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Date Posted:2022-04-18 06:34:37Copy HTML

A plethora of mass shootings breaking out over here in the colonies. Gun sales are at a record pace with more than 40 million recorded in 2021 & the grand total of guns in American hands stands at 400 million total. A Second Amendment & NRA dream come true which of course must make us safer eh? Yepper, when a bad guy sprays bullets in a crowded bar or restaurant, the good guys can whip out their guns & spray back. Only the unarmed will have to dive for cover under a table while the rest of us settle things like men. Now that is a vision which should fill us all with the warm feelings of safety. 

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majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
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Date Posted:2022-04-18 07:27:56Copy HTML

We don't allow small arms in this country. 400,000,000 guns? Do you know that probably 99% of the population in Britain has never seen a real handgun, let alone held one.
tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #2
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Date Posted:2022-04-18 08:55:23Copy HTML

Well Mark, you don't want to be the only one over here without one, or two, or...................................

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MarkUK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #3
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Date Posted:2022-04-19 05:53:02Copy HTML

You know my thoughts on this. It is estimated that since 1945 over a million Americans have died from gunshot wounds, either murder accident or suicide. This is deaths in the USA not in wars - one million! 

You're playing chess with Fate and Fate's winning. Arnold Bennett
pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #4
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Date Posted:2022-04-23 04:25:57Copy HTML

You know my thoughts on this. It is estimated that since 1945 over a million Americans have died from gunshot wounds, either murder accident or suicide. This is deaths in the USA not in wars - one million! 

What do you expect Mark when 20% of them in the States have mental issues and the other 80% are border line. The big thing now is making your own gun which is hard to trace because it doesn't have any serial numbers.

Americans can't take stress of any kind which became very obvious during the virus and they have to lash out at someone or something to make themselves fell better. Look how easy they got unset just losing an election. They wanted to arm and rebel over the results of the fairest election ever held in their country. What stable people do that. They formed militia groups way back when to defend their own Government but then they thought why not over through our own Government of the people because some one from Qanon said it would be fun.  They will fight over a shopping cart or wearing a mask at the grocery store with guns when there are hundreds of free carts and masks available free in the store. We are dealing here Mark with a lot of sick Mutt puppies.

Sure glad to be back, all.

tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #5
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Date Posted:2022-04-23 06:42:21Copy HTML

Canadian math = 100% of the population with mental issues eh? Whew glad it's not the gun's fault.

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pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #6
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Date Posted:2022-04-29 01:24:20Copy HTML

Well glad it's not the gun's fault.  But it is Tommy.

If the gun wasn't on the scene in the first place then no one would have been shoot. People don't shoot people, guns shoot people. The worst a person can do is say bang bang. People don't end up in the Hospital from that.

Had the chick magnet out yet?? I thing I told you I sold mine. Hadn't driven it in 3 years even though I kept it insured and licensed. The Ontario Government just sent me a cheque for $490.00 because they have now stopped charging for renewal each each. That was for 2 vehicles, the Stang and the Van. They back paid us back until 2020.  Ontario has also cut our hydro bills. We use to have 3 levels of depending on the time of day you were using it. Now all times are the same at the low rate and it doesn't matter how much hydro you use. if you wash and dry your clothes, run the dish water use the oven coffee pot toaster air dryer etc. it's all at the same low rate. Life is good, Tommy.

tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #7
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Date Posted:2022-04-29 08:34:15Copy HTML

Well glad it's not the gun's fault.  But it is Tommy.

If the gun wasn't on the scene in the first place then no one would have been shoot. People don't shoot people, guns shoot people. The worst a person can do is say bang bang. People don't end up in the Hospital from that.

Had the chick magnet out yet?? I thing I told you I sold mine. Hadn't driven it in 3 years even though I kept it insured and licensed. The Ontario Government just sent me a cheque for $490.00 because they have now stopped charging for renewal each each. That was for 2 vehicles, the Stang and the Van. They back paid us back until 2020.  Ontario has also cut our hydro bills. We use to have 3 levels of depending on the time of day you were using it. Now all times are the same at the low rate and it doesn't matter how much hydro you use. if you wash and dry your clothes, run the dish water use the oven coffee pot toaster air dryer etc. it's all at the same low rate. Life is good, Tommy.

Oh yeah, the Alec Baldwin defense. Had Sally out twice so far in those two 80 degree days we had. Old age benefits Pete?

shula Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #8
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Date Posted:2022-04-29 02:26:15Copy HTML

Now all times are the same at the low rate and it doesn't matter how much hydro you use. if you wash and dry your clothes, run the dish water use the oven coffee pot toaster air dryer etc. it's all at the same low rate. Life is good, Tommy.

Read the warning labels on your appliances, Little Mr. Hydrohorse, and stop making toast while you're showering.  You'll live a lot longer.  There are better ways to catch a buzz.

"It is forbidden to spit on cats in plague-time." -Albert Camus-
pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #9
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Date Posted:2022-04-29 06:03:21Copy HTML

Now all times are the same at the low rate and it doesn't matter how much hydro you use. if you wash and dry your clothes, run the dish water use the oven coffee pot toaster air dryer etc. it's all at the same low rate. Life is good, Tommy.

Read the warning labels on your appliances, Little Mr. Hydrohorse, and stop making toast while you're showering.  You'll live a lot longer.  There are better ways to catch a buzz.

I don't get your point Madam. My point is that they have lowered the rate of everyones hydro in Ontario. They had 3 time different time period for hydro and it was a different price for each one. Like a low medium and high thingy. Now we only have one and it's at the low rate so it doesn't care what you have running including central air. Which means my bills are a lot lower.

I don't make toast while I'm showering, I have a grand daughter that makes it for me. It's a way of getting her out of the morning stand by your bed inspection at 5 in the morning. It still doesn't mean that her boots don't have to be spit shined before she makes my toast. With the extra drill I give her each day, she will make a good soldier and end up with an indexed Government penison when she retires.

Gas has gone up to a $1.85 a litre here that's a $1.44 American a litre. Now multiply that x 3.78 litres for an American gal

About $5.44 for an American gal. What are you paying way down there?

tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #10
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Date Posted:2022-04-30 01:03:10Copy HTML

Now all times are the same at the low rate and it doesn't matter how much hydro you use. if you wash and dry your clothes, run the dish water use the oven coffee pot toaster air dryer etc. it's all at the same low rate. Life is good, Tommy.

Read the warning labels on your appliances, Little Mr. Hydrohorse, and stop making toast while you're showering.  You'll live a lot longer.  There are better ways to catch a buzz.

I don't get your point Madam. My point is that they have lowered the rate of everyones hydro in Ontario. They had 3 time different time period for hydro and it was a different price for each one. Like a low medium and high thingy. Now we only have one and it's at the low rate so it doesn't care what you have running including central air. Which means my bills are a lot lower.

I don't make toast while I'm showering, I have a grand daughter that makes it for me. It's a way of getting her out of the morning stand by your bed inspection at 5 in the morning. It still doesn't mean that her boots don't have to be spit shined before she makes my toast. With the extra drill I give her each day, she will make a good soldier and end up with an indexed Government penison when she retires.

Gas has gone up to a $1.85 a litre here that's a $1.44 American a litre. Now multiply that x 3.78 litres for an American gal

About $5.44 for an American gal. What are you paying way down there?

$4.05 per gallon.

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #11
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Date Posted:2022-05-01 08:56:14Copy HTML

Now all times are the same at the low rate and it doesn't matter how much hydro you use. if you wash and dry your clothes, run the dish water use the oven coffee pot toaster air dryer etc. it's all at the same low rate. Life is good, Tommy.

Read the warning labels on your appliances, Little Mr. Hydrohorse, and stop making toast while you're showering.  You'll live a lot longer.  There are better ways to catch a buzz.

I don't get your point Madam. My point is that they have lowered the rate of everyones hydro in Ontario. They had 3 time different time period for hydro and it was a different price for each one. Like a low medium and high thingy. Now we only have one and it's at the low rate so it doesn't care what you have running including central air. Which means my bills are a lot lower.

I don't make toast while I'm showering, I have a grand daughter that makes it for me. It's a way of getting her out of the morning stand by your bed inspection at 5 in the morning. It still doesn't mean that her boots don't have to be spit shined before she makes my toast. With the extra drill I give her each day, she will make a good soldier and end up with an indexed Government penison when she retires.

Gas has gone up to a $1.85 a litre here that's a $1.44 American a litre. Now multiply that x 3.78 litres for an American gal

About $5.44 for an American gal. What are you paying way down there?

$4.05 per gallon.

And you all are whinning down there over having to pay a bit more for gas. This isn't only an American problem right now, It's a world wide one.

It's not only Russia being the bad guy here, it's the OPEC nations who have cut back on production.

tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #12
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Date Posted:2022-05-01 02:25:33Copy HTML

Now all times are the same at the low rate and it doesn't matter how much hydro you use. if you wash and dry your clothes, run the dish water use the oven coffee pot toaster air dryer etc. it's all at the same low rate. Life is good, Tommy.

Read the warning labels on your appliances, Little Mr. Hydrohorse, and stop making toast while you're showering.  You'll live a lot longer.  There are better ways to catch a buzz.

I don't get your point Madam. My point is that they have lowered the rate of everyones hydro in Ontario. They had 3 time different time period for hydro and it was a different price for each one. Like a low medium and high thingy. Now we only have one and it's at the low rate so it doesn't care what you have running including central air. Which means my bills are a lot lower.

I don't make toast while I'm showering, I have a grand daughter that makes it for me. It's a way of getting her out of the morning stand by your bed inspection at 5 in the morning. It still doesn't mean that her boots don't have to be spit shined before she makes my toast. With the extra drill I give her each day, she will make a good soldier and end up with an indexed Government penison when she retires.

Gas has gone up to a $1.85 a litre here that's a $1.44 American a litre. Now multiply that x 3.78 litres for an American gal

About $5.44 for an American gal. What are you paying way down there?

$4.05 per gallon.

And you all are whinning down there over having to pay a bit more for gas. This isn't only an American problem right now, It's a world wide one.

It's not only Russia being the bad guy here, it's the OPEC nations who have cut back on production.

Now Pete, there you go again with the deflection shite. You blamed Trump for everything from kidnapping the Lindbergh baby to potholes in the road. Now it is our's Biden's fault. 

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #13
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Date Posted:2022-05-05 06:42:13Copy HTML

Now all times are the same at the low rate and it doesn't matter how much hydro you use. if you wash and dry your clothes, run the dish water use the oven coffee pot toaster air dryer etc. it's all at the same low rate. Life is good, Tommy.

Read the warning labels on your appliances, Little Mr. Hydrohorse, and stop making toast while you're showering.  You'll live a lot longer.  There are better ways to catch a buzz.

I don't get your point Madam. My point is that they have lowered the rate of everyones hydro in Ontario. They had 3 time different time period for hydro and it was a different price for each one. Like a low medium and high thingy. Now we only have one and it's at the low rate so it doesn't care what you have running including central air. Which means my bills are a lot lower.

I don't make toast while I'm showering, I have a grand daughter that makes it for me. It's a way of getting her out of the morning stand by your bed inspection at 5 in the morning. It still doesn't mean that her boots don't have to be spit shined before she makes my toast. With the extra drill I give her each day, she will make a good soldier and end up with an indexed Government penison when she retires.

Gas has gone up to a $1.85 a litre here that's a $1.44 American a litre. Now multiply that x 3.78 litres for an American gal

About $5.44 for an American gal. What are you paying way down there?

$4.05 per gallon.

And you all are whinning down there over having to pay a bit more for gas. This isn't only an American problem right now, It's a world wide one.

It's not only Russia being the bad guy here, it's the OPEC nations who have cut back on production.

Now Pete, there you go again with the deflection shite. You blamed Trump for everything from kidnapping the Lindbergh baby to potholes in the road. Now it is our's Biden's fault. 

What does Biden have to do with the price of tea in China. As as he doesn't control the oil markets, Opec does. Why aren't your own Red States oil refineries producing more should be the question.

If Shula parked her Cadillac Escalade for a week then there probably wouldn't be a fuel shortage. If our pipe line was still up and running we could at least send you a bit more, but having to ship it down to you in trains is not only slower but more dangerous.

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #14
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Date Posted:2022-05-05 08:22:02Copy HTML

What does Biden have to do with the price of tea in China. As as he doesn't control the oil markets, Opec does. Why aren't your own Red States oil refineries producing more should be the question. If Shula parked her Cadillac Escalade for a week then there probably wouldn't be a fuel shortage. If our pipe line was still up and running we could at least send you a bit more, but having to ship it down to you in trains is not only slower but more dangerous. Biden cancelled the pipeline, it carried oil, oil makes petrol. He has been anti oil from the day he got in. He's turned the US into an importer of oil, Trump made the US self sufficient, indeed a net exporter of oil. He's a new green deal simpleton, he wants to get rid of fossil fuels, stop fracking etc OPEC didn't dictate to Trump, they couldn't, they had no levers. You know Biden's a braindead crook, you just won't admit it.
pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #15
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Date Posted:2022-05-06 04:40:58Copy HTML

Now all times are the same at the low rate and it doesn't matter how much hydro you use. if you wash and dry your clothes, run the dish water use the oven coffee pot toaster air dryer etc. it's all at the same low rate. Life is good, Tommy.

Read the warning labels on your appliances, Little Mr. Hydrohorse, and stop making toast while you're showering.  You'll live a lot longer.  There are better ways to catch a buzz.

It has nothing to do about labels on appliances, Little MissInothingaboutelectricity. It has to do with what amp service your house is wired to. When I was a kid it was only 15 amp service service in most homes and it you plugged too much in at one time it would blow a fuse. Them most homes were up graded to a 60 amp service. As time went on and new homes were being built they went to 100amps so you could run a lot more stuff without blowing a fuse or tripping one of your breakers. Now the new homes are being built with 200 amp service and you can probably charge your car easy enough if you have that. The part the clean energy people aren't telling you is that it cost a lot to up grade an existing home to charge a car. The main box right back to were the power line comes from and most house would also need their interior wiring changed to be able to carry a heavier load which involved changing it all.

shula Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #16
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Date Posted:2022-05-14 11:57:14Copy HTML

You pegged me right this time.  I'm still amazed that we always have electricity in spite of not having that many electrical storms.  I suspect the liberals.

I will never drive an electric car; it rains too often.

"It is forbidden to spit on cats in plague-time." -Albert Camus-
shula Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #17
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Date Posted:2022-05-14 11:58:11Copy HTML

Well, Tom, I am indeed sorry to see your area is the latest mass shooting site.
"It is forbidden to spit on cats in plague-time." -Albert Camus-
tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #18
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Date Posted:2022-05-15 01:10:24Copy HTML

Well, Tom, I am indeed sorry to see your area is the latest mass shooting site.

Indeed Shula, but it is more personal than that. When I retired from the PD I went to work for 20 years in corporate security. That global corporation was Ahold in the Netherlands. Ahold was the corporate owner of Tops Markets & that was one of my stores. 

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #19
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Date Posted:2022-05-15 04:21:50Copy HTML

You pegged me right this time.  I'm still amazed that we always have electricity in spite of not having that many electrical storms.  I suspect the liberals.

I will never drive an electric car; it rains too often.

It would be all right for you only going back and forth to Walmarts but there isn't enough charging stations set up if everyone in the States bought one.

What scaries me about the Tesla one is they seem to be in a lot of accidents when they are left to drive themselves.

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #20
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Date Posted:2022-05-15 05:36:47Copy HTML

Well, Tom, I am indeed sorry to see your area is the latest mass shooting site.

Indeed Shula, but it is more personal than that. When I retired from the PD I went to work for 20 years in corporate security. That global corporation was Ahold in the Netherlands. Ahold was the corporate owner of Tops Markets & that was one of my stores. 

Sure put Beefalo on the world Map didn't it. It could also discourage tourism and people from wanting to shop there now..

They are saying that it was racially motivated and viewed as a hate crime. 10 killed,3 injured. Have they mentioned what the weapon of choice was yet? Bad guy is in custody already, so that's a good thing..

MarkUK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #21
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Date Posted:2022-05-15 07:42:51Copy HTML

A retired cop was one of those killed, I knew it wasn't our Tommy as he's too old and decrepit retired to be out acting as security. 

No need for any of us to get on the roundabout of gun control yet again, we know each others standpoints already. 

You're playing chess with Fate and Fate's winning. Arnold Bennett
tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #22
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Date Posted:2022-05-15 08:38:07Copy HTML

A retired cop was one of those killed, I knew it wasn't our Tommy as he's too old and decrepit retired to be out acting as security. 

No need for any of us to get on the roundabout of gun control yet again, we know each others standpoints already. 

That's right Mark, everyone knows Lee Harvey Oswald did not kill Kennedy...................the gun did. 

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #23
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Date Posted:2022-05-15 08:54:11Copy HTML

A retired cop was one of those killed, I knew it wasn't our Tommy as he's too old and decrepit retired to be out acting as security. 

No need for any of us to get on the roundabout of gun control yet again, we know each others standpoints already. 

That's right Mark, everyone knows Lee Harvey Oswald did not kill Kennedy...................the gun did. 

Never knew untilI I just read it but Oswald didn't get the rifle that he order from the catalog or the same sight. Instead they sent him another rifle and scope and the barrel on this one was 3 inches longer but still fired the same rds.

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #24
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Date Posted:2022-05-15 12:09:38Copy HTML

A retired cop was one of those killed, I knew it wasn't our Tommy as he's too old and decrepit retired to be out acting as security. 

No need for any of us to get on the roundabout of gun control yet again, we know each others standpoints already. 

I think he was killed trying to stop the guy. This dude was wearing body armour and a helmet with a cameria on the front so that other people at a far right web site he belongs to could also see it live. There's also something mentioned about a 180 page write up that he posted to this web site before doing it.

Maybe time for the Government to start shutting these extremist sites down. They have nothing to do with free speech but a lot to do with modivating hate though speech to the weak minded.

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #25
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Date Posted:2022-05-15 12:22:58Copy HTML

Shut the sites down? What sites? They haven't shut down the Taliban's site or its twitter account yet. Don't you think we should aim a little of your lockdown mentality at them sometime?
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