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Date Posted:2022-06-16 01:12:44Copy HTML

Origin of XXX on poison bottles. Goes back to the Apalachin moonshiners who placed the triple X on their bottles of "mountain dew" to denote the product was strained 3 times. That morphed into the poison identification. 

Live respected, die regretted
tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #151
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Re:Don't Start Another

Date Posted:2022-07-31 01:59:18Copy HTML

Guess where the capitol city of murder is in Britain. London? 'fraid not. Per head of population it's actually a small town in Lincolnshire....Boston. It's once again been brought in to the headlines following the stabbing to death of a 9 year old girl openly in the street. Although nobody will say it, this is a revenge attack between competing Eastern European gangs, which infest the town and are without doubt the most ruthless, merciless pigs at the trough. Before this influx of scum Boston was virtually crime free, a place where most people knew most people. Let's face it, a few dead kids is a small price to pay for that nirvana of the left, the multicultural society.  These crime gangs operate a dozen lucrative forms of crime, from drugs to car theft and export to protection rackets and as far as the locals are concerned, do so with little interference from the police.

What countries are these folk from?

Judging by the dead girl's name she's from Lithuania or thereabouts. The killer hasn't been named, but it's likely he's from the same part of eastern Europe. 

Boston and Lincolnshire in general have a large immigrant population who come here in the summer for the fruit harvest, many stay of course. For all the talk of "too many foreigners" farmers are complaining that since Brexit there now aren't enough to pick the crops!

The Brexit bonus Boris trumpeted so much hasn't quite materialized yet.   

Because we don't have a real Brexit. We are still governed by a myriad of EU rules and regulations, which Truss has said she'd dump if she becomes PM. I've heard it all before, so we'll see.

Well here is the spin on Brexit & Mother Britain's dilemma from the Colonies. In 2016 the U.K. narrowly voted to leave the EU in a bitter campaign rife with misinformation & racism. The main cheerleader of the Leave Camp was Boris who claimed the U.K. was sending 350 million pounds to the EU every week. He said Brexit would give Britons the $ back. He also said Brexit would give the U.K. control over their immigration policy as well. Now Boris is leaving under a cloud of lies & scandal & Britain's GDP per capita has grown just 3.8% since the referendum, while the EU's has jumped to 8.5%. Brit companies are struggling to recruit skilled workers, & trade has slumped. If you can't ship your goods into the biggest market right on your doorstep, YOU ARE SCREWED. Brexit has also weakened the bonds among the U.K.'s four countries: England, Scotland, Wales, & Northern Ireland. I am glad to help you Limey's with the reasons. I have no solutions.

As always, NostraThomas. 

MarkUK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #152
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Re:Don't Start Another

Date Posted:2022-07-31 07:11:58Copy HTML

It certainly is a flawed Brexit that's for sure, Art has pointed out that it's not a full Brexit, but if we ever get one I'm not sure it'll be any better. Much of the problem is down to European pettiness in making things unnecessarily difficult for us - we can't move goods made in England to Northern Ireland without a mountain of paperwork, that must be put right first. 

I tend to agree that Boris and his mob sold us a pup with their exuberant promises of a Brexit Utopia waiting for us. They glossed over the difficulties in the hope that sometime in the future it'll get sorted, Boris was like that. 

You're playing chess with Fate and Fate's winning. Arnold Bennett
tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #153
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Re:Don't Start Another

Date Posted:2022-07-31 09:29:00Copy HTML

It certainly is a flawed Brexit that's for sure, Art has pointed out that it's not a full Brexit, but if we ever get one I'm not sure it'll be any better. Much of the problem is down to European pettiness in making things unnecessarily difficult for us - we can't move goods made in England to Northern Ireland without a mountain of paperwork, that must be put right first. 

I tend to agree that Boris and his mob sold us a pup with their exuberant promises of a Brexit Utopia waiting for us. They glossed over the difficulties in the hope that sometime in the future it'll get sorted, Boris was like that. 

We always said Boris was Trump with a British accent, Mark. You last sentence reminds of we are gonna build a big beautiful wall & Mexico will pay for it............kinda sounds familiar eh?

tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #154
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Re:Don't Start Another

Date Posted:2022-08-02 10:35:30Copy HTML

Al Zawahri killed by U.S. drone while drinking coffee on balcony in Kabul.
MarkUK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #155
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Re:Don't Start Another

Date Posted:2022-08-02 05:34:45Copy HTML

Good to see Biden acting as tough as Obama in taking out your enemies.

You're playing chess with Fate and Fate's winning. Arnold Bennett
tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #156
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Re:Don't Start Another

Date Posted:2022-08-02 05:45:35Copy HTML

Good to see Biden acting as tough as Obama in taking out your enemies.

No doubt, but the other side claims he looked far too comfortable on the balcony sipping coffee. Refers back to Biden's withdrawal. I agree with the withdrawal, but the manner in which done was shameful. 

pbandrew3rd Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #157
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Re:Don't Start Another

Date Posted:2022-08-02 08:02:45Copy HTML

Good to see Biden acting as tough as Obama in taking out your enemies.

No doubt, but the other side claims he looked far too comfortable on the balcony sipping coffee. Refers back to Biden's withdrawal. I agree with the withdrawal, but the manner in which done was shameful. 

It saved a lot more American lived being lost needlessly in a never ending war Tommy. No different from when the troops left Viet-nam and had to leave a lot of the civilians who had helped them behind there also.

It would have been great if they had been able to got a lot more of the equipment left behind out, especially with Russia attacking the Ukraines. The cost to get it out was the major factor. I might have been cheaper if they had only had to fly with the equipment to let's say Britain where it could have been stored but no one seen this Russian invasion until after the fact.

The Taiban broke the agreement with the States not to allow any of these terrorist groups to set up in Afganistan but at least they now know that American doesn't need boots on the ground to be able to take out any of these high profile targets. Things are starting to come together on some of the things Biden had on his wish list when running for Pres. A big one will be lower costs for meds. Gas prices keep coming done and even though Biden took a lot of heat for meeting with the Arabs he has convinced them and they have doubled their oil production in the past two weeks. Food and the supply chains are still big problems, but unless you let in more migrant field workers to plant and harvest you crops it will continue. Biden has made some kind of deal with Canada with the auto industry. He wants more electric vehicles but is having problems with getting the parts from the far eastern countries. Canada is the only country in the west that can make an electric vehicle from start to finish, including the batteries so that's probably what the deal is over.

I'm watching more and more of these election results deniers get elected. They all seem to be putting party over the American Constitution and the Word of Law. If they win the 2224 election you may have to learn to speak Russian.

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #158
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Re:Don't Start Another

Date Posted:2022-08-04 08:35:34Copy HTML

Go woke go broke. Warners has just spent $90,000,000 making a painfully woke Batgirl film and following prerelease audience appraisal, dumped it forever. When will these simple idiots ever learn? They live in some parallel universe from sane people, wokeism does that to people.
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #159
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Re:Don't Start Another

Date Posted:2022-08-05 08:10:54Copy HTML

HA! Infowars Alex Jones has been ordered to pay the parents of one of the Sandy Hook massacred children $4.1 million for claiming the story of the massacre was a hoax. He's got away lightly, it should have been $100 million and broke him for life. How dare he?
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #160
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Re:Don't Start Another

Date Posted:2022-08-06 08:29:40Copy HTML

72 years ago the British parliament enacted a law forbidding anybody including race or colour in advertising, with specifically housing in mind. Nobody could then advertise his property with an ethnic proviso, ie no blacks, and it was Britain's first race relations law. Race relations laws are wonderful, as long as it works both ways but nobody appeared to understand back then that it actually could happen the other way, not in Britain? Well now thanks to the socialist run race relations industry it has happened and racism against white Britons is being openly practiced, without repercussion. Now, companies are advertising positions to 'under represented people' which means blacks only and getting away with it. Their other get out clause advertises for people to reflect the ethnicity of the area in which they will serve. Again, blacks or Asians only. I know what you're thinking..... what if you can't get an ethnic with the intelligence to do the job? No problem, as all of these jobs are advertised in governmental institutions, where it doesn't matter if they can do the job, as long as they pass the colour code. The BBC for instance is aiming for a figure for black employees of 20% of the workforce by next year, the fact that only 3% of the population is black hasn't appeared to deter them, but then they are the BBC.
tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #161
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Re:Don't Start Another

Date Posted:2022-08-08 12:12:27Copy HTML

Well Art, a federal court judge ruled in the mid-60's that City of Buffalo employees must represent the % of minorities who reside in the city. This meant the "dumbing down" of the civil service tests for employment of all city departments, this to meet the quota acceptable to the ruling. They called it "affirmative action." In reality a black who scored 65% on his test would supersede a white who scored 95%. This continued until the proper %'s were met.
tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #162
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Re:Don't Start Another

Date Posted:2022-08-08 01:44:52Copy HTML

The origin of the term "a shot of whiskey" stems back to Tombstone Arizona where broke cowboys could trade a .45 cal bullet for an once of liquor..............or so I thought. Seems as if the term "shot of whiskey" has been around for 200 years (long before Tombstone) & refers to the "jolt" or "shot" the drinkers gets from the liquid going down their throats. I have been duped, imagine that? I suppose the term originated in mother Britain, like everything else.
tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #163
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Re:Don't Start Another

Date Posted:2022-08-09 08:44:28Copy HTML

Elizabeth "Libby" Thompson was a prostitute & dance hall girl who worked in Dodge City, Kansas & other frontier cattle towns during the 1870's. She later became famous as Squirrel Tooth Alice, madam of a brothel in Sweetwater, Texas. She was born in 1855 & died in 1953, an example of a long life of good clean living eh?
MarkUK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #164
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Re:Don't Start Another

Date Posted:2022-08-09 12:43:26Copy HTML

Olivia Newton-John has died aged 73, another absolutely gorgeous woman in her day.

Olivia Newton-John - The 70s Photo (40505489) - Fanpop

You're playing chess with Fate and Fate's winning. Arnold Bennett
tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #165
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Re:Don't Start Another

Date Posted:2022-08-09 01:13:52Copy HTML

Olivia Newton-John has died aged 73, another absolutely gorgeous woman in her day.

Olivia Newton-John - The 70s Photo (40505489) - Fanpop

For the film Grease the producers wanted either Marie Osmond or Linda Ronstadt to play the female lead, but John Revolta (spelling) insisted on Olivia Newton John. He said every guy wanted her for a girlfriend. Revolta (spelling) won out & the rest is history. 

Greystarfish1 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #166
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Re:Don't Start Another

Date Posted:2022-08-09 04:12:02Copy HTML

Olivia Newton-John has died aged 73, another absolutely gorgeous woman in her day.

Olivia Newton-John - The 70s Photo (40505489) - Fanpop

For the film Grease the producers wanted either Marie Osmond or Linda Ronstadt to play the female lead, but John Revolta (spelling) insisted on Olivia Newton John. He said every guy wanted her for a girlfriend. Revolta (spelling) won out & the rest is history. 

His name is John Travolta, .

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #167
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Re:Don't Start Another

Date Posted:2022-08-09 08:26:19Copy HTML

Are you sure it's not John Revolting?
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #168
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Re:Don't Start Another

Date Posted:2022-08-09 08:29:19Copy HTML

She was British born and her father was an MI5 agent
tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #169
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Re:Don't Start Another

Date Posted:2022-08-10 01:37:48Copy HTML

Are you sure it's not John Revolting?

I wanted to keep it Italian & ending in a vowel. Thought Olivia was an Aussie.

MarkUK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #170
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Re:Don't Start Another

Date Posted:2022-08-10 07:38:14Copy HTML

Born in Cambridge, her family emigrated to Australia when she was six. A true international talent.

You're playing chess with Fate and Fate's winning. Arnold Bennett
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #171
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Re:Don't Start Another

Date Posted:2022-08-10 03:25:21Copy HTML

Of course, the film Grease is on the lefty's banned list as mysoginist, racist, not diverse and we just have to throw in masculine toxicity
MarkUK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #172
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Re:Don't Start Another

Date Posted:2022-08-13 09:45:25Copy HTML

Sir Salman Rushdie seriously injured in a stabbing at some unpronounceable place in New York State, not too far I think from Tommy's abode.  

You're playing chess with Fate and Fate's winning. Arnold Bennett
tommytalldog Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #173
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Re:Don't Start Another

Date Posted:2022-08-13 11:38:38Copy HTML

Sir Salman Rushdie seriously injured in a stabbing at some unpronounceable place in New York State, not too far I think from Tommy's abode.  

Indeed it is Mark. The Chautauqua Institution nestled on the banks of a lake with the same name is an educational center where Bill Clinton wrote his inaugural address while dwelling amongst eggheads & the compelling arms of his charming wife Hilary. Chautauqua is an Indian name & the lake is a wonderful recreation area. I was at Bemus Point, which is across the lake from the Institution last month for a dinner engagement. Rushdie was on the Imam's hit list after writing his evil book besmirching Islam. 

majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #174
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Re:Don't Start Another

Date Posted:2022-08-13 06:47:44Copy HTML

Has anybody found a western left wing organisation, group, collective criticise this? No, and you won't.
majorshrapnel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #175
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Re:Don't Start Another

Date Posted:2022-08-14 08:00:50Copy HTML

Figures just released show that 1 in 3 of all new children born in Britain are to foreign born women.
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