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Date Posted:2022-04-13 10:49:33Copy HTML

A room for all things political

tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #51
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Date Posted:2022-04-28 01:34:36Copy HTML

Biden said he never ever discussed his son's business dealings with him. I mean, does the idiot really think we're as stupid as he is? The Biden laptop, you remember that? It's the one the Dems, FBI and CIA said didn't exist before the election, well it's a gift that keeps on giving, the only problem being is the release of information from it is like a Chinese water torture, one drip at a time. Anyway, Biden braindead has been exposed for paying out $800,000 for business legal fees for his son and obviously never asked why? He was also getting a 10% cut of all Hunter's dubious dealings with the companies of the Chinese communist party, which netted Hunter tens of millions. It's no wonder the left are suffering a fit of the vapours over Elon Musk's takeover of Twitter as it means a handful of Dem agents can't control their own propaganda anymore, they can't ban those who do not tow their line and speak out, the New York Post being one of them. The NYP ran a story about Hunter's bent dealings with China and others, especially Ukraine and coverage of Biden braindead's use of his official office to threaten Ukraine, using US govt money, unless it dropped an investigation into his son's criminal activities in Ukraine. Twitter banned the NYT for telling the truth. They allowed the Taliban a platform but banned their very own President. The opening up of twitter to free speech is frightening the left shitless right now and it's just the beginning.

The epitome of "you are giving answers indicative of deception" part of interviewing 101.

Detective Sherlock Tommy

tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #52
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Date Posted:2022-04-28 01:48:40Copy HTML

Elon Musk buys Twitter

And the woke Libtard crowd goes wild. All along I thought they were "for" minorities getting their fair shot & Musk is an African-American. I guess I was duped.

Live respected, die regretted
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #53
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Date Posted:2022-04-28 04:19:05Copy HTML

This is a seismic shock for the left and their genetic fear and hatred of free speech. The CEO of Twitter. Parag Agrawal wrote..... our role is not to be bound by the first amendment but to serve healthier public conversation. Just what the hell is healthy conversation? I'll tell you what it is, it's compliance to the one and only acceptable way of political thought. He followed up with.... the kind of things that we do about this is to focus less on thinking about free speech and more about how times have changed. Changed to what? Communism? Fascism? Both oppressors of free speech. Musk has told the woke Board of the company they'll be getting nowt, so that's a saving of $3,000,000 straight off. It is an absolute fact that 99% of Twitter employees donate to the Dems. It's what I've always said, when the left get their grubby little fingers on something, they politicise it and then there is no employment for anybody who does not share their oppressive politics. It doesn't matter wether it's a company or a Town Hall, they have no time for opposing views.
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #54
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Date Posted:2022-04-28 04:38:52Copy HTML

Muslim Obarmy did all he could to allow Iran to move ahead with its nuclear program, despite his claims otherwise, In 2016 the Obarmy administration sent Iran pallets of cash and billions of dollars in wires but then denied it. They denied any cash transfer and then pictures and videos appeared of cash, stacked high on pallets. Then Obarmy claimed they sent cash because they couldn’t wire the money, but it was quickly found that this too was a lie as the administration sent wires totalling $1.2 billion to the terrorist nation. Obarmy lied though his back teeth and Biden was part of the deception. It was this action by Obarmy that finally triggered Trump to run for President. The Biden office has now issued a warning that Iran could have its own nuke within weeks, what a surprise. That weapon has far more chance of being used than Russian ones. There's absolutely no way they would have got a nuke with Trump in charge.
pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #55
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Date Posted:2022-04-28 06:53:16Copy HTML

You seem to be rambling on Art with your extreme right wing rederick with no facts to prove any of it. I'm surprised that Trump didn't hire you to write speeches for Giuliani on Jan 6th.

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #56
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Date Posted:2022-04-28 07:00:20Copy HTML

HA! Serves you right. Just days after electing a socialist into office in France, Macron's introduced a digital ID policy, which is nothing more than a mass digital, Chinese type digital surveillance programme, where the government will know exactly where you are and what you are spending YOUR money on 24/7 365. It's already triggered mass rioting. It won't surprise you a jot that Turdope has Canada lined up for the same deal. which tells you all you need to know about this insidious policy.
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #57
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Date Posted:2022-04-28 07:01:33Copy HTML

You seem to be rambling on Art with your extreme right wing rederick with no facts to prove any of it. I'm surprised that Trump didn't hire you to write speeches for Giuliani on Jan 6th.

Yeh? Tell me where I'm wrong., By the way, has your addiction to covid controls been cured and what did you think of the communist style response to the truckers in Canada by Turdope? He came to the EU parliament and was soundly condemned as a fascist by EU parliamentarians and your government mouthpiece, the horrendous and totally controlled CBC reported that the EU parliament gave him a standing ovation. You like and trust  the CBC don't you?

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #58
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Date Posted:2022-04-28 07:18:36Copy HTML

HA! Serves you right. Just days after electing a socialist into office in France, Macron's introduced a digital ID policy, which is nothing more than a mass digital, Chinese type digital surveillance programme, where the government will know exactly where you are and what you are spending YOUR money on 24/7 365. It's already triggered mass rioting. It won't  surprise you a jot that Turdope has Canada lined up for the same deal. which tells you all you need to know about this insidious policy.

Don't you have a birth certicate, drivers licence with your picture and address on it. How about having a passport, I know you have one of those. If all of those 3 now adays aren't a digital surveilance programme, then what is. Don't have your social security number tatooed on your forearm yet do you.

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #59
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Date Posted:2022-04-28 07:44:30Copy HTML

You seem to be rambling on Art with your extreme right wing rederick with no facts to prove any of it. I'm surprised that Trump didn't hire you to write speeches for Giuliani on Jan 6th.

Yeh? Tell me where I'm wrong., By the way, has your addiction to covid controls been cured and what did you think of the communist style response to the truckers in Canada by Turdope? He came to the EU parliament and was soundly condemned as a fascist by EU parliamentarians and your government mouthpiece, the horrendous and totally controlled CBC reported that the EU parliament gave him a standing ovation. You like and trust  the CBC don't you?

He was called out by the far right and most people in this Country didn't give a shit what they say because they are not running the EU. Seems that you and these ones that called him out, hadn't checked on who was running and supporting the truckers ralley. The woman incharge is the one that wants to break up Canada and separate Alberta. Also D.Trump and his crew were sending money to keep it going. Trump even supported then on American TV channels. The truckers and protesters didn't have a clue what the end goal was and went along like sheep.

So before you tell the story, check out the facts. The CBC is only one of hundreds of new stations across Canada. I usually just watch CP24 which is news of all of Canada and the world and is what we call here on a roll so you get everything 24/7.

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #60
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Date Posted:2022-05-06 07:52:56Copy HTML

The net is slowly closing in on the Clinton's bought and paid for Trump-Russia fiasco. It's all been revealed and discredited as bare faced lies and conspiracy and heads are going to roll. Durham is closing in on them and they know it. Sussman is the first to fry and I wonder if he'll take Clinton down with him. Doesn't matter if he doesn't, she's still for the kill. A more devious, manipulative, sociopathic, psychotic freak never entered US politics. By the way, the Clinton foundation isn't getting extortionate amounts of foreign money from anybody anymore and I'm just wondering why? Any ideas Pete?
pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #61
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Date Posted:2022-05-06 10:05:43Copy HTML

The net is slowly closing in on the Clinton's bought and paid for Trump-Russia fiasco. It's all been revealed and discredited as bare faced lies and conspiracy and heads are going to roll. Durham is closing in on them and they know it. Sussman is the first to fry and I wonder if he'll take Clinton down with him. Doesn't matter if he doesn't, she's still for the kill. A more devious, manipulative, sociopathic, psychotic freak never entered US politics. By the way, the Clinton foundation isn't getting extortionate amounts of foreign money from anybody anymore and I'm just wondering why? Any ideas Pete?

No I can't Art, can you? If you used peoples real names we might be able to figure out who you are talking about.

Trump will be in jail long before any Demo is. Even his Son, Daughter and Son in Law have testified against him to the Jan 6th group to save their own backsides. Trump could face charges on everything from money laundering, election interference to leading an insurrection against the Government. 

The people are so up set with the Supreme Court over this Roe vs Wade thing that they out of fear have erected fencing around the building they work out of for protection for the Judges. 

Her's a picture of the judges and will try and explain who is raising the point of wanting to over turn Roe vs Wade.

The two at either ends at the top were appointed under Trump and are Republicans The one bottom left is the one wanting it removed and he is a Republican. The Black guy beside him is a Republican and it's his wife that is under investigation over the Jan 6th which she seems to have ties with. The guy in the centre is also a Republican but is siding with the three Demo's who don't want it over turned. The tall guy in the back is also a Republican put in by Trump and side with the other Republicans.

So this means their are 6 Republican Judges and only 3 Demo's. Even with the one Republican judge siding with the 3 Dem's., they are still out numbers 5 to 4. The 3 Republican at the top all said under oath in front of the House that they would not

change Roe vs Wade and here they are now plaining on changing it, so they lied to congress.

See the source image

tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #62
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Date Posted:2022-05-07 01:15:02Copy HTML

The Burger Supreme Court in 1973 voted 7-2 for federal abortion in contrast to the Constitution. It was wrong then & it is wrong now. A chance to correct this error is around the corner.
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #63
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Date Posted:2022-05-07 07:03:28Copy HTML

The local elections have taken place here and in Northern Ireland, where Sinn Fein have taken a majority for there first time ever and are now the leading party. Their leader has said her party will now push for an Irish reunification referendum north and south of the border within five years. I can see them possibly getting a referendum in the north but the south? That could be seen as interference in a sovereign nation's politics.I sometimes wonder if the south will be as compliant as Sinn Fein believes. I know it's over 30 years ago since I was in Ireland but talking to people back then their attitude to unification was.... you have'em. It was a time of mayhem and murder though. I have also highlighted in the past how what people say in the pubs and clubs does not always transfer to the privacy of the polling booth. What I meant by that was the extensive benefits available in Northern Ireland which weren't available in the south, wether that still applies I don't know but people are reluctant to shoot themselves in the foot. I'm all for a united Ireland myself and it's going to happen, maybe sooner rather than later now.
MarkUK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #64
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Date Posted:2022-05-07 07:42:14Copy HTML

What has gone wrong with Unionism to allow for a Nationalist majority? I'm sure Unionists still outnumber Nationalists, although the gap is narrowing. If an all-Ireland referendum were held it would probably result in a vote for a united Ireland, but not by as much as Sinn Féin would have us believe. 

I suspect it has a lot to do with Brexit. Even for those who support it it's not been a success in Northern Ireland and the resulting chaos has pushed many into the arms of the Nationalists. Even I am beginning to think that Northern Ireland's days as a British outpost are numbered. 

You're playing chess with Fate and Fate's winning. Arnold Bennett
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #65
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Date Posted:2022-05-07 07:48:12Copy HTML

The net is slowly closing in on the Clinton's bought and paid for Trump-Russia fiasco. It's all been revealed and discredited as bare faced lies and conspiracy and heads are going to roll. Durham is closing in on them and they know it. Sussman is the first to fry and I wonder if he'll take Clinton down with him. Doesn't matter if he doesn't, she's still for the kill. A more devious, manipulative, sociopathic, psychotic freak never entered US politics. By the way, the Clinton foundation isn't getting extortionate amounts of foreign money from anybody anymore and I'm just wondering why? Any ideas Pete?

No I can't Art, can you? If you used peoples real names we might be able to figure out who you are talking about.

Trump will be in jail long before any Demo is. Even his Son, Daughter and Son in Law have testified against him to the Jan 6th group to save their own backsides. Trump could face charges on everything from money laundering, election interference to leading an insurrection against the Government. 

The people are so up set with the Supreme Court over this Roe vs Wade thing that they out of fear have erected fencing around the building they work out of for protection for the Judges. 

Her's a picture of the judges and will try and explain who is raising the point of wanting to over turn Roe vs Wade.

The two at either ends at the top were appointed under Trump and are Republicans The one bottom left is the one wanting it removed and he is a Republican. The Black guy beside him is a Republican and it's his wife that is under investigation over the Jan 6th which she seems to have ties with. The guy in the centre is also a Republican but is siding with the three Demo's who don't want it over turned. The tall guy in the back is also a Republican put in by Trump and side with the other Republicans.

So this means their are 6 Republican Judges and only 3 Demo's. Even with the one Republican judge siding with the 3 Dem's., they are still out numbers 5 to 4. The 3 Republican at the top all said under oath in front of the House that they would not

change Roe vs Wade and here they are now plaining on changing it, so they lied to congress.

See the source image

So what do you think of the fact that Dem activists have posted online the addresses of all of them? I say again, abortion is not a form of birth control. When you hear of women having half a dozen abortions you have to say...hello hello anyone at home! Are you for aborting a child who is on the very edge of being born? Seconds from life? Because that's what's happening. If every advocate had to go and watch an abortion take place it would horrify them, traumatise most women, they would not be so keen. This debate is about life, not politics but everything is political to the left and I mean everything.

MarkUK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #66
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Date Posted:2022-05-07 08:09:18Copy HTML

Most people would oppose abortion if they saw how one is carried out. The same with what goes on in an abattoir, it would put me off meat, so I've never watched any TV programme about it. 

You're playing chess with Fate and Fate's winning. Arnold Bennett
pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #67
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Date Posted:2022-05-07 08:56:05Copy HTML

Most people would oppose abortion if they saw how one is carried out. The same with what goes on in an abattoir, it would put me off meat, so I've never watched any TV programme about it. 

People will beat the system and are now by taking the morning after pill. There will be no way that the Republican States can bet that. There is already a supply chain set up from the Blue States.

By out lawing Abortion you force women to go to back alley means and no one seems to be worrying about that.

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #68
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Date Posted:2022-05-07 09:02:09Copy HTML

Muslim Obarmy did all he could to allow Iran to move ahead with its nuclear program, despite his claims otherwise, In 2016 the Obarmy administration sent Iran pallets of cash and billions of dollars in wires but then denied it.  They denied any cash transfer and then pictures and videos appeared of cash, stacked high on pallets. Then Obarmy claimed they sent cash because they couldn’t wire the money, but it was quickly found that this too was a lie as the administration sent wires totalling $1.2 billion to the terrorist nation.  Obarmy lied though his back teeth and Biden was part of the deception. It was this action by Obarmy that finally triggered Trump to run for President. The Biden office has now issued a warning that Iran could have its own nuke within weeks, what a surprise. That weapon has far more chance of being used than Russian ones. Muslim Obarmy did all he could to allow Iran to move ahead with its nuclear program, despite his claims otherwise, In 2016 the Obarmy administration sent Iran pallets of cash and billions of dollars in wires but then denied it.

Obama never denied it. It was Iran's money in the first place and that's what they got back, their own money.

What do you mean Trump would never have allowed Iran to get a nuke. He had 4 years in office to do it but never even tried.

The lastest about you super hero Art that just came out is he was wanting to send Cruise missiles to Mexico to take out the Drug labs and cartel. That's how stupid he was and all the people who worked for him are all writing books now and spelling their guts as to how stupid he is. These people coming forward weren't just coffee boys but all higher ups.

He even told these same people we can do it and not tell them anyone that we did it.

The Department of Defense fought to prevent Mark Esper, the former secretary of defense, from revealing in his forthcoming book that former President Donald Trump had proposed launching missiles into Mexico to destroy drug labs.

The passage in the book, "A Sacred Oath," which is out Tuesday, was a "major" sticking point when Esper submitted his manuscript for agency review, people familiar with the matter told CNN on Friday.

The resistance over the matter was, in part, what led to Esper suing the agency he once led and accusing it of improper censorship, the people said.

"They were particularly worried about this because of the potential to upset relations between the US and Mexico," one of the people explained to CNN.

"They objected to it vehemently," the person added.

Spokespeople for the Defense Department did not dispute CNN's reporting when asked for comment on Friday.

Esper eventually dropped the lawsuit because the Pentagon reversed course on the "overwhelming majority" of material at issue, his lawyer, Mark Zaid, said at the time.

The New York Times' Maggie Haberman first reported on Thursday Esper's claim in the book about Trump floating the idea of firing missiles into Mexico to "destroy the drug labs" and "take out the cartels."

In the passage, a copy of which CNN obtained, Esper described the conversations as "quite troubling" and said that if he "hadn't seen the look on the president's face," he would have "thought it was all a joke."

Secretary of Defense Mark Esper testifies during a House Armed Services Committee hearing on July 9, 2020 in Washington, DC. Esper was scheduled to testify about the role of the Department of Defense in civilian law enforcement. Active duty troops aided local law enforcement around the country at protests last month in the wake of George Floyd's death.


majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #69
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Date Posted:2022-05-07 09:04:59Copy HTML

The head of Homeland Security in the US is a man called Alejando Mayorkis and if I had to pick the ultimate example of a Dem government left wing idiot, this man's unbeatable. He's presently facing a grilling from Republican Senators and it's almost impossible to understand how this lightweight ever got on. He's the man who picked the comically horrendous Jankowicz, the Marry Poppins impersonator as the head of the Dems new Dystopian Governance Information Board.
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #70
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Date Posted:2022-05-07 09:12:02Copy HTML

Well Yanks, here's the person who will decide what you can and can't say on the internet

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #71
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Date Posted:2022-05-07 09:22:31Copy HTML

Here's one of Mayorkis under questioning. There's others which frankly crucify him and it's very enjoyable. Maybe when his choice of misinformation chief Jankowicz gets in office she can have these kind of vids banned.

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #72
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Date Posted:2022-05-07 09:43:59Copy HTML

Well Yanks, here's the person who will decide what you can and can't say on the internet

Here we go again with right wing dribble from people we have never heard of or seen before. You must spend hours Art surfing the internet looking for this trash and expecting us to look at it. Well for one I won't even waste my time. So get a life will you and stop with the bull.

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #73
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Date Posted:2022-05-09 07:04:05Copy HTML

HA! That is the woman who is to head Biden's ministry of truth, you know it, I know it, the world knows it, but putting your fingers in your ears and screaming Nrrrrr Narrrrr Narrrr, will not cancel that fact. You don't want to watch her because you don't want to be confronted by the humiliation of it.
pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #74
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Date Posted:2022-05-12 12:02:47Copy HTML

HA! That is the woman who is to head Biden's ministry of truth, you know it, I know it, the world knows it, but putting your fingers in your ears and screaming Nrrrrr Narrrrr Narrrr, will not cancel that fact. You don't want to watch her because you don't want to be confronted by the humiliation of it.

If they were on a recognized station I would watch. Find the same thing on one of them and I will watch it.

shula Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #75
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Date Posted:2022-05-12 12:13:07Copy HTML

Has Jankowicz been confirmed by the Senate or are they still debating the creation of the Ministry of Truth?
"It is forbidden to spit on cats in plague-time." -Albert Camus-
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