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Date Posted:2022-06-06 11:16:50 June 6, 1944 D-Day Operation Overlord, the invasion of Normandy by Allied forces. The honor of the opening salvo unleashed upon the German occupiers was given to HMS Belfast. Once the allied troops gained control of the beaches it was all over for the evil Nazis. Facing the Allies in the west & the Russians in the east it was only a matter of time. |
#1 |
Re:Reply Topic Date Posted:2022-06-06 11:45:44 June 6, 2022
Boris faces a "No Confidence" vote today. Maybe he'll have time to get a haircut. |
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#2 |
Re:Reply Topic Date Posted:2022-06-06 05:43:01 After four days in which we could forget covid and Ukraine and the recession it's back to reality with this political drama. Boris will win the vote, the Tory rebels need 180 out of 359 MPs to force him out and they won't get that. However if the scale of the rebellion is large enough it'll be a millstone around his neck and another vote next year will take place. Just so our colonial members know - if he loses he'll resign and a new Conservative leader and therefore Prime Minister will take over. That process will take us into July, so it won't be an immediate thing. |
#3 |
Re:Reply Topic Date Posted:2022-06-06 07:50:14 It is still a better system than we have. Biden's approval rating is in the mid-30% range & a no confidence would surely get him out. |
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#4 |
Re:Reply Topic Date Posted:2022-06-06 08:38:58 I agree, there ought to be an easier way to remove an inadequate leader other than the almost impossible impeachment process. Over here a party can change leader, a situation Boris is facing now, in an internal vote held once a year if enough MPs want one. Survival now, but with a sizeable minority against, will put Boris on notice to sort things out or they'll try again next year and the vote is unlikely to go his way again. |
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#5 |
Re:Reply Topic Date Posted:2022-06-06 08:42:41 Just heard he won by 211 to 148, so 41% of his MPs voted to remove him as leader, not a good omen for the future. They'll try again next year unless he sorts things out properly. |
#6 |
Re:Reply Topic Date Posted:2022-06-06 11:37:24 I agree, there ought to be an easier way to remove an inadequate leader other than the almost impossible impeachment process. Over here a party can change leader, a situation Boris is facing now, in an internal vote held once a year if enough MPs want one. Survival now, but with a sizeable minority against, will put Boris on notice to sort things out or they'll try again next year and the vote is unlikely to go his way again. In the history of the U.S. only 3 presidents have been impeached. Andrew Johnson, Bill Clinton, & Donald Trump. None have been removed from office. |
#7 |
Re:Reply Topic Date Posted:2022-06-07 10:58:02 The media over here is focusing on the "Partygate" thingy that happened during the pandemic. When the country was shut down with mandates & Boris & company were dancing the night away & having a great old time there at 10 Downing. Now John & Mary Lunchbucket over here may believe that, but Detective Tommy thinks something smells of fish here. There has to be more to it than that. You know something evil & sinister, like Trump trying to throw the election. Fire the head guy over being a party animal????? C'mon now, Truedeau thrives on that, of course he has a better haircut. |
#8 |
Re:Reply Topic Date Posted:2022-06-07 12:41:05 June 2, 1763
Pontiac's Rebellion - The British had kicked the French out of frontier America & had taken over control. However they were much stingier than the French at giving "gifts" to the natives to ensure their support & much more controlling in managing them. Hence the rebellion by Pontiac a chief who managed to unite the tribes. Fort Mackinac Michigan was an important post to secure the area for settlers. The Brits were manning it & watching a game of lacrosse being played by the natives outside the closed gates. A ball was hit over the wall & the Brits foolishly opened the gates to let the redskins retrieve it. Upon gaining entry they slaughtered the redcoats & took possession of the fort. Seems as if this was their plan all along. |
#9 |
Re:Reply Topic Date Posted:2022-06-07 04:19:40 June 7, 1942
Battle of Midway - USS Yorktown CV5 sunk on the last day of the battle. My uncle Joe (by marriage) was on her when she sunk. All he would say is: "I got my feet wet that day." He was also on the next USS Yorktown where he finished the war. |
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#10 |
Re:Reply Topic Date Posted:2022-06-07 05:44:23 The media over here is focusing on the "Partygate" thingy that happened during the pandemic. When the country was shut down with mandates & Boris & company were dancing the night away & having a great old time there at 10 Downing. Now John & Mary Lunchbucket over here may believe that, but Detective Tommy thinks something smells of fish here. There has to be more to it than that. You know something evil & sinister, like Trump trying to throw the election. Fire the head guy over being a party animal????? C'mon now, Trudeau thrives on that, of course he has a better haircut. Boris was issued with a fine for attendance at one "party", but it's not so much his behaviour as the culture he allowed to develop - numerous gatherings when they were banned, that kind of thing and doing nothing to stop it. Also many Tory MPs are dismayed at his high tax policy which is distinctly un-Tory, but we knew all along that the covid lockdown and massive welfare and vaccination programmes had to be paid for, temporary higher taxes appear to be the only answer. For me what annoys me the most is the flawed Brexit he gave us. He promised us that his deal was an "oven ready Brexit" we all believed him and rewarded him with a huge victory at the 2019 Election. Now he tells us that the bit about Northern Ireland is wrong and that we'll have to break the agreement he signed to make it work - so it wasn't a good deal after all then! We were sold a pig in a poke to use an old English term. |
#11 |
Re:Reply Topic Date Posted:2022-06-07 07:13:25 The media over here is focusing on the "Partygate" thingy that happened during the pandemic. When the country was shut down with mandates & Boris & company were dancing the night away & having a great old time there at 10 Downing. Now John & Mary Lunchbucket over here may believe that, but Detective Tommy thinks something smells of fish here. There has to be more to it than that. You know something evil & sinister, like Trump trying to throw the election. Fire the head guy over being a party animal????? C'mon now, Trudeau thrives on that, of course he has a better haircut. Boris was issued with a fine for attendance at one "party", but it's not so much his behaviour as the culture he allowed to develop - numerous gatherings when they were banned, that kind of thing and doing nothing to stop it. Also many Tory MPs are dismayed at his high tax policy which is distinctly un-Tory, but we knew all along that the covid lockdown and massive welfare and vaccination programmes had to be paid for, temporary higher taxes appear to be the only answer. For me what annoys me the most is the flawed Brexit he gave us. He promised us that his deal was an "oven ready Brexit" we all believed him and rewarded him with a huge victory at the 2019 Election. Now he tells us that the bit about Northern Ireland is wrong and that we'll have to break the agreement he signed to make it work - so it wasn't a good deal after all then! We were sold a pig in a poke to use an old English term. Aha, now that's more like it. |
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#12 |
Re:Reply Topic Date Posted:2022-06-15 07:51:39 Boris was issued with a fine for attendance at one "party", but it's not so much his behaviour as the culture he allowed to develop - numerous gatherings when they were banned, that kind of thing and doing nothing to stop it. Also many Tory MPs are dismayed at his high tax policy which is distinctly un-Tory, but we knew all along that the covid lockdown and massive welfare and vaccination programmes had to be paid for, temporary higher taxes appear to be the only answer. For me what annoys me the most is the flawed Brexit he gave us. He promised us that his deal was an "oven ready Brexit" we all believed him and rewarded him with a huge victory at the 2019 Election. Now he tells us that the bit about Northern Ireland is wrong and that we'll have to break the agreement he signed to make it work - so it wasn't a good deal after all then! We were sold a pig in a poke to use an old English term. Aha, now that's more like it. So you see Tommy your not the only country with problems left over from the virus and they are actually problems facing every country in the world. Everything from supply problems to inflation and higher prices from soup to nuts which also includes gas and food and a war in Ukraine. So you can see it's no a Demo problem like you want to push because it would make do different if the Republicans were driving the bus. |
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#13 |
Re:Reply Topic Date Posted:2022-06-15 07:59:38 Boris was issued with a fine for attendance at one "party", but it's not so much his behaviour as the culture he allowed to develop - numerous gatherings when they were banned, that kind of thing and doing nothing to stop it. Also many Tory MPs are dismayed at his high tax policy which is distinctly un-Tory, but we knew all along that the covid lockdown and massive welfare and vaccination programmes had to be paid for, temporary higher taxes appear to be the only answer. For me what annoys me the most is the flawed Brexit he gave us. He promised us that his deal was an "oven ready Brexit" we all believed him and rewarded him with a huge victory at the 2019 Election. Now he tells us that the bit about Northern Ireland is wrong and that we'll have to break the agreement he signed to make it work - so it wasn't a good deal after all then! We were sold a pig in a poke to use an old English term. Aha, now that's more like it. So you see Tommy your not the only country with problems left over from the virus and they are actually problems facing every country in the world. Everything from supply problems to inflation and higher prices from soup to nuts which also includes gas and food and a war in Ukraine. So you can see it's no a Demo problem like you want to push because it would make do different if the Republicans were driving the bus. You must be really suffering from the disappearance of the virus Pete but don't despair, I'm sure they'll be another along soon and lots of oppressive lockdowns! Yummy yummy! |
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#14 |
Re:Reply Topic Date Posted:2022-06-15 08:37:51 There are already small news stories buried away inside the newspapers about a rise in covid cases over here, only bigger news items are keeping them from creating a third (or is it fourth?) covid hysteria. We'll not go back to anywhere near the measures of 2020/21, but I can see a re-imposing of masks in crowded places. |
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#15 |
Re:Reply Topic Date Posted:2022-06-16 12:51:48 Coincidentally I was out with the dog yesterday and met two regulars and covid raised its ugly head. It turned out all of us had had the virus but here's the thing, not a one of us contacted a doctor, we just sat it out. Now, how many hundreds of thousands of us are out there and have never reached the covid fanatic's radar? |
#16 |
Re:Reply Topic Date Posted:2022-06-16 01:07:49 Coincidentally I was out with the dog yesterday and met two regulars and covid raised its ugly head. It turned out all of us had had the virus but here's the thing, not a one of us contacted a doctor, we just sat it out. Now, how many hundreds of thousands of us are out there and have never reached the covid fanatic's radar? About 6 weeks ago I was feeling punk & I called my doctor's office. The receptionist said they were booked & suggested that I go to my local hospital urgent care (emergency room) which I did. I was diagnosed with bronchitis & given a couple of prescriptions which knocked it out. Now to my point, when I went to the hospital the wearing of the mask was required. I was asked the usual questions about covid which I replied negative to all, my temp was taken 97.2 (I'm a cool old dude), but I was never tested for covid. Imagine that? |
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#17 |
Re:Reply Topic Date Posted:2022-06-16 04:18:18 The COVID test costs money. They are secretly hoping you're lying, will go back home, die of the COVID and save the System a lot of money. Our doctors' offices are handing out home tests. Oddly, they didn't do that when the pandemic was raging. I've no desire to shove a q-tip up my nose voluntarily. I don't even want to know where the stick goes to determine if you have monkey pox.
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#18 |
Re:Reply Topic Date Posted:2022-06-16 04:20:24 The smallpox vaccine we all got as children has long since worn off. We were given to believe we were immune forever but we aren't.
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#19 |
Re:Reply Topic Date Posted:2022-06-16 05:43:02 Coincidentally I was out with the dog yesterday and met two regulars and covid raised its ugly head. It turned out all of us had had the virus but here's the thing, not a one of us contacted a doctor, we just sat it out. Now, how many hundreds of thousands of us are out there and have never reached the covid fanatic's radar? About 6 weeks ago I was feeling punk & I called my doctor's office. The receptionist said they were booked & suggested that I go to my local hospital urgent care (emergency room) which I did. I was diagnosed with bronchitis & given a couple of prescriptions which knocked it out. Now to my point, when I went to the hospital the wearing of the mask was required. I was asked the usual questions about covid which I replied negative to all, my temp was taken 97.2 (I'm a cool old dude), but I was never tested for covid. Imagine that? Same here, I had it (or at least I think I did, I didn't take a test) in early April. It was no worse than a bad cold. I think I caught it off my sister's 89 year old father-in-law who I sat with at a late Mother's Day dinner at my sister's house on 3 April. We were told he tested positive a few days later and shortly after that I fell ill. He survived it too even at that age. |
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#20 |
Re:Reply Topic Date Posted:2022-09-23 12:27:04 The COVID test costs money. They are secretly hoping you're lying, will go back home, die of the COVID and save the System a lot of money. Our doctors' offices are handing out home tests. Oddly, they didn't do that when the pandemic was raging. I've no desire to shove a q-tip up my nose voluntarily. I don't even want to know where the stick goes to determine if you have monkey pox. Blame Trump girl for your slow response to the covid. When the pandemic was raging, where was he. Your right, spreading the virus and getting drugs that only the rich could get. I'm sure you have used tampons, so what's the odd stick up your nose going to hurt. Why did America hold the record for money pox cases is what I want to know. |
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