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Date Posted:2022-04-18 06:34:37Copy HTML

A plethora of mass shootings breaking out over here in the colonies. Gun sales are at a record pace with more than 40 million recorded in 2021 & the grand total of guns in American hands stands at 400 million total. A Second Amendment & NRA dream come true which of course must make us safer eh? Yepper, when a bad guy sprays bullets in a crowded bar or restaurant, the good guys can whip out their guns & spray back. Only the unarmed will have to dive for cover under a table while the rest of us settle things like men. Now that is a vision which should fill us all with the warm feelings of safety. 

Live respected, die regretted
pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #76
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Date Posted:2022-05-24 09:36:08Copy HTML

A drunk with a shotgun behind a no trespassing fence threatening some faggy fox hunters on horsies???? Sounds quite American to me, Pete. Except for the dog's name which sounds more like Sgt. Preston. Nice looking dog eh?

Who said the drunk was holding the shoot gun Tommy. No one right. The hunt group were the one pissed and were probably Americans up visiting to do a little hunting American Style.

Oops, I stand corrected. I could blame it on your rambling style of writing. 

Or you could have just added to try and get a rise. Am I right again?

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #77
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Date Posted:2022-05-24 09:40:00Copy HTML

Another one today at an elementary school in Texas. We are indeed savages.

No the savages are all civilized now. Its the rest of you that are not.

tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #78
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Date Posted:2022-05-24 10:08:33Copy HTML

A drunk with a shotgun behind a no trespassing fence threatening some faggy fox hunters on horsies???? Sounds quite American to me, Pete. Except for the dog's name which sounds more like Sgt. Preston. Nice looking dog eh?

Who said the drunk was holding the shoot gun Tommy. No one right. The hunt group were the one pissed and were probably Americans up visiting to do a little hunting American Style.

Oops, I stand corrected. I could blame it on your rambling style of writing. 

Or you could have just added to try and get a rise. Am I right again?

Well Pete, there are no flies on you eh?

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #79
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Date Posted:2022-05-24 10:12:53Copy HTML

A drunk with a shotgun behind a no trespassing fence threatening some faggy fox hunters on horsies???? Sounds quite American to me, Pete. Except for the dog's name which sounds more like Sgt. Preston. Nice looking dog eh?

Who said the drunk was holding the shoot gun Tommy. No one right. The hunt group were the one pissed and were probably Americans up visiting to do a little hunting American Style.

Oops, I stand corrected. I could blame it on your rambling style of writing. 

Or you could have just added to try and get a rise. Am I right again?

Well Pete, there are no flies on you eh?

Not for another week or so.

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #80
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Date Posted:2022-05-25 04:05:51Copy HTML

We are up to 19 kids killed now and two adults. Cruz gets on and says we have to start thinking about arming the teachers better. What an "A" hole he is. There was an armed guard at the school but when an 18 year old can buy an AR-15 which is a miltary style rifle with extended mags and body armour. That's where you problem is and has been for most of your mass shootings. The AR is not a hunting rifle but was made for one purpose and one purpose only and that's for killing other people. It has nothing to do with your second ammendment rights if assault weapons are banded for civilians. When your own cops say they want them band maybe it's time to listen. Instead of parents buying a new backpack this year in the fall, maybe the money would be better spent if they purchased them body armour.

The trouble is the company that makes all these weapons also supports the majority of the Republican party. None of them have the Bal** to say anything out of fear of losing the NRA's support. Pretty sad when one group controls everything that comes out of your mouth as a politican.Time maybe to start listening to their own police forces and consitituents instead.

tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #81
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Date Posted:2022-05-25 11:36:22Copy HTML

We are up to 19 kids killed now and two adults. Cruz gets on and says we have to start thinking about arming the teachers better. What an "A" hole he is. There was an armed guard at the school but when an 18 year old can buy an AR-15 which is a miltary style rifle with extended mags and body armour. That's where you problem is and has been for most of your mass shootings. The AR is not a hunting rifle but was made for one purpose and one purpose only and that's for killing other people. It has nothing to do with your second ammendment rights if assault weapons are banded for civilians. When your own cops say they want them band maybe it's time to listen. Instead of parents buying a new backpack this year in theNo fall, maybe the money would be better spent if they purchased them body armour.

The trouble is the company that makes all these weapons also supports the majority of the Republican party. None of them have the Bal** to say anything out of fear of losing the NRA's support. Pretty sad when one group controls everything that comes out of your mouth as a politican.Time maybe to start listening to their own police forces and consitituents instead.

See date on launch post. You don't have to be Nostrathomas to predict this. Now for the reasons:

Mental illness on the part of the perps. 

Availability of guns.

24/7 News coverage which encourages copy-cats.

Now to address Pete's usual drivel. The Second Amendment was put into place because of the oppressive conditions forced upon the colonists. It was to protect us from those types of government & foreign invasion. It has nothing to do with hunting. So if the English weren't so oppressive we would never have had to put the Second Amendment in place. So by using Peter Logic.........the English are to blame. There ya go, problem solved until the next one. 

shula Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #82
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Date Posted:2022-05-25 01:51:34Copy HTML

Just a note.  AR does not stand for assault rifle.  It stands for ArmaLite Rifle.
"It is forbidden to spit on cats in plague-time." -Albert Camus-
tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #83
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Date Posted:2022-05-25 02:49:34Copy HTML

Just a note.  AR does not stand for assault rifle.  It stands for ArmaLite Rifle.

Good point Shula, & if I shoot a person with my .22 squirrel gun would that be considered an assault rifle?

tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #84
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Date Posted:2022-05-25 02:53:51Copy HTML

Breaking News The Canadian government is forming some kind of alphabet force to deal with the upcoming "collapse of America." What will happen to our Canadian cousins when it comes? Well if America collapses so will Canada as they have been dependent on America for centuries & when the host dies so does the parasite.
pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #85
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Date Posted:2022-05-25 04:32:25Copy HTML

Just a note.  AR does not stand for assault rifle.  It stands for ArmaLite Rifle.

It's an military assault rifle no matter what the initals stand for. It can also take extended mags which the kid had. There is no need of a gun like that unless you are a cop or in the military. It's not a hunting rifle. It was made to kill people and not for defending yourself. You have hand guns for that.

They should be banned from civilians owning one. 

And for Tommy, no country is attacking your country, and never has.

MarkUK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #86
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Date Posted:2022-05-25 05:43:31Copy HTML

Suck it up America, it's just the latest instalment of the price you have to pay, indeed are willing to pay, for your much treasured rights. But be aware that another payment payment is due and it's due soon and another after that......................... 


You're playing chess with Fate and Fate's winning. Arnold Bennett
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #87
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Date Posted:2022-05-25 06:55:14Copy HTML

This latest atrocity just breaks my heart, all those little kids just starting out. Their parents have just been given a life sentence of sorrow. You cannot and never will control America's love affair with guns. How can you possibly do it? If you banned them tomorrow there would be a civil war, I mean, there are 50,000,000 more guns than people, with millions of illegal weapons not even on the radar. It's a monster that can never be controlled, never mind defeated.
shula Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #88
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Date Posted:2022-05-25 07:00:44Copy HTML

We bled plenty for those rights and we intend to keep them.  You all might be okay with living in a country where only the police,  the military and the criminals carry guns, but we aren't.
"It is forbidden to spit on cats in plague-time." -Albert Camus-
shula Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #89
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Date Posted:2022-05-25 07:18:31Copy HTML

Further, those Americans who oppose gun ownership are the same ones who are pushing legislation in Congress to make it legal for women to have access to abortion on demand up to the moment of birth, so the argument that guns kill people holds no water with me.  If that isn't violence I don't know what is.  They care not a fig for the lives of children.
"It is forbidden to spit on cats in plague-time." -Albert Camus-
MarkUK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #90
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Date Posted:2022-05-25 08:38:43Copy HTML

We bled plenty for those rights and we intend to keep them.  You all might be okay with living in a country where only the police,  the military and the criminals carry guns, but we aren't.

A sad indictment of American society. 

MarkUK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #91
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Date Posted:2022-05-25 08:47:00Copy HTML

Further, those Americans who oppose gun ownership are the same ones who are pushing legislation in Congress to make it legal for women to have access to abortion on demand up to the moment of birth, so the argument that guns kill people holds no water with me.  If that isn't violence I don't know what is.  They care not a fig for the lives of children.

You talk as if the Democrats want to make gun ownership illegal, even they wouldn't go that far, limited restrictions are what they're looking for. 

I've asked this many times before, but I'll ask it again, why do so many Americans want an arsenal of guns?

1. Crime is so bad in your fractured society that you feel the need for the protection guns give you.

2. We're allowed under the Constitution so we'll damn well take full advantage, it ought to be mandatory.

3. It's to protect the people from an overweening government.

4. It makes us feel big and powerful.

It must be one of those four. 

shula Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #92
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Date Posted:2022-05-25 08:47:48Copy HTML

That's why so many people are busting down our doors to get in.
"It is forbidden to spit on cats in plague-time." -Albert Camus-
MarkUK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #93
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Date Posted:2022-05-25 08:52:17Copy HTML

The same over here for all our supposed faults. 

You're playing chess with Fate and Fate's winning. Arnold Bennett
tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #94
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Date Posted:2022-05-25 10:36:46Copy HTML

Just a note.  AR does not stand for assault rifle.  It stands for ArmaLite Rifle.

It's an military assault rifle no matter what the initals stand for. It can also take extended mags which the kid had. There is no need of a gun like that unless you are a cop or in the military. It's not a hunting rifle. It was made to kill people and not for defending yourself. You have hand guns for that.

They should be banned from civilians owning one. 

And for Tommy, no country is attacking your country, and never has.

Well Pete, this is a history site so look up Pearl Harbor. To answer your question, perhaps it is because of 400 million guns & armed citizens eh? 

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #95
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Date Posted:2022-05-26 02:08:01Copy HTML

We bled plenty for those rights and we intend to keep them.  You all might be okay with living in a country where only the police,  the military and the criminals carry guns, but we aren't.

Pity you miene schatzi. You have never been out of America so what do you know about real rights. All those people who died also had rights, they had the right to live a life in peace without being attacked with military hardware.

America doesn't have to fear an enemy from outside, it's the enemy from within that will be your down fall.

Then you get the Texas cowboy cops with the 20gal hats, that instead of rushing to the gun fire stand back and leave the shooter in the building for 40- 60 minutes before taking the shooter out. They were on TV patting each other on the back as if they had done well. If I was Govenor,  they all would be fired on the spot for neglect of duty in front of the cameras. They had swat teams and every other Tom, Dick, and Harry there, why didn't they deploy stun grenades, tear gas or even smoke grenades.

There not trained cops for this day and age. Their make believe cops that don't know what to serve and protect really means.                                                     

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #96
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Date Posted:2022-05-26 08:33:42Copy HTML

With a population of 60,000,000 Britain had 30 deaths by shooting in 2020, 26 men and 4 women and no children. I suspect most of them were criminals too. I haven't got the figures for last year. I find that fact rather comforting.
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #97
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Date Posted:2022-05-26 02:18:17Copy HTML

Mixing the platform of mass shootings with the politics thread I was wondering Pete, if the school murderer would have been at your nightmare, epoch making revolution of Jan 6th and opposed it, he could quite easily, single handed, have become your greatest hero by shooting 40 or 50 dangerous insurgents and preventing the whole nation, including the police, FBI, CIA and the entire armed forces from being subjugated by the buffalo man and his elite force's tourist team.
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #98
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Date Posted:2022-05-26 02:43:07Copy HTML

As far as I can see an AR 15 is no more an automatic weapon that most other guns, is that right? You have to pull the trigger for every round fired, just like a handgun? According to Tucker Carlson yesterday, more Americans had guns at home 50 years ago than today. 45% to be precise and by 2016 it had dropped to 32% but if more guns are being sold, who buys them and where do they keep them? I have a mate in the pub who's an absolute gun nut and has quite a collection, including some very expensive hand made ones. How? Well he keeps them all in the US and goes there twice a year to Montana to fire them with his American friends and I've just thought of something I must ask him, does he have an American gun licence, even though he's a Brit? Maybe that's one for you Tom. He tells me that people openly carry them on their hip and backs that up by saying that there's no crime where he goes. Personally, I'm proud and happy our cops don't have guns, I'm proud our gun murder rate is pathetically oblivious by comparison.
tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #99
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Date Posted:2022-05-26 04:02:30Copy HTML

As far as I can see an AR 15 is no more an automatic weapon that most other guns, is that right? You have to pull the trigger for every round fired, just like a handgun? According to Tucker Carlson yesterday, more Americans had guns at home 50 years ago than today. 45% to be precise and by 2016 it had dropped to 32% but if more guns are being sold, who buys them and where do they keep them? I have a mate in the pub who's an absolute gun nut and has quite a collection, including some very expensive hand made ones. How? Well he keeps them all in the US and goes there twice a year to Montana to fire them with his American friends and I've just thought of something I must ask him, does he have an American gun licence, even though he's a Brit? Maybe that's one for you Tom. He tells me that people openly carry them on their hip and backs that up by saying that there's no crime where he goes. Personally, I'm proud and happy our cops don't have guns, I'm proud our gun murder rate is pathetically oblivious by comparison.

Target shooting in Montana, fire away mate we don't need no stinking license. Your mate is right about the open carry & crime rate, it is not an urban area with "them" shooting each other. Common sense should prevail on where you keep your firearms, kids in the house you must be much more careful. We keep our guns anyplace we have license to be, you home, business, car, truck, hip, ankle, pockets, wherever. You don't want to be the only one out there without one. 

tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #100
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Date Posted:2022-05-26 04:15:07Copy HTML

As far as I can see an AR 15 is no more an automatic weapon that most other guns, is that right? You have to pull the trigger for every round fired, just like a handgun? According to Tucker Carlson yesterday, more Americans had guns at home 50 years ago than today. 45% to be precise and by 2016 it had dropped to 32% but if more guns are being sold, who buys them and where do they keep them? I have a mate in the pub who's an absolute gun nut and has quite a collection, including some very expensive hand made ones. How? Well he keeps them all in the US and goes there twice a year to Montana to fire them with his American friends and I've just thought of something I must ask him, does he have an American gun licence, even though he's a Brit? Maybe that's one for you Tom. He tells me that people openly carry them on their hip and backs that up by saying that there's no crime where he goes. Personally, I'm proud and happy our cops don't have guns, I'm proud our gun murder rate is pathetically oblivious by comparison.

Target shooting in Montana, fire away mate we don't need no stinking license. Your mate is right about the open carry & crime rate, it is not an urban area with "them" shooting each other. Common sense should prevail on where you keep your firearms, kids in the house you must be much more careful. We keep our guns anyplace we have license to be, you home, business, car, truck, hip, ankle, pockets, wherever. You don't want to be the only one out there without one. 

Further to the last: The AR-15 is the civilian version of the M-16. It is a semi-automatic which fires a .223 caliber round which is 5.56 NATO. The AR-15 is made by the Armalite company & as Shula pointed out the AR does not stand for Army. It was designed by the brilliant Eugene Stoner who is often compared with Mikhail Kalashnikov who was equally brilliant & the designer of the AK-47 rifle. 

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