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Date Posted:2022-04-18 06:34:37Copy HTML

A plethora of mass shootings breaking out over here in the colonies. Gun sales are at a record pace with more than 40 million recorded in 2021 & the grand total of guns in American hands stands at 400 million total. A Second Amendment & NRA dream come true which of course must make us safer eh? Yepper, when a bad guy sprays bullets in a crowded bar or restaurant, the good guys can whip out their guns & spray back. Only the unarmed will have to dive for cover under a table while the rest of us settle things like men. Now that is a vision which should fill us all with the warm feelings of safety. 

Live respected, die regretted
pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #151
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Date Posted:2022-06-11 03:46:21Copy HTML

Official figures in the US show that the month of May became the 34th straight month that civilian gun sales topped over 1 million. Yep, that's 34 straight months, adding 34 million more guns to the US public. Remind me, who's currently president? What party was in power during this period? The Dems are nothing but a loud mouthed, virtue signalling bunch of hypocrites. That's just the party, so how many Dem voters were amongst those 1 million a month buying guns? At least the Repubs have the balls to say they're gun nuts and sod off away from mine, whereas the Dems play the victim card, screaming about gun ownership whilst stocking up their collections.

You seem to be out of what is going on in the news Art. Biden is trying to amend the laws but the Republicans won't let him so let's put the gun problem where it really belongs and that is squarely with the Republican party.. Another survey was done on gun control while using only gun owners. The majority of them were for proper back ground checks, red flag laws and getting rid of extended mags. 

Did I mention the survey was done in Texas. So that shows me the politicans aren't doing what there voters want and the Politicans are more concerned with collecting their cheques from the NRA and they are about doing what's right for their State or country. I think there has been at least 5 mass shooting since the school kids were murdered. Their little bodies were shot up so bad from that AR-15 with complete body parts missing that their parents couldn't identify their bodies.  In the end, they had to use DNA samples from the parents to do it. What causes the damage is the high velocity of an AR-15 being a military weapon. 

Well Pete there you go again with the misinformation. The AR-15 is not a military weapon, the M-16 is. They both fire the same caliber which is a .223. I have a .223 which I shoot woodchucks with. Maybe you call them groundhogs but in any case they are classified as varmints. There is an open season on them, same as in Chicago. 

The AR-15 is a semi automatic rifle but when you have extended Mags being used then that's what makes it so dangerous. The FNCI rifle was the main rifle used by Canada Britain and Australia from the 50's to the 80's and was also a semi automatic but only had a 10 rd mag of 7.62. The FNC2 could fire both single or on automatic and came with a 30 rd mag.

What replace the the FNCI.

 The Canadian C7 rifle is a markedly different from the standard M16 issued to US armed forces. While the C7 is built off of the Technical Data Package from Colt, the Canadians claim to have made over 150 changes improvements to the basic rifle prior to entering production.

The C-7 or the M-16 aren't the best for taking on targets at distance like the FNC1 was. All right maybe for clearing a building but the old British Sten or our SMG 

See the source image


Canadian testing of the British L2A1 Sterling SMG began in 1953; Canadian production of this weapon - designated the C1 Submachine Gun - began in 1958. Similar to the Sten Gun, the C1 fired 9mm ammunition from a curved magazine, had a collapsible stock, and could be fitted with an FN C1 rifle bayonet (primarily for parades rather than intended use in combat).


tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #152
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Date Posted:2022-06-11 11:55:43Copy HTML

Official figures in the US show that the month of May became the 34th straight month that civilian gun sales topped over 1 million. Yep, that's 34 straight months, adding 34 million more guns to the US public. Remind me, who's currently president? What party was in power during this period? The Dems are nothing but a loud mouthed, virtue signalling bunch of hypocrites. That's just the party, so how many Dem voters were amongst those 1 million a month buying guns? At least the Repubs have the balls to say they're gun nuts and sod off away from mine, whereas the Dems play the victim card, screaming about gun ownership whilst stocking up their collections.

You seem to be out of what is going on in the news Art. Biden is trying to amend the laws but the Republicans won't let him so let's put the gun problem where it really belongs and that is squarely with the Republican party.. Another survey was done on gun control while using only gun owners. The majority of them were for proper back ground checks, red flag laws and getting rid of extended mags. 

Did I mention the survey was done in Texas. So that shows me the politicans aren't doing what there voters want and the Politicans are more concerned with collecting their cheques from the NRA and they are about doing what's right for their State or country. I think there has been at least 5 mass shooting since the school kids were murdered. Their little bodies were shot up so bad from that AR-15 with complete body parts missing that their parents couldn't identify their bodies.  In the end, they had to use DNA samples from the parents to do it. What causes the damage is the high velocity of an AR-15 being a military weapon. 

Well Pete there you go again with the misinformation. The AR-15 is not a military weapon, the M-16 is. They both fire the same caliber which is a .223. I have a .223 which I shoot woodchucks with. Maybe you call them groundhogs but in any case they are classified as varmints. There is an open season on them, same as in Chicago. 

The AR-15 is a semi automatic rifle but when you have extended Mags being used then that's what makes it so dangerous. The FNCI rifle was the main rifle used by Canada Britain and Australia from the 50's to the 80's and was also a semi automatic but only had a 10 rd mag of 7.62. The FNC2 could fire both single or on automatic and came with a 30 rd mag.

What replace the the FNCI.

 The Canadian C7 rifle is a markedly different from the standard M16 issued to US armed forces. While the C7 is built off of the Technical Data Package from Colt, the Canadians claim to have made over 150 changes improvements to the basic rifle prior to entering production.

The C-7 or the M-16 aren't the best for taking on targets at distance like the FNC1 was. All right maybe for clearing a building but the old British Sten or our SMG 

See the source image


Canadian testing of the British L2A1 Sterling SMG began in 1953; Canadian production of this weapon - designated the C1 Submachine Gun - began in 1958. Similar to the Sten Gun, the C1 fired 9mm ammunition from a curved magazine, had a collapsible stock, and could be fitted with an FN C1 rifle bayonet (primarily for parades rather than intended use in combat).


Well Pete, there you go again with your deflection & misdirection attempts. The AR-15 is not a military weapon, it looks like one & that is why the panty-waists are so against it. The 5.56 is basically a .223 Reminton which is a hunting rifle caliber. Your 7.62 NATO is basically a .308 Winchester which is also a hunting rifle caliber. The M-1 Garand of WWII fame is a 30-06 caliber which also comes in hunting rifles. So just cut the crap, it looks military, but it is not. 

tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #153
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Date Posted:2022-06-12 12:54:11Copy HTML

Meanwhile back in the "wild west" a bipartisan Senate group is seeking a gun agreement. Nearly halfway into 2022 we have already suffered 248 mass shootings of four or more people & the politicians are once again bickering on what, if any measures to be taken to quell the violence. One side wants complete banning of so-called assault rifles calling this "commonsense measures" while the other side refuses to even debate the issue. As a middle of the road Republican I think we shouldn't let the perfect be the enemy of the good & we should at least start with real background checks for people wanting to buy these evil-looking black guns. There is peril in doing nothing as been proven in the past.
shula Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #154
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Date Posted:2022-06-12 06:41:23Copy HTML

Anything bearing the label "bipartisan" in Congress means we're going to get screwed twice.

"It is forbidden to spit on cats in plague-time." -Albert Camus-
pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #155
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Date Posted:2022-06-28 10:12:06Copy HTML

Anything bearing the label "bipartisan" in Congress means we're going to get screwed twice.

No really Shula, it means that you Republicans can't work with others and won't listening to the other side of the story encase they have a better idea. A perfect example is this abortion thing. You want abortions to stop no matter what but has anyone figured out who's going to support all these extra babies. Not one State has been able to answer that question when asked. Also with blacks and hispanics not having abortions then it won't be long before you pinkies are out numbers and your the ones picking cotton and cleaning the pools.  About time you Republicans stepped into the 21 century and used your heads more than just for a hat rack.

MarkUK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #156
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Date Posted:2022-06-28 05:38:54Copy HTML

I'm in favour of abortion, but not on demand. A request for an abortion ought to be a medically regulated process with at least one doctor signing it off. 

You're playing chess with Fate and Fate's winning. Arnold Bennett
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #157
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Date Posted:2022-06-28 08:00:57Copy HTML

I'm in favour of abortion, but not on demand. A request for an abortion ought to be a medically regulated process with at least one doctor signing it off. 

I'd go along with that Mark. I sometimes wonder just how many thousands of girls over the years have succumbed to an abortion on their boyfriend's say so and come to bitterly regret it for the rest of their lives. You can't just manipulate 4 million years of maternal instincts on a whim. Mother nature has been at this game a lot longer than the socialists you know, much to their surprise and I'm sure they'll have no problem telling you she's got it wrong.

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #158
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Date Posted:2022-07-04 10:55:44Copy HTML

I'm in favour of abortion, but not on demand. A request for an abortion ought to be a medically regulated process with at least one doctor signing it off. 

I'd go along with that Mark. I sometimes wonder just how many thousands of girls over the years have succumbed to an abortion on their boyfriend's say so and come to bitterly regret it for the rest of their lives. You can't just manipulate 4 million years of maternal instincts on a whim. Mother nature has been at this game a lot longer than the socialists you know, much to their surprise and I'm sure they'll have no problem telling you she's got it wrong.

Well at least two on this site are starting to talk sense. What about the 12 year old that was rapped by an uncle or the 17 year old that was rapped by a stranger while out for a run through the park?

Do you think also that they should be allowed to have an abortion?  If you lived in most American States you wouldn't be allowed to get one even for those reasons. 

How about the woman who wants to have a child but with medical wonders that they have now a days proven through a Cat scan, that the child's brain that she is carrying hasn't formed right and hasn't split like it should have and will either die in the womb or as soon as it comes out. She she be allowed to have an abortion and then try again?

The Catholic way is if the mother is sick while carrying and it comes down to saving her life or the babies, let the mother die and save the baby. 

Again I say that mother can go on after getting well to have a lot more babies but you really don't know why that baby is causing the mother to get sick in the first place. One reason is probably because the baby is dead already and poisoning the mothers system or there is internal bleeding causing the mother to bleed out.

This is what has happened with the supreme Court in America. They have put their religious views ahead of everything else.

 Doctors take the Hippocratic Oath to up hold their patients health and well being and now the Supreme Court is making them break that Oath which goes back to 460 BC.   If the Supreme Court ruled under Trumps guidance for the Roe vs Wade to be over thrown then what's to say if all Americans were told by Trump's Supreme court that you will stop swearing a legions to American and start swearing it to China. 

If anything, Roe vs Wade should have been put to the people to vote on, not decided back handedly in a secret meeting. 

What this shows to all us outsiders is the people of American only think the power is with the people when it really isn't and your all just pawns in the game and the first ones to fall.

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #159
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Date Posted:2022-07-04 11:10:18Copy HTML

Now back to the topic. Just another day in the wild West of America with another Mass shooting with 6 dead and 21 in hospital. What better day for another mass shooting that July 4th, the countries Birthday.

Young shooter not found yet but his high powered rifle has. He was station on a high ruff (roof to those of us that can speak English) and it was like shooting ducks in a barrel. Of course it wasn't the guns fault but just some young guy who was probably bullied in school and is now considered an introvert.

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #160
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Date Posted:2022-07-05 10:52:26Copy HTML

Now back to the topic. Just another day in the wild West of America with another Mass shooting with 6 dead and 21 in hospital. What better day for another mass shooting that July 4th, the countries Birthday.

Young shooter not found yet but his high powered rifle has. He was station on a high ruff (roof to those of us that can speak English) and it was like shooting ducks in a barrel. Of course it wasn't the guns fault but just some young guy who was probably bullied in school and is now considered an introvert.

After a short car chase the 21 yr old was picked up and soon will be charged. Listening to the video on TV it sounded like he was using high capacity mags. If they were black ones Tommy I think the democrats should ban them.

What do you think?

tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #161
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Date Posted:2022-07-07 11:22:11Copy HTML

Now back to the topic. Just another day in the wild West of America with another Mass shooting with 6 dead and 21 in hospital. What better day for another mass shooting that July 4th, the countries Birthday.

Young shooter not found yet but his high powered rifle has. He was station on a high ruff (roof to those of us that can speak English) and it was like shooting ducks in a barrel. Of course it wasn't the guns fault but just some young guy who was probably bullied in school and is now considered an introvert.

After a short car chase the 21 yr old was picked up and soon will be charged. Listening to the video on TV it sounded like he was using high capacity mags. If they were black ones Tommy I think the democrats should ban them.

What do you think?

Black birds, black clouds, black magic, black sheep, black people, black guns. Maybe it's the word "black" eh?

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #162
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Date Posted:2022-07-13 07:41:07Copy HTML

Camera footage of the Uvalde school shootings reveal a catalogue of police incompetence, cowardice even. It shows one copper actually entering the school after first using a hand sanitiser dispenser. There are now winners here.
tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #163
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Date Posted:2022-07-13 10:58:30Copy HTML

Camera footage of the Uvalde school shootings reveal a catalogue of police incompetence, cowardice even. It shows one copper actually entering the school after first using a hand sanitiser dispenser. There are now winners here.

I have seen it & must agree, Art. Shameful, cowardly at the least. The first requirement in a situation like they faced in Uvalde is to engage the bad guy. This was not done & then the Chief tried to cover with that bullshit press conference. 

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #164
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Date Posted:2022-07-13 12:05:18Copy HTML

I see figures today that the murder rate for blacks in Britain is 8 times that of whites.
tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #165
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Date Posted:2022-07-13 12:56:11Copy HTML

I see figures today that the murder rate for blacks in Britain is 8 times that of whites.

Some races are not as evolved as others. Once the mud-people become ensconced in a society, the downward spiral begins. 

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #166
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Date Posted:2022-07-17 06:47:04Copy HTML

Camera footage of the Uvalde school shootings reveal a catalogue of police incompetence, cowardice even. It shows one copper actually entering the school after first using a hand sanitiser dispenser. There are now winners here.

I have seen it & must agree, Art. Shameful, cowardly at the least. The first requirement in a situation like they faced in Uvalde is to engage the bad guy. This was not done & then the Chief tried to cover with that bullshit press conference. 

Not just the Police chief tried covering it but the so called Governor did also.

Sure hope the families sue their asses off.

tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #167
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Date Posted:2022-07-17 10:55:20Copy HTML

Camera footage of the Uvalde school shootings reveal a catalogue of police incompetence, cowardice even. It shows one copper actually entering the school after first using a hand sanitiser dispenser. There are now winners here.

I have seen it & must agree, Art. Shameful, cowardly at the least. The first requirement in a situation like they faced in Uvalde is to engage the bad guy. This was not done & then the Chief tried to cover with that bullshit press conference. 

Not just the Police chief tried covering it but the so called Governor did also.

Sure hope the families sue their asses off.

Law suits are a requirement & not a hope in this case. 

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #168
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Date Posted:2022-07-17 12:29:37Copy HTML

Camera footage of the Uvalde school shootings reveal a catalogue of police incompetence, cowardice even. It shows one copper actually entering the school after first using a hand sanitiser dispenser. There are now winners here.

I have seen it & must agree, Art. Shameful, cowardly at the least. The first requirement in a situation like they faced in Uvalde is to engage the bad guy. This was not done & then the Chief tried to cover with that bullshit press conference. 

Not just the Police chief tried covering it but the so called Governor did also.

Sure hope the families sue their asses off.

Law suits are a requirement & not a hope in this case. 

We're dealing with a country being torn apart by the woke lefty's.

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #169
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Date Posted:2022-07-17 10:53:45Copy HTML

Camera footage of the Uvalde school shootings reveal a catalogue of police incompetence, cowardice even. It shows one copper actually entering the school after first using a hand sanitiser dispenser. There are now winners here.

Actually he was already in the school when he used the sanitary hand cleaner depenser. Who cleans their hands before they go to a blood bath. They were in the school for an hour and 20 minutes before they engaged the shooter. They all had guns and some with rifles and also some had protective bull proof shields. Now they are trying to say that most of the people were already dead before the cops showed up. Tell that to the kids that were alive still and phoning 911 asking when are the police going to show up while the cops were standing around in the school hallways. From the top to the bottom this has been one big cover-up from day one.

MarkUK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #170
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Date Posted:2022-07-18 07:03:38Copy HTML

You'd expect Texans to be gung-ho about going in, I guess I've watched too many westerns. 

You're playing chess with Fate and Fate's winning. Arnold Bennett
pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #171
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Date Posted:2022-07-18 04:16:52Copy HTML

Camera footage of the Uvalde school shootings reveal a catalogue of police incompetence, cowardice even. It shows one copper actually entering the school after first using a hand sanitiser dispenser. There are now winners here.

I have seen it & must agree, Art. Shameful, cowardly at the least. The first requirement in a situation like they faced in Uvalde is to engage the bad guy. This was not done & then the Chief tried to cover with that bullshit press conference. 

Not just the Police chief tried covering it but the so called Governor did also.

Sure hope the families sue their asses off.

Law suits are a requirement & not a hope in this case. 

You may not be able to sue individual police officers but I think you can their organizations. Correct me if I'm wrong.

In the end before this was over there were over 300 police officers at the school.

The term or saying to react to an active shooter is to rush to the sound of the gun shoots to stop it. No different that the old British military saying of march or advance to the sound of the guns.

tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #172
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Date Posted:2022-07-18 04:21:48Copy HTML

Camera footage of the Uvalde school shootings reveal a catalogue of police incompetence, cowardice even. It shows one copper actually entering the school after first using a hand sanitiser dispenser. There are now winners here.

I have seen it & must agree, Art. Shameful, cowardly at the least. The first requirement in a situation like they faced in Uvalde is to engage the bad guy. This was not done & then the Chief tried to cover with that bullshit press conference. 

Not just the Police chief tried covering it but the so called Governor did also.

Sure hope the families sue their asses off.

Law suits are a requirement & not a hope in this case. 

You may not be able to sue individual police officers but I think you can their organizations. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Correct, you sue the municipality not the individual. The officer can then be disciplined by his/her department for various reasons up to & including termination. All subject to union labor contracts of course. 

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #173
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Date Posted:2022-07-18 07:52:12Copy HTML

Camera footage of the Uvalde school shootings reveal a catalogue of police incompetence, cowardice even. It shows one copper actually entering the school after first using a hand sanitiser dispenser. There are now winners here.

I have seen it & must agree, Art. Shameful, cowardly at the least. The first requirement in a situation like they faced in Uvalde is to engage the bad guy. This was not done & then the Chief tried to cover with that bullshit press conference. 

Not just the Police chief tried covering it but the so called Governor did also.

Sure hope the families sue their asses off.

Law suits are a requirement & not a hope in this case. 

We're dealing with a country being torn apart by the woke lefty's.

Your confused again Art. The shooter are from the right, not the left.

Explain the word woke for us because even the American right can't.

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #174
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Date Posted:2022-07-19 07:44:57Copy HTML

No, the behaviour of the police was pure lefty woke
tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #175
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Date Posted:2022-07-19 10:26:23Copy HTML

In a shopping mall in Indiania a bad guy starting shooting people in the food court. A good guy pulled his iron & "offed" the bad guy with 10 well placed shots. The NRA has been telling this would happen for years. God, guns, glory.................Well I have to shower, load up my 7 pistols & I am off to the super market. I have been looking "lumpier" nowadays. Hard to conceal all those weapons of mass destruction on my muscular frame.

Oh, the good guy in Indiania was breaking the rules by "carrying" on the mall property. These places are gun free zones. 

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