crook, his whole family are crooks and they depend upon simple fools to perpetuate the lie that they are anything else, just like the Turdope's do. When will you confront the Biden laptop? The Biden corruption in Ukraine, China and the US? Only the fact that Hunter's father was vice president ever kept him out of jail and his unfortunate promotion is still keeping him out of jail. When Trump is reelected there will be a quantum shift from the crime family that are the Dems and they will eventually be brought to justice, once their politicised FBI and CIA are unpoliticised and returned to the job they were created for. I repeat, the left politicise everything their dirty little mitts ever touch.

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #166
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Date Posted:2022-06-01 10:37:45Copy HTML

Voting twice for Trump might be crazy but not as crazy as voting once for Biden.

Biden is for the people and not just for himself like Trump was. He wants all Americans rights honoured not just some of them.

Trump was suppose to be a business man but turned out to be more of a crook than anything else.

I see Mick Pence has turned on him now. One is endorsing canidates that will further the Party and the other one is endorsing flakes which will only destroy the party. Even Mitch McConnell has changed his views on Trump.

Supposed to be a businessman? Just about sums it up.

So Biden is for the people eh? Well all the people I know are against $5 a gallon gasoline & the outrageous prices at the supermarket. You know, John & Mary Lunchbucket who pay their own way & only ask a fair shake from the government. You are touching yourself again Pete. Are you blind yet?

If your brains weren't in your ass Tommy you would be able to figure it out why gas prices are so high. Your brag that you are self sufficent in fuel and food in the States so wheres the problem? Biden hasn't told the oil companies to stop producing or has he told your farmers to stop growing. The whole world is having the same problems that you are and for some reason you think America is special. Get over it, your not.

You don't want migrate workers planting or haresting your crops but the average American won't do it so looks like the prices go up. You didn't want the pipe line bringing oil to you because different States worried to much about leaks but then you don't mine if a train tries delivering it and derails. You American's have got to face it, you can't have it both ways. You can't even get parts for your cars and trucks or fertizier to grow your crops. 

Talk about not having a stiff upper lip,Stop the whinning Tommy, your starting to sound like Aruther.

shula Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #167
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Date Posted:2022-06-01 10:55:43Copy HTML

Justin Trudeau's eyebrows are troubling.

More than his eyebrows bother me girl. 

It's election day here in Ontario and lets see if my Conservative gets in again. Actually you can vote in the early polls or by mail or on line with no problem in Canada.

We are still paying for the last time the Liberals were in and this time the one running for the Liberal party was the campaign managers for the clown that screwed the Province the last time.

We have 4 main parties running this time. The Conservatives, Liberals, New Democratic Party and the Green party. As you read the list of 4, the Conservatives are our right and the remaining 3 are different degrees of left with the last two what I would call far left or not of this planet.

"It is forbidden to spit on cats in plague-time." -Albert Camus-
pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #168
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Date Posted:2022-06-03 07:57:40Copy HTML

The Conservative won the election and now have a majority Government. My Rep Caroline Mulroney also won by a landslide.

The NDP and Liberal leaders both stepped down as heads of there parties after the results came in. Both are "A" holes, so no lose to the Province. 

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #169
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Date Posted:2022-06-03 10:21:00Copy HTML

WASHINGTON (AP) — Former Trump White House official Peter Navarro was indicted Friday on contempt charges after defying a subpoena from the House panel investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Navarro is former President Donald Trump's second aide to be charged with contempt of Congress for refusing to cooperate with the Jan. 6, 2021, investigation, His arrest comes months after former White House adviser Steve Bannon.

Navarro, 72, was charged with one contempt count for failing to appear for a deposition before the House committee. The second charge is for failing to produce documents the committee requested. He was taken into federal custody Friday morning and was expected to appear in federal court in Washington later in the afternoon.

The indictment underscores that the Justice Department is continuing to pursue criminal charges against Trump associates who have attempted to impede or stonewall the work of congressional investigators examining the most significant attack on U.S. democracy in decades.

The Justice Department and Attorney General Merrick Garland have faced pressure to move more quickly to decide whether to prosecute other Trump aides who have similarly defied subpoenas from the House panel.

The indictment alleges that Navarro, when summoned to appear before the committee for a deposition, refused to do so and instead told the panel that because Trump had invoked executive privilege, “my hands are tied.”

After committee staff told him they believed there were topics he could discuss without raising any executive privilege concerns, Navarro again refused, directing the committee to negotiate directly with lawyers for Trump, according to the indictment. The committee went ahead with its scheduled deposition on March 2, but Navarro did not attend.

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #170
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Date Posted:2022-06-05 03:12:20Copy HTML

  • Donald Trump lashed out at Paul Ryan after the former house speaker said many in the GOP wanted to impeach him.
  • Trump said Ryan was a "pathetic loser" and "weak RINO."
  • He also criticized Fox News for not promoting his false election fraud claims.

  • President Volodymyr Zelensky is leading the nation amid the crisis with Russia.
  • Before entering politics and becoming president in 2019, Zelensky was a comedian and a TV star. 
  • Zelensky was at the center of a 2019 scandal that ultimately led to Trump's impeachment.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is not your average politician, and his ascent to high office was anything but typical.

Zelensky is a former comedian and TV star, who had zero prior political experience when he won a landslide victory in Ukraine's presidential election in April 2019.

Just a few months into his tenure, Zelensky was at the center of a scandal involving a phone call between him and President Donald Trump that led House Democrats to impeach Trump on charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.

Amid his country's crisis with Russia, Zelensky is calling on citizens to fight and urging for a "decisive," "immediate," and "harsh" response from the international community,

That impeachment was over Trump holding back weapons already earmarked for Ukraine by both house and senate.

He told Zelensky if he didn't lie for him then he wouldn't get the weapons that had been promised. Zelensky seen right through Trump and won't lie.

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #171
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Date Posted:2022-06-11 09:15:14Copy HTML

I paid the equivalent of $12.50 a gallon yesterday, probably double what the States are paying,.
tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #172
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  • Register:2008-12-08 11:28:28


Date Posted:2022-06-11 12:00:14Copy HTML

I paid the equivalent of $12.50 a gallon yesterday, probably double what the States are paying,.

$4.85 yesterday. 

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #173
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  • Register:2008-12-20 12:28:28


Date Posted:2022-06-13 08:11:55Copy HTML

Oh dear, what a shame, never mind. Pete's favourite comedy show, the CNN channel, tanked not long ago and now the hallucinatory station MSLSD has followed suite. They're both going through their Ceausescu moment, still thinking they are relevant before the public shot them. MSLSD came ninth in the viewer's ratings and CNN failed to register enough to be at all relevant. I'm beginning to suspect the American public has eventually seen these soviet style bullshitters for what they really are but I've no real hope for our resident conservative Pete, as in the absence of his political bullshit fix he'll just have to invent his own. Pete, have you got your spinning dickiebow and squirty lapel flower ready?
pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #174
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  • Register:2022-04-22 08:45:46


Date Posted:2022-06-15 06:41:29Copy HTML

I paid the equivalent of $12.50 a gallon yesterday, probably double what the States are paying,.

$4.85 yesterday. 

$2.10 a Litre here. Multiply that times 3.78 to find the cost of an American gallon or 4.54 times that for an imperial gallon. Knowing most of you aren't good with figures,

it works out to $7.93 for a little American gallon or $9.53 for the normal imperial one Art and i both go by. Time to sell the Stang Tommy because until you guys start get your refinneries producing more like they use to, the price will only go higher. And to Art, that's what you get for depending on mother Russia.

Are you paying for it in ruples yet Art.

The place to put your money this year may be in commodities markets like wheat ,grains, soy, rice etc. In 6 months over half the world will be starving to death so for sure the prices will be high to buy.

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #175
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  • Register:2022-04-22 08:45:46


Date Posted:2022-06-15 06:53:07Copy HTML

I see even pig face Barr has turned on Trump now and also Trumps daughter and her husand. If it makes you fell any better Art not just CNN is covering the the 6th of Jan attack on the Capital Building but so is Fox news. Trump lost in court again and can't get out of being questioned by the Jan 6th committee. Won't be long now before he's behind bars.

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