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Date Posted:2022-04-13 10:49:33Copy HTML

A room for all things political

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
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Date Posted:2022-04-13 11:46:53Copy HTML

The Durham investigation appears to be closing ever further into the Clinton campaign and all of its toxic machinations. He's further released her lawyers text messages which further show a link between the Clinton campaign and the FBI and revealing her lawyer, Sussman, lying to the FBI. Durham has also openly stated that the Democrat allied tech executive spied on the White House itself, Trump's own office. Imagine? Here we have the official opposition of the USA hacking and spying on the President of their own country in his government office. Clinton's lawyer, Sussman, actually paid a tech executive, working on anti infiltration of the White House, to give him secret information which he could distort and then pedal to the FBI and the lefty media, who naturally swallowed it all up whole, no questions asked. Durham has used the words Clinton and conspiracy in the same sentence now and part of his worded report on her conspiracy goes like this..... such purported data was fabricated, altered, manipulated, spoofed, or intentionally generated for the purpose of creating the false appearance of communications. Can anybody ever get justice against this woman? Hard to say, as she's at the top of the tree of the US permanent political class and her and that detestable creep of a husband know where an awful lot of bodies are buried and an awful lot of money is stored.
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #2
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Date Posted:2022-04-13 02:39:52Copy HTML

In the Democrat asylum that is Los Angeles, the United States Postal Service has stopped delivering mail to a Santa Monica, California neighbourhoods following multiple attacks on carriers.
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #3
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Date Posted:2022-04-13 03:19:10Copy HTML

I was watching the great Mark Steyn this morning and he said of Kier Starmer and Boris... we have a party leader who doesn't know what a woman is and a party leader who doesn't know what a party is. The first part is a reference to an interview Starmer did recently where he was asked to define what a woman was and he refused to answer.
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #4
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Date Posted:2022-04-13 03:32:14Copy HTML

Whoops, yesterday it appeared that nobody exactly knew what Le Pen was going to do about France's roll within the EU. Today she's settled the ambiguity by saying she's going to bring down the EU from within the tent. Talk about an invitation to have every lefty nutter and his brother on your case? That's the thing with conservatives, you do tend to get more of that illusive political phenomena called truth telling.
MarkUK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #5
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Date Posted:2022-04-13 05:35:08Copy HTML

Don't get too excited, Macron will win. 

You're playing chess with Fate and Fate's winning. Arnold Bennett
shula Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #6
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Date Posted:2022-04-14 03:38:50Copy HTML

I predict he will win, too.  The French populace, however, will still be disgruntled.
"It is forbidden to spit on cats in plague-time." -Albert Camus-
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #7
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Date Posted:2022-04-14 08:33:25Copy HTML

Well I don't know so much. The political movement is in her direction and as we have seen so many times before, once a candidate has momentum, it invariably proves decisive (see Trump). The vast majority of the western media is lefty and anybody to the right of them is always classed as far right, there is no right wing anymore, only far right. This deliberate tactic by the left is designed to instil memories of Nazism in people's minds. France has always been a very nationalistic country, far more so than Britain, especially England and in the past nationalism was equated to patriotism, love of one's country. Over the last forty years the left has successfully changed this and as a result you will never see a British flag being waved in a British university and the same applies to many other western countries. As with Trump, LePen has many more supporters than people will openly admit to. If muslims in France openly declare their allegiance is to the nation off Islam, that kind of patriotism doesn't upset the French left, only the home grown kind upsets them, why? I wouldn't presume to understand them, I'm neither a masochist, psychiatrist or an anthropologist. Le Pen has rekindled French patriotism, a sense of France first and her greatest asset is Islam, which is unpicking France stitch by stitch and if they don't pick her this time, the process will only accelerate until the choice becomes more extreme, the cure moire extreme. What did Churchill say of appeasers? A person who feeds the crocodile in the hope it eats him last?
shula Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #8
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Date Posted:2022-04-14 03:25:21Copy HTML

Churchill said it plain.  I hope France regains her country.  I haven't seen much, but it appears the media is treating her the same way they treated Trump here, so the casual observer would figure she is too far to the right.  If memory serves, she stirred quite the pot in the last election.  I'm wishing her good luck and hoping the French voters give her a chance to set them on a better path.
"It is forbidden to spit on cats in plague-time." -Albert Camus-
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #9
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Date Posted:2022-04-14 06:27:04Copy HTML

The left will always refer to Le Pen as far right, but in every western nation the most far right institution, bar none, is Islam and the left wouldn't dream of labelling them so.
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #10
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Date Posted:2022-04-14 06:54:41Copy HTML

Little fact for you, of all the dollars in the world today, 80% of them were printed in the last two years. The real inflation figures for GB and the US are at least two points above government figures and it's the same for the rest of Europe, except for one country....any guesses? Well it's Sweden, the only country that did not lock down. Their's stands at a genuine 4% and holding, whereas the rest will continue upwards and it's going to be incredibly painful to get rid of, when interests rates hit the 15% mark, as they did in the 70's here and tens of thousands lose their homes and house prices plummet. We were heading for the cliff edge and it was only the brutal economics of Thatcher which saved us and she's been the left's most hated figure in my lifetime for the steps she was forced to take. You've all heard me say before that what socialists know about economics you could write on the back of a postage stamp. It can be summed up so....spend spend. There has to be a dollars worth of sweat on a dollar or it's devalued.
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #11
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Date Posted:2022-04-15 07:38:42Copy HTML

I'm beginning to have hope for the US public's ability to discern shit from sugar. The most pathetic news network in the US is now falling apart and it couldn't happen to a more useless station. I'm of course talking about CNN, a propaganda station for the Dems which would show up China's state broadcaster for humiliating, and patronising, political brainwashing. CNN+ now has just 10,000 subscribers, people willing to pay to hear what they have to say. Out of a population of 350,000,000 people I think they're actually doing better than can be expected, considering the content and reporters. Elon Musk is hoping to buy twitter and turn it into a free speech platform, which has horrified the likes of CNN. Free speech! Before you know where you are people will be getting the truth! When Musk announced his intentions he did it on Babylon, where they asked him why he didn't use the likes of CNN and Musk said, I'm not perverted enough to go on CNN, priceless.
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #12
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Date Posted:2022-04-15 09:35:39Copy HTML

Le Pen has now hinted she would consider returning the death penalty to France. She's been against such a move in the past but whatever gets you votes eh? Thing is, I sometimes wonder in this day and age if this is indeed a vote winner or loser. Her next promise is to get shut of those giant windmills, which she's described as horrors. I'll go along with that description, although it depends on where you stick the things. There is a beautiful Victorian seaside resort in Wales called Llandudno and when you look out to sea from this quaint town all you see is windmills, right across the horizon. Whoever placed them there should be tied to a blade for a week, see how much he likes them then. God knows just how many thousands of seabirds they're murdering. I don't think she has a single media representative who supports her in the papers or radio and TV yet her star is on the rise and Macron's is falling, momentum is in her favour. You always know when the left starts getting the jitters, out come the accusations of Nazism. It's as reliable as the sun's movements. There comes a time in politics when people think, let's give them a go and see, can't be as bad as what we've got and I think this is one of those times. How will France fare? Only one way to find out, give the girl a go and hold on tight.
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #13
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Date Posted:2022-04-15 09:39:00Copy HTML

Did you see Biden hold his hand out to shake hands and nobody was there in front of him, he looked bewildered, know why? Because he is.
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #14
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Date Posted:2022-04-15 09:47:52Copy HTML

Le Pen has now hinted she would consider returning the death penalty to France. She's been against such a move in the past but whatever gets you votes eh? Thing is, I sometimes wonder in this day and age if this is indeed a vote winner or loser. Her next promise is to get shut of those giant windmills, which she's described as horrors. I'll go along with that description, although it depends on where you stick the things. There is a beautiful Victorian seaside resort in Wales called Llandudno and when you look out to sea from this quaint town all you see is windmills, right across the horizon. Whoever placed them there should be tied to a blade for a week, see how much he likes them then. God knows just how many thousands of seabirds they're murdering. I don't think she has a single media representative who supports her in the papers or radio and TV yet her star is on the rise and Macron's is rising. You always know when the left starts getting the jitters, out comes the accusations of Nazism. It's as reliable as the sun's movements.
shula Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #15
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Date Posted:2022-04-15 03:58:51Copy HTML

I did see that video of Biden.  Every day he gets more like that ventriloquist doll Walter.  As for political humour (if it's still allowed), everyone gets roasted here:

"It is forbidden to spit on cats in plague-time." -Albert Camus-
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #16
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Date Posted:2022-04-17 08:20:16Copy HTML

The extent with which our institutions will go to protect Islam from adverse publicity is quite remarkable. Naturally you'll never get rabid left wing institutions like the BBC to criticise it for anything whatsoever but Parliament? Especially when it's just murdered one of their own? Sir David Amiss MP was conducting his public surgery when a muslim man walked into his office and stabbed him over 20 times. Everybody knows what he was and what compelled him to murder this innocent man but nobody will say it. It's not as if he wasn't on the radar before the event but they all know how to play the game with our ineffectual anti terrorist organisations. They all know what to say, how to say it, who to play etc, as they are taught how to. It's even known that classes are run on the subject in our very own jails by incarcerated muslims. So he played the game, went on to the streets and committed murder and I have yet to hear a single MP mention the word muslim or Islam in connection with this atrocity and believe me, i've waited. In a very telling quote the murderer told the police he didn't consider his act and act of murder. We call ministers Honourable Members but I hardly see anything honourable in lying about the true causes of this man's murder.
tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #17
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Date Posted:2022-04-17 08:25:16Copy HTML

Age shaming is great fun. 

Live respected, die regretted
shula Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #18
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Date Posted:2022-04-18 03:05:48Copy HTML

The killer's aunt says David Amess brought it on himself.  I'm sure the killer has even less remorse for this savage act.

"It is forbidden to spit on cats in plague-time." -Albert Camus-
tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #19
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Date Posted:2022-04-18 06:18:27Copy HTML

I see Boris is marching around in a war zone showing Churchillian leadership. I am inspired & may need another valium. 

Live respected, die regretted
tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #20
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Date Posted:2022-04-18 06:45:36Copy HTML

An Illinois church is "fasting from whiteness" during Lent by not using any music written by white folks. All music played was written by Negroes, Native Americans, or various shades of brown or black folk. The lady pastor who is white has said, "I cannot change the color of my skin, but I can change the music.
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #21
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Date Posted:2022-04-18 07:23:23Copy HTML

An Illinois church is "fasting from whiteness" during Lent by not using any music written by white folks. All music played was written by Negroes, Native Americans, or various shades of brown or black folk. The lady pastor who is white has said, "I cannot change the color of my skin, but I can change the music.

I applaud their stand, so they won't use guitars, violins, pianos and such wharrrrt man's creations. They won't read music, won't wear suites and ties, travel to dat dare church in a wharrrrt man's cars? Need I rant on?

tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #22
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Date Posted:2022-04-19 11:13:18Copy HTML

Well they will have drums made from coconuts & grass skirts. 

Live respected, die regretted
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #23
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Date Posted:2022-04-19 03:08:41Copy HTML

Le Pen has quietly dropped her plans to ban the hijab in public. I don't know if she thinks she'll pick up muslim votes by this action but it won't work. There's no word of the burkha.
tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #24
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Date Posted:2022-04-19 04:36:58Copy HTML

Well Major, your Daily Telegraph has her polling just 6 points behind Macron & she has scurried away from her "frosty" past reputation by portraying herself as a smiling 53 year old cat lover. She has rebranded herself on TikTok & campaigned on the cost of living crisis. Would appear as if she is distancing herself from her buddy Vlad by claiming her opposition to Russian gas is motivated by concern for the French people's purses at the pump. She may have a shot at winning this time. 

Live respected, die regretted
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #25
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Date Posted:2022-04-21 08:27:27Copy HTML

Le Pen has quietly dropped her plans to ban the hijab in public. I don't know if she thinks she'll pick up muslim votes by this action but it won't work. There's no word of the burkha.

In a new twist Le Pen has reiterated her plans to ban the muslim hijab in public if she wins, saying she believes most woman are forced to wear it. Apparently the report of her relenting was press disinformation on her. Macron has declared that it will cause civil war, yet proposes to oversee the closure of dozens of mosques believed to be hotbeds of radicalism. You can close as many mosques as you like but the radicals will just move their agenda to another one. All this should have been confronted 20 years ago here and 40 years ago in France. Unlike us, the French banned the burkha in public and hijabs in classrooms years ago. I don't think the average European has a clue as to the readiness and preparation made by Islam to the war it knows is coming. Christians drool over the word secularism whereas muslims have absolutely nothing but contempt for it. You will never secularise Islam, as it is a political supremacist cult which tolerates nothing but itself and there are a million examples all over the world of that fact. The count for recorded Islamic terrorist attacks, resulting in death and injury since 9/11 now stands at 41,263. Last month alone 963 people were murdered by radical Islam for religious purposes. Macron appears to have a comfortable 10 point lead at the moment and as long as radical Islam keeps quiet until it gets it's choice of President (Macron) in place, it looks as if he will indeed win.

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